AdvisorClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Advisory

A simple rules engine, that executes the rules in the {Rules} class.

Advisor::addRule() — Method in class Advisor

Adds a rule to the result list

ApplicationClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin
Bookmark::applyVariables() — Method in class Bookmark

Replace the placeholders in the bookmark query with variables

Relation::arePmadbTablesAllDisabled() — Method in class Relation

Verifies that all pmadb features are disabled

Relation::arePmadbTablesDefined() — Method in class Relation

Verifies if all the pmadb tables are defined

FormDisplayTemplate::addJsValidate() — Method in class FormDisplayTemplate

Appends JS validation code to $js_array

$ BaseFormList#allProperty in class BaseFormList

List of all forms

$ PageFormList#allProperty in class PageFormList
$ SetupFormList#allProperty in class SetupFormList
$ UserFormList#allProperty in class UserFormList
$ Settings#authLogProperty in class Settings

Configure authentication logging destination

$ Settings#authLogSuccessProperty in class Settings

Whether to log successful authentication attempts

$ Settings#AllowThirdPartyFramingProperty in class Settings

Allows phpMyAdmin to be included from a other document in a frame; setting this to true is a potential security hole. Setting this to 'sameorigin' prevents phpMyAdmin to be included from another document in a frame, unless that document belongs to the same domain.

$ Settings#AllowUserDropDatabaseProperty in class Settings

show a 'Drop database' link to normal users

$ Settings#AllowArbitraryServerProperty in class Settings

allow login to any user entered server in cookie based authentication

$ Settings#ArbitraryServerRegexpProperty in class Settings

restrict by IP (with regular expression) the MySQL servers the user can enter when $cfg['AllowArbitraryServer'] = true

$ Settings#ActionLinksModeProperty in class Settings

How to display various action links ('icons'|'text'|'both')

$ Settings#AvailableCharsetsProperty in class Settings

Available character sets for MySQL conversion. currently contains all which could be found in lang/* files and few more.

$ Settings#AllowSharedBookmarksProperty in class Settings

Allow shared bookmarks between users

Settings::asArray() — Method in class Settings
$ Console#AlwaysExpandProperty in class Console

Always expand query messages

Console::asArray() — Method in class Console
Debug::asArray() — Method in class Debug
$ Export#as_separate_filesProperty in class Export

Whether to export databases/tables as separate files

$ Export#asfileProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['asfile'] = true;
Export::asArray() — Method in class Export
$ Import#allow_interruptProperty in class Import
$cfg['Import']['allow_interrupt'] = true;
Import::asArray() — Method in class Import
Schema::asArray() — Method in class Schema
$ Server#authTypeProperty in class Server

Authentication method (valid choices: config, http, signon or cookie)

$ Server#authHttpRealmProperty in class Server

HTTP Basic Auth Realm name to display (only used with 'HTTP' auth_type)

$ Server#allowRootProperty in class Server

whether to allow root login

$ Server#allowNoPasswordProperty in class Server

whether to allow login of any user without a password

$ Server#allowDenyProperty in class Server

Host authentication

Server::asArray() — Method in class Server
SqlQueryBox::asArray() — Method in class SqlQueryBox
Transformations::asArray() — Method in class Transformations
AddControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Console\Bookmark
CentralColumnsController::addNewColumn() — Method in class CentralColumnsController
AddPrefixControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Database\Structure
AddPrefixTableControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Database\Structure
AddControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Database\Structure\CentralColumns
AddNewPrimaryControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Normalization
AccountLockControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Server\Privileges
AccountUnlockControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Server\Privileges
AbstractControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Server\Status
AdvisorControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Server\Status

Displays the advisor feature

AddFieldControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Table

Displays add field form and handles it.

ChartController::ajax() — Method in class ChartController

Handle ajax request

AnalyzeControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Table\Maintenance
AnalyzeControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Table\Partition
AbstractIndexControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Table\Structure
AddIndexControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Table\Structure
AddKeyControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Table\Structure
Core::arrayRead() — Method in class Core

Returns value of an element in $array given by $path.

Core::arrayWrite() — Method in class Core

Stores value in an array

Core::arrayRemove() — Method in class Core

Removes value from an array

DatabaseInterface::affectedRows() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

returns the number of rows affected by last query

Common::addNewRelation() — Method in class Common

Adds a new foreign relation

DbalInterface::affectedRows() — Method in class DbalInterface

returns the number of rows affected by last query

DbiExtension::affectedRows() — Method in class DbiExtension

returns the number of rows affected by last query

DbiMysqli::affectedRows() — Method in class DbiMysqli

returns the number of rows affected by last query

ErrorHandler::addError() — Method in class ErrorHandler

Add an error; can also be called directly (with or without escaping)

AuthenticationFailureClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Exceptions
AuthenticationPluginExceptionClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Exceptions
RecentFavoriteTables::add() — Method in class RecentFavoriteTables
FlashMessenger::addMessage() — Method in class FlashMessenger
Polygon::area() — Method in class Polygon

Calculates the area of a closed simple polygon.

GisVisualization::asSVG() — Method in class GisVisualization

Get the visualization as a SVG.

GisVisualization::asOl() — Method in class GisVisualization

Get the data for visualization with OpenLayers.

ApplicationHandlerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Http\Handler
QueueRequestHandler::add() — Method in class QueueRequestHandler
AuthenticationClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Http\Middleware
LanguageManager::availableLocales() — Method in class LanguageManager

Returns (cached) list of all available locales

LanguageManager::availableLanguages() — Method in class LanguageManager

Returns (cached) list of all available languages

LanguageManager::activate() — Method in class LanguageManager

Activates given translation

ImageWrapper::arc() — Method in class ImageWrapper
AjaxClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Import

Handles plugins that show the upload progress.

AnalysedColumnClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Import
Import::analyzeTable() — Method in class Import

Determines if the column types are int, decimal, or string

Index::addColumn() — Method in class Index

Add column to index

Index::addColumns() — Method in class Index

Adds a list of columns to the index

IpAllowDeny::allow() — Method in class IpAllowDeny

Runs through IP Allow rules the use of it below for more information

$ Message#addedMessagesProperty in class Message

holds additional messages

Message::addParam() — Method in class Message

add string or Message parameter

Message::addParamHtml() — Method in class Message

add parameter as raw HTML, usually in conjunction with strings

Message::addMessages() — Method in class Message

add a bunch of messages at once

Message::addMessagesString() — Method in class Message

add a bunch of messages at once

Message::addMessage() — Method in class Message

add another raw message to be concatenated on displaying

Message::addText() — Method in class Message

add another raw message to be concatenated on displaying

Message::addHtml() — Method in class Message

add another html message to be concatenated on displaying

Node::addChild() — Method in class Node

Adds a child node to this node

Operations::adjustPrivilegesMoveDb() — Method in class Operations

Adjust the privileges after Renaming the db

Operations::adjustPrivilegesCopyDb() — Method in class Operations

Adjust the privileges after Copying the db

Operations::adjustPrivilegesRenameOrMoveTable() — Method in class Operations

Adjust the privileges after renaming/moving a table

Operations::adjustPrivilegesCopyTable() — Method in class Operations

Adjust the privileges after copying a table

Maintenance::analyze() — Method in class Maintenance
Partition::addSubPartition() — Method in class Partition

Add a sub partition

$ Pdf#aliasProperty in class Pdf
AuthenticationConfigClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Auth

Handles the config authentication method

AuthenticationCookieClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Auth

Handles the cookie authentication method

AuthenticationHttpClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Auth

Handles the HTTP authentication methods

AuthenticationHttp::authForm() — Method in class AuthenticationHttp

Displays authentication form

AuthenticationSignonClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Auth

Handles the SignOn authentication method

AuthenticationPluginClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins

Provides a common interface that will have to be implemented by all the authentication plugins.

AuthenticationPlugin::authenticate() — Method in class AuthenticationPlugin

High level authentication interface

AuthenticationPluginFactoryClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins
AbstractImportCsvClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Import

Super class of the import plugins for the CSV format

SchemaPlugin::addCommonOptions() — Method in class SchemaPlugin

Adds export options common to all plugins.

$ Svg#authorProperty in class Svg
TransformationsInterface::applyTransformation() — Method in class TransformationsInterface

Does the actual work of each specific transformations plugin.

TransformationsInterface::applyTransformationNoWrap() — Method in class TransformationsInterface

Returns true if the element requires no wrapping

TransformationsPlugin::applyTransformationNoWrap() — Method in class TransformationsPlugin

Returns true if the element requires no wrapping

Bool2TextTransformationsPlugin::applyTransformation() — Method in class Bool2TextTransformationsPlugin

Does the actual work of each specific transformations plugin.

CodeMirrorEditorTransformationPlugin::applyTransformation() — Method in class CodeMirrorEditorTransformationPlugin

Does the actual work of each specific transformations plugin.

DateFormatTransformationsPlugin::applyTransformation() — Method in class DateFormatTransformationsPlugin

Does the actual work of each specific transformations plugin.

DownloadTransformationsPlugin::applyTransformation() — Method in class DownloadTransformationsPlugin

Does the actual work of each specific transformations plugin.

ExternalTransformationsPlugin::applyTransformationNoWrap() — Method in class ExternalTransformationsPlugin

Enables no-wrapping

ExternalTransformationsPlugin::applyTransformation() — Method in class ExternalTransformationsPlugin

Does the actual work of each specific transformations plugin.

FormattedTransformationsPlugin::applyTransformation() — Method in class FormattedTransformationsPlugin

Does the actual work of each specific transformations plugin.

HexTransformationsPlugin::applyTransformation() — Method in class HexTransformationsPlugin

Does the actual work of each specific transformations plugin.

ImageLinkTransformationsPlugin::applyTransformation() — Method in class ImageLinkTransformationsPlugin

Does the actual work of each specific transformations plugin.

ImageUploadTransformationsPlugin::applyTransformation() — Method in class ImageUploadTransformationsPlugin

Does the actual work of each specific transformations plugin.

InlineTransformationsPlugin::applyTransformation() — Method in class InlineTransformationsPlugin

Does the actual work of each specific transformations plugin.

LongToIPv4TransformationsPlugin::applyTransformation() — Method in class LongToIPv4TransformationsPlugin

Does the actual work of each specific transformations plugin.

PreApPendTransformationsPlugin::applyTransformation() — Method in class PreApPendTransformationsPlugin

Does the actual work of each specific transformations plugin.

RegexValidationTransformationsPlugin::applyTransformation() — Method in class RegexValidationTransformationsPlugin

Does the actual work of each specific transformations plugin.

SQLTransformationsPlugin::applyTransformation() — Method in class SQLTransformationsPlugin

Does the actual work of each specific transformations plugin.

SubstringTransformationsPlugin::applyTransformation() — Method in class SubstringTransformationsPlugin

Does the actual work of each specific transformations plugin.

TextFileUploadTransformationsPlugin::applyTransformation() — Method in class TextFileUploadTransformationsPlugin

Does the actual work of each specific transformations plugin.

TextImageLinkTransformationsPlugin::applyTransformation() — Method in class TextImageLinkTransformationsPlugin

Does the actual work of each specific transformations plugin.

TextLinkTransformationsPlugin::applyTransformation() — Method in class TextLinkTransformationsPlugin

Does the actual work of each specific transformations plugin.

Text_Plain_Iptobinary::applyTransformation() — Method in class Text_Plain_Iptobinary

Does the actual work of each specific transformations plugin.

Text_Plain_Iptolong::applyTransformation() — Method in class Text_Plain_Iptolong

Does the actual work of each specific transformations plugin.

Application_Octetstream_DownloadClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Transformations\Output

Handles the download transformation for application octetstream

Application_Octetstream_HexClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Transformations\Output

Handles the hex transformation for application octetstream

Text_Plain_Binarytoip::applyTransformation() — Method in class Text_Plain_Binarytoip

Does the actual work of each specific transformations plugin.

Text_Plain_Json::applyTransformation() — Method in class Text_Plain_Json

Does the actual work of each specific transformations plugin.

Text_Plain_Xml::applyTransformation() — Method in class Text_Plain_Xml

Does the actual work of each specific transformations plugin.

ApplicationClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\TwoFactor

HOTP and TOTP based two-factor authentication

OptionsPropertyGroup::addProperty() — Method in class OptionsPropertyGroup

Adds a property to the group of properties

ResponseRenderer::addHTML() — Method in class ResponseRenderer

Append HTML code to the current output buffer

ResponseRenderer::addJSON() — Method in class ResponseRenderer

Add JSON code to the response

ResponseRenderer::addHeader() — Method in class ResponseRenderer
ResponseRenderer::addScriptFiles() — Method in class ResponseRenderer
Scripts::addFile() — Method in class Scripts

Adds a new file to the list of scripts

Scripts::addFiles() — Method in class Scripts

Add new files to the list of scripts

Scripts::addCode() — Method in class Scripts

Adds a new code snippet to the code to be executed

Privileges::addUser() — Method in class Privileges

update Data for information: Adds a user

Privileges::addUserAndCreateDatabase() — Method in class Privileges

Prepares queries for adding users and also create database and return query and message

AccountLockingClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Server\Privileges
$ Data#allocationMapProperty in class Data
$ ThemeManager#activeThemeProperty in class ThemeManager
Tracker::activateTracking() — Method in class Tracker

Activates tracking of a table.

AssetExtensionClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Twig
$ TwoFactor#availableProperty in class TwoFactor
UserPreferences::apply() — Method in class UserPreferences

Returns a user preferences array filtered by $cfg['UserprefsDisallow'] (exclude list) and keys from user preferences form (allow list)

UserPreferences::autoloadGetHeader() — Method in class UserPreferences

Shows form which allows to quickly load settings stored in browser's local storage

Util::addMicroseconds() — Method in class Util

Add fractional seconds to time, datetime and timestamp strings.


Advisor::byTime() — Method in class Advisor

Formats interval like 10 per hour

BookmarkClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Bookmarks

Handles bookmarking SQL queries

BookmarkRepositoryClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Bookmarks

Handles bookmarking SQL queries

BrowseForeignersClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin

PhpMyAdmin\BrowseForeigners class

$ Config#baseSettingsProperty in class Config
BookmarkFeatureClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\ConfigStorage\Features
BrowserTransformationFeatureClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\ConfigStorage\Features
Relation::buildForeignDropdown() — Method in class Relation

Prepares the dropdown for one mode

BaseFormClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Config\Forms

Base form for user preferences

BaseFormListClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Config\Forms
BrowseFormClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Config\Forms\Page
$ Settings#blowfish_secretProperty in class Settings

The 'cookie' auth_type uses the Sodium extension to encrypt the cookies. If at least one server configuration uses 'cookie' auth_type, enter here a generated string of random bytes to be used as an encryption key. The encryption key must be 32 bytes long.

$ Settings#BZipDumpProperty in class Settings

Allow for the use of bzip2 decompression (requires bz2 extension)

$ Settings#BrowsePointerEnableProperty in class Settings

enable the browse pointer

$ Settings#BrowseMarkerEnableProperty in class Settings

enable the browse marker

$ Settings#BrowseMIMEProperty in class Settings

Use MIME-Types (stored in column comments table) for

$ Server#bookmarkTableProperty in class Server

Bookmark table

  • leave blank for no bookmark support SUGGESTED: 'pma__bookmark'
$ Transformations#Bool2TextProperty in class Transformations

Converts Boolean values to text (default 'T' and 'F').

BrowseForeignersControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers

Display selection for relational field values

BinlogControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Server

Handles viewing binary logs

BrowseControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Table\Structure
Routines::backupPrivileges() — Method in class Routines

Backup the privileges

BdbClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Engines

The BDB storage engine

BerkeleydbClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Engines

This is same as BDB

BinlogClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Engines

The binary log storage engine

$ Error#backtraceProperty in class Error

Holds the backtrace for this error

Import::buildSql() — Method in class Import

Builds and executes SQL statements to create the database and tables as necessary, as well as insert all the data.

ListDatabase::build() — Method in class ListDatabase

builds up the list

Bool2TextTransformationsPluginClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Transformations\Abs

Provides common methods for all of the Bool2Text transformations plugins.

BoolPropertyItemClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\Items

Single property item class of type bool

Generator::buildInsertSqlQuery() — Method in class Generator

Builds the SQL insert query

BaseClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Server\SysInfo

Basic SysInfo class not providing any real data.

Search::buildSqlQuery() — Method in class Search

Builds the sql search query from the post parameters

$ TwoFactor#backendProperty in class TwoFactor
Url::buildHttpQuery() — Method in class Url
$ UrlParams#backProperty in class UrlParams
Util::backquote() — Method in class Util

Adds backquotes on both sides of a database, table or field name.

Util::backquoteCompat() — Method in class Util

Adds backquotes on both sides of a database, table or field name.

FormatConverter::binaryToIp() — Method in class FormatConverter

Transforms a binary to an IP


BookmarkRepository::createBookmark() — Method in class BookmarkRepository

Creates a Bookmark object from the parameters

CacheClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin

Cache values

CharsetsClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin

Class used to manage MySQL charsets

CharsetClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Charsets

Value object class for a character set

CollationClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Charsets

Value object class for a collation

ColumnClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin
ColumnFullClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin
CacheWarmupCommandClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Command
CacheWarmupCommand::configure() — Method in class CacheWarmupCommand
FixPoTwigCommand::configure() — Method in class FixPoTwigCommand
SetVersionCommand::configure() — Method in class SetVersionCommand
TwigLintCommand::configure() — Method in class TwigLintCommand
WriteGitRevisionCommand::configure() — Method in class WriteGitRevisionCommand
ConfigClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin

Configuration handling

$ Config#configProperty in class Config
Config::checkSystem() — Method in class Config

sets system and application settings

Config::checkOutputCompression() — Method in class Config

whether to use gzip output compression or not

Config::checkClient() — Method in class Config

Determines platform (OS), browser and version of the user Based on a phpBuilder article:

Config::checkGd2() — Method in class Config

Whether GD2 is present

Config::checkWebServerOs() — Method in class Config

Whether the os php is running on is windows or not

Config::checkConfigSource() — Method in class Config
Config::checkPermissions() — Method in class Config

verifies the permissions on config file (if asked by configuration) (must be called after config.inc.php has been merged)

Config::checkErrors() — Method in class Config

Checks for errors (must be called after config.inc.php has been merged)

Config::checkUpload() — Method in class Config

checks if upload is enabled

Config::checkUploadSize() — Method in class Config

Maximum upload size as limited by PHP Used with permission from Moodle (https://moodle.org/) by Martin Dougiamas

CentralColumnsFeatureClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\ConfigStorage\Features
ColumnCommentsFeatureClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\ConfigStorage\Features
ConfigurableMenusFeatureClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\ConfigStorage\Features
Relation::canAccessStorageTable() — Method in class Relation

Check if the table is accessible

Relation::createPage() — Method in class Relation

Create a PDF page

Relation::checkChildForeignReferences() — Method in class Relation

Check child table references and foreign key for a table column.

Relation::createPmaDatabase() — Method in class Relation

Create a database to be used as configuration storage

RelationCleanup::column() — Method in class RelationCleanup

Cleanup column related relation stuff

ConfigFileClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Config

Config file management class.

Form::cleanGroupPaths() — Method in class Form

Remove slashes from group names

ConfigFormClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Config\Forms\Setup
$ Settings#CodemirrorEnableProperty in class Settings

use CodeMirror syntax highlighting for editing SQL

$ Settings#ConfirmProperty in class Settings

confirm some commands that can result in loss of data

$ Settings#CookieSameSiteProperty in class Settings

sets SameSite attribute of the Set-Cookie HTTP response header

$ Settings#CaptchaMethodProperty in class Settings

To enable reCaptcha v2 checkbox mode if necessary

$ Settings#CaptchaApiProperty in class Settings

URL for the reCaptcha v2 compatible API to use

$ Settings#CaptchaCspProperty in class Settings

Content-Security-Policy snippet for the reCaptcha v2 compatible API

$ Settings#CaptchaRequestParamProperty in class Settings

reCaptcha API's request parameter name

$ Settings#CaptchaResponseParamProperty in class Settings

reCaptcha API's response parameter name

$ Settings#CaptchaLoginPublicKeyProperty in class Settings

if reCaptcha is enabled it needs public key to connect with the service

$ Settings#CaptchaLoginPrivateKeyProperty in class Settings

if reCaptcha is enabled it needs private key to connect with the service

$ Settings#CaptchaSiteVerifyURLProperty in class Settings

if reCaptcha is enabled may need an URL for site verify

$ Settings#CharEditingProperty in class Settings

Which editor should be used for CHAR/VARCHAR fields: input - allows limiting of input length textarea - allows newlines in fields

$ Settings#CompressOnFlyProperty in class Settings

Will compress gzip exports on the fly without the need for much memory.

$ Settings#CharTextareaColsProperty in class Settings

textarea size (columns) for CHAR/VARCHAR

$ Settings#CharTextareaRowsProperty in class Settings

textarea size (rows) for CHAR/VARCHAR

$ Settings#CheckConfigurationPermissionsProperty in class Settings

We normally check the permissions on the configuration file to ensure it's not world writable. However, phpMyAdmin could be installed on a NTFS filesystem mounted on a non-Windows server, in which case the permissions seems wrong but in fact cannot be detected. In this case a sysadmin would set the following to false.

$ Settings#CSPAllowProperty in class Settings

Additional string to allow in CSP headers.

$ Settings#ConsoleEnterExecutesProperty in class Settings

Whether Enter or Ctrl+Enter executes queries in the console.

$ Settings#ConsoleProperty in class Settings

Console configuration

ConsoleClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Config\Settings

Console settings

$ Console#CurrentQueryProperty in class Console

Show current browsing query

$ Export#compressionProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['compression'] = 'none';
$ Export#charsetProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['charset'] = '';
$ Export#codegen_structure_or_dataProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['codegen_structure_or_data'] = 'data';
$ Export#codegen_formatProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['codegen_format'] = 0;
$ Export#csv_columnsProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['csv_columns'] = true;
$ Export#csv_structure_or_dataProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['csv_structure_or_data'] = 'data';
$ Export#csv_nullProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['csv_null'] = 'NULL';
$ Export#csv_separatorProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['csv_separator'] = ',';
$ Export#csv_enclosedProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['csv_enclosed'] = '"';
$ Export#csv_escapedProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['csv_escaped'] = '"';
$ Export#csv_terminatedProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['csv_terminated'] = 'AUTO';
$ Export#csv_removeCRLFProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['csv_removeCRLF'] = false;
$ Import#charsetProperty in class Import

Default charset for import.

$ Import#csv_replaceProperty in class Import
$cfg['Import']['csv_replace'] = false;
$ Import#csv_ignoreProperty in class Import
$cfg['Import']['csv_ignore'] = false;
$ Import#csv_terminatedProperty in class Import
$cfg['Import']['csv_terminated'] = ',';
$ Import#csv_enclosedProperty in class Import
$cfg['Import']['csv_enclosed'] = '"';
$ Import#csv_escapedProperty in class Import
$cfg['Import']['csv_escaped'] = '"';
$ Import#csv_new_lineProperty in class Import
$cfg['Import']['csv_new_line'] = 'auto';
$ Import#csv_columnsProperty in class Import
$cfg['Import']['csv_columns'] = '';
$ Import#csv_col_namesProperty in class Import
$cfg['Import']['csv_col_names'] = false;
$ Server#compressProperty in class Server

Use compressed protocol for the MySQL connection

$ Server#controlHostProperty in class Server

MySQL control host. This permits to use a host different from the main host, for the phpMyAdmin configuration storage. If left empty, $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] is used instead.

$ Server#controlPortProperty in class Server

MySQL control port. This permits to use a port different from the main port, for the phpMyAdmin configuration storage. If left empty, $cfg['Servers'][$i]['port'] is used instead.

$ Server#controlUserProperty in class Server

MySQL control user settings (this user must have read-only access to the "mysql/user" and "mysql/db" tables). The controluser is also used for all relational features (pmadb)

$ Server#controlPassProperty in class Server

MySQL control user settings (this user must have read-only access to the "mysql/user" and "mysql/db" tables). The controluser is also used for all relational features (pmadb)

$ Server#controlSocketProperty in class Server
$ Server#controlSslProperty in class Server
$ Server#controlSslKeyProperty in class Server
$ Server#controlSslCertProperty in class Server
$ Server#controlSslCaProperty in class Server
$ Server#controlSslCaPathProperty in class Server
$ Server#controlSslCiphersProperty in class Server
$ Server#controlSslVerifyProperty in class Server
$ Server#controlCompressProperty in class Server
$ Server#controlHideConnectionErrorsProperty in class Server
$ Server#columnInfoProperty in class Server

table to store column information

  • leave blank for no column comments/mime types SUGGESTED: 'pma__column_info'
$ Server#centralColumnsProperty in class Server

table to store central list of columns per database

  • leave blank to disable central list of columns feature SUGGESTED: 'pma__central_columns'
ConsoleClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin

Class used to output the console

ContainerBuilderClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Container
$ ContainerBuilder#containerProperty in class ContainerBuilder
ChangeLogControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers
CheckRelationsControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers

Displays status of phpMyAdmin configuration storage

CollationConnectionControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers
ColumnControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers
CentralColumnsControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Database
ChangePrefixFormControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Database\Structure
CopyFormControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Database\Structure
CopyTableControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Database\Structure
CopyTableWithPrefixControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Database\Structure
CheckTimeOutControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Export
CreateControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Export\Template
CreateNewColumnControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Normalization
CreateNewTablesControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Normalization\SecondNormalForm
CreateNewTablesControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Normalization\ThirdNormalForm
CollationControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Operations\Database
CollationsControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Server

Handles viewing character sets and collations

CreateControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Server\Databases
ChartingDataControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Server\Status\Monitor
ConfigControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Setup
ColumnPreferencesControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Sql
ChangeControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Table

Displays form for editing and inserting new table rows.

ChangeRowsControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Table
ChartControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Table

Handles creation of the chart.

CreateControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Table

Displays table create form and handles it.

CheckControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Table\Maintenance
ChecksumControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Table\Maintenance
CheckControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Table\Partition
CentralColumnsAddControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Table\Structure
CentralColumnsRemoveControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Table\Structure
ChangeControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Table\Structure
CreateControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\View

Handles creation of VIEWs.

CoreClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin

Core functions used all over the scripts.

Core::checkPageValidity() — Method in class Core

Checks if the given $page is index.php and returns true if valid.

Core::checkSqlQuerySignature() — Method in class Core

Check that the sql query has a valid hmac signature

CreateAddFieldClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin

Set of functions for /table/create and /table/add-field

CryptoClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Crypto
CurrentClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin
DatabaseInterface::connect() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

Connects to the database server.

CentralColumnsClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Database
ColumnInfoClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Database\Designer
CommonClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Database\Designer

Common functions for Designer

Common::createNewPage() — Method in class Common

Creates a new page and returns its auto-incrementing id

Routines::create() — Method in class Routines

Create the routine

ConnectionClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Dbal
ConnectionExceptionClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Dbal
DbalInterface::connect() — Method in class DbalInterface

Connects to the database server.

DbiExtension::connect() — Method in class DbiExtension

Connects to the database server.

DbiMysqli::connect() — Method in class DbiMysqli

Connects to the database server.

$ Warning#codeProperty in class Warning
Encoding::convertString() — Method in class Encoding

Converts encoding of text according to parameters with detected conversion function.

Encoding::canConvertKanji() — Method in class Encoding

Detects whether Kanji encoding is available

ErrorHandler::countErrors() — Method in class ErrorHandler

return count of errors

ErrorHandler::countUserErrors() — Method in class ErrorHandler
ConfigExceptionClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Exceptions
Export::closeFile() — Method in class Export

Close the export file

Export::compress() — Method in class Export

Compress the export buffer

TemplateModel::create() — Method in class TemplateModel
RecentFavoriteTables::contains() — Method in class RecentFavoriteTables

Function to check if a table is already in favorite list.

$ FieldMetadata#charsetnrProperty in class FieldMetadata

The charset number

$ File#contentProperty in class File
$ File#compressionProperty in class File
$ File#chunkSizeProperty in class File
$ File#charsetProperty in class File
File::cleanUp() — Method in class File

deletes file if it is temporary, usually from a moved upload file

File::checkTblChangeForm() — Method in class File

checks the superglobals provided if the tbl_change form is submitted and uses the submitted/selected file

File::checkUploadedFile() — Method in class File

If we are on a server with open_basedir, we must move the file before opening it. The FAQ 1.11 explains how to create the "./tmp" directory - if needed

File::close() — Method in class File

Closes the file

Git::checkGitRevision() — Method in class Git

detects Git revision, if running inside repo

ResponseFactory::createResponse() — Method in class ResponseFactory
ResponseFactory::create() — Method in class ResponseFactory
ServerRequestFactory::createServerRequest() — Method in class ServerRequestFactory
ServerRequestFactory::create() — Method in class ServerRequestFactory
UriFactory::createUri() — Method in class UriFactory
UriFactory::create() — Method in class UriFactory
ConfigErrorAndPermissionCheckingClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Http\Middleware

Check for errors occurred while loading configuration.

ConfigLoadingClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Http\Middleware
CurrentServerGlobalSettingClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Http\Middleware
TokenRequestParamChecking::checkTokenRequestParam() — Method in class TokenRequestParamChecking
Language::cmp() — Method in class Language

Compare function used for sorting

ImageWrapper::create() — Method in class ImageWrapper
ImageWrapper::colorAllocate() — Method in class ImageWrapper
ImageWrapper::copyResampled() — Method in class ImageWrapper
Import::checkTimeout() — Method in class Import

Checks whether timeout is getting close

Import::checkIfRollbackPossible() — Method in class Import

Checks if ROLLBACK is possible for a SQL query or not.

Import::createDatabase() — Method in class Import
$ ImportSettings#charsetConversionProperty in class ImportSettings
$ ImportSettings#charsetOfFileProperty in class ImportSettings
ListDatabase::checkHideDatabase() — Method in class ListDatabase

checks if the configuration wants to hide some databases

ListDatabase::checkOnlyDatabase() — Method in class ListDatabase

checks the only_db configuration

$ Node#childrenProperty in class Node
$ Node#classesProperty in class Node
Normalization::createNewTablesFor2NF() — Method in class Normalization

create/alter the tables needed for 2NF

Normalization::createNewTablesFor3NF() — Method in class Normalization

create new tables or alter existing to get 3NF

OpenDocument::create() — Method in class OpenDocument

Minimalistic creator of OASIS OpenDocument

Operations::createDbBeforeCopy() — Method in class Operations

Create database before copy

Operations::copyTables() — Method in class Operations

Get sql query for copy/rename table and boolean for whether copy/rename or not

Operations::createAllAccumulatedConstraints() — Method in class Operations

Create all accumulated constraints

Operations::changeAllColumnsCollation() — Method in class Operations

Change all collations and character sets of all columns in table

Maintenance::check() — Method in class Maintenance
$ SubPartition#commentProperty in class SubPartition
Plugins::checkboxCheck() — Method in class Plugins

Returns html input tag option 'checked' if plugin $opt should be set by config or request

AuthenticationCookie::cookieEncrypt() — Method in class AuthenticationCookie
AuthenticationCookie::cookieDecrypt() — Method in class AuthenticationCookie
AuthenticationPlugin::checkRules() — Method in class AuthenticationPlugin

Check configuration defined restrictions for authentication

AuthenticationPlugin::checkTwoFactor() — Method in class AuthenticationPlugin

Checks whether two-factor authentication is active for given user and performs it.

AuthenticationPluginFactory::create() — Method in class AuthenticationPluginFactory
ExportCodegen::cgMakeIdentifier() — Method in class ExportCodegen

Used to make identifiers (from table or database names)

ExportPhparray::commentString() — Method in class ExportPhparray

Removes end of comment from a string

Pdf::checkPageBreak() — Method in class Pdf

Add page if needed.

$ TableStatsEps#currentCellProperty in class TableStatsEps
$ Pdf#customLinksProperty in class Pdf
$ Pdf#cMarginProperty in class Pdf
Pdf::cellScale() — Method in class Pdf

Outputs a scaled cell

$ TableStatsSvg#currentCellProperty in class TableStatsSvg
CodeMirrorEditorTransformationPluginClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Transformations\Abs

Provides common methods for all the CodeMirror syntax highlighted editors

TwoFactorPlugin::check() — Method in class TwoFactorPlugin

Checks authentication, returns true on success

TwoFactorPlugin::configure() — Method in class TwoFactorPlugin

Performs backend configuration

Application::check() — Method in class Application

Checks authentication, returns true on success

Application::configure() — Method in class Application

Performs backend configuration

Invalid::check() — Method in class Invalid

Checks authentication, returns true on success

Key::check() — Method in class Key

Checks authentication, returns true on success

Key::configure() — Method in class Key

Performs backend configuration

Simple::check() — Method in class Simple

Checks authentication, returns true on success

WebAuthn::check() — Method in class WebAuthn

Checks authentication, returns true on success

WebAuthn::configure() — Method in class WebAuthn

Performs backend configuration

Profiling::check() — Method in class Profiling

Check if profiling was requested and remember it.

OptionsPropertyGroup::count() — Method in class OptionsPropertyGroup

Countable interface implementation.

CacheClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Query

Handles caching results

Cache::cacheTableData() — Method in class Cache

Caches table data so Table does not require to issue SHOW TABLE STATUS again

Cache::cacheTableValue() — Method in class Cache

Set an item in the cache

Cache::clearTableCache() — Method in class Cache
CompatibilityClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Query

Handles data compatibility from SQL query results

Replication::connectToPrimary() — Method in class Replication

This function provides connection to remote mysql server

ResponseRenderer::callExit() — Method in class ResponseRenderer
ResponseRenderer::checkParameters() — Method in class ResponseRenderer

Function added to avoid path disclosures.

Routes::collect() — Method in class Routes
Routing::canWriteCache() — Method in class Routing
Routing::callControllerForRoute() — Method in class Routing

Call associated controller for a route using the dispatcher

Routing::callSetupController() — Method in class Routing
Sanitize::checkLink() — Method in class Sanitize

Checks whether given link is valid

Sanitize::convertBBCode() — Method in class Sanitize

Sanitizes $message, taking into account our special codes for formatting.

Data::cleanDeprecated() — Method in class Data

cleanup of some deprecated values

ConfigGeneratorClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Setup

Config file generation class

SetupHelper::createConfigFile() — Method in class SetupHelper
Sql::calculatePosForLastPage() — Method in class Sql

Function to calculate new pos if pos is higher than number of rows of displayed table

$ StorageEngine#commentProperty in class StorageEngine
ColumnsDefinitionClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Table

Displays the form used to define the structure of the table

Table::checkIfMinRecordsExist() — Method in class Table

Checks if the number of records in a table is at least equal to $min_records

Table::countRecords() — Method in class Table

Counts the number of records in a table

Theme::checkImgPath() — Method in class Theme

checks image path for existence - if not found use img from fallback theme

Theme::checkVersion() — Method in class Theme

checks theme version against $version returns true if theme version is equal or higher to $version

$ ThemeManager#cookieNameProperty in class ThemeManager
ThemeManager::checkTheme() — Method in class ThemeManager

checks if given theme name is a known theme

Tracker::createVersion() — Method in class Tracker

Creates tracking version of a table / view (in other words: create a job to track future changes on the table).

Tracker::createDatabaseVersion() — Method in class Tracker

Creates tracking version of a database (in other words: create a job to track future changes on the database).

Tracking::changeTrackingData() — Method in class Tracking

Changes tracking data of a table.

Tracking::changeTracking() — Method in class Tracking

Function to activate or deactivate tracking

Tracking::createTrackingVersion() — Method in class Tracking

Function to create the tracking version

Tracking::createTrackingForMultipleTables() — Method in class Tracking

Create tracking version for multiple tables

Transformations::clear() — Method in class Transformations

Delete related transformation details after deleting database. table or column

CoreExtensionClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Twig
TransExpression::compile() — Method in class TransExpression
$ TwoFactor#configProperty in class TwoFactor
TwoFactor::check() — Method in class TwoFactor

Checks authentication, returns true on success

TwoFactor::configure() — Method in class TwoFactor

Changes two-factor authentication settings

UserPassword::changePassword() — Method in class UserPassword

Change the password

UserPrivilegesFactory::checkRequiredPrivilegesForAdjust() — Method in class UserPrivilegesFactory

Check if user has required privileges for performing 'Adjust privileges' operations

Util::clearUserCache() — Method in class Util

Clears cache content which needs to be refreshed on user change.

Util::convertBitDefaultValue() — Method in class Util

Converts a BIT type default value for example, b'010' becomes 010

Util::currentUserHasPrivilege() — Method in class Util

Checks if the current user has a specific privilege and returns true if the user indeed has that privilege or false if they don't. This function must only be used for features that are available since MySQL 5, because it relies on the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database to be present.

Gis::convertToWellKnownText() — Method in class Gis

Converts GIS data to Well Known Text format

Gis::createData() — Method in class Gis

Generates GIS data based on the string passed.

HttpRequest::create() — Method in class HttpRequest

Creates HTTP request

CBORDecoderClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\WebAuthn

Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) decoder.

CustomServerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\WebAuthn

Web Authentication API server.

ZipExtension::createFile() — Method in class ZipExtension

Creates a zip file.


Bookmark::delete() — Method in class Bookmark

Deletes a bookmark

$ Config#defaultProperty in class Config
DatabaseDesignerSettingsFeatureClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\ConfigStorage\Features
DisplayFeatureClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\ConfigStorage\Features
RelationCleanup::database() — Method in class RelationCleanup

Cleanup database related relation stuff

UserGroups::delete() — Method in class UserGroups
DescriptionsClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Config

Class to get name or description for a configuration paths

$ Form#defaultProperty in class Form

Stores default values for some fields (eg. pmadb tables)

FormDisplay::displayErrors() — Method in class FormDisplay

Displays errors

FormDisplayTemplate::displayInput() — Method in class FormDisplayTemplate

Displays input field

FormDisplayTemplate::displayGroupHeader() — Method in class FormDisplayTemplate

Display group header

FormDisplayTemplate::displayGroupFooter() — Method in class FormDisplayTemplate

Display group footer

FormDisplayTemplate::displayErrors() — Method in class FormDisplayTemplate

Displays error list

FormDisplayTemplate::display() — Method in class FormDisplayTemplate
BaseFormList::displayErrors() — Method in class BaseFormList

Displays errors

DbStructureFormClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Config\Forms\Page
$ Settings#DisplayServersListProperty in class Settings

server choice as links

$ Settings#DefaultForeignKeyChecksProperty in class Settings

Whether to disable foreign key checks while importing

$ Settings#DefaultTabServerProperty in class Settings

Possible values: 'welcome' = the welcome page (recommended for multiuser setups) 'databases' = list of databases 'status' = runtime information 'variables' = MySQL server variables 'privileges' = user management

$ Settings#DefaultTabDatabaseProperty in class Settings

Possible values: 'structure' = tables list 'sql' = SQL form 'search' = search query 'operations' = operations on database

$ Settings#DefaultTabTableProperty in class Settings

Possible values: 'structure' = fields list 'sql' = SQL form 'search' = search page 'insert' = insert row page 'browse' = browse page

$ Settings#DefaultLangProperty in class Settings

Default language to use, if not browser-defined or user-defined

$ Settings#DefaultConnectionCollationProperty in class Settings

Default connection collation

$ Settings#DefaultQueryTableProperty in class Settings

Default query for table

$ Settings#DefaultQueryDatabaseProperty in class Settings

Default query for database

$ Settings#DisableMultiTableMaintenanceProperty in class Settings

Disable the table maintenance mass operations, like optimizing or repairing the selected tables of a database. An accidental execution of such a maintenance task can enormously slow down a bigger database.

$ Settings#debugProperty in class Settings

Developers ONLY!

$ Settings#DefaultFunctionsProperty in class Settings

Default functions for above defined groups

$ Settings#DisableShortcutKeysProperty in class Settings

Disable shortcuts

$ Settings#DefaultTransformationsProperty in class Settings

Initialize default transformations array

$ Console#DarkThemeProperty in class Console

Switch to dark theme

DebugClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Config\Settings
$ Debug#demoProperty in class Debug

Enable to let server present itself as demo server.

$ Schema#dia_show_colorProperty in class Schema
$cfg['Schema']['dia_show_color'] = true;
$ Schema#dia_show_keysProperty in class Schema
$cfg['Schema']['dia_show_keys'] = false;
$ Schema#dia_orientationProperty in class Schema
$cfg['Schema']['dia_orientation'] = 'L';
$ Schema#dia_paperProperty in class Schema
$cfg['Schema']['dia_paper'] = 'A4';
$ Server#designerSettingsProperty in class Server

table to store designer settings

  • leave blank to disable the storage of designer settings SUGGESTED: 'pma__designer_settings'
$ Server#disableISProperty in class Server


$ Transformations#DateFormatProperty in class Transformations

Displays a TIME, TIMESTAMP, DATETIME or numeric unix timestamp column as formatted date.

Console::disable() — Method in class Console

Disables the rendering of the footer

DatabaseControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers
CentralColumnsController::deleteSave() — Method in class CentralColumnsController
DataDictionaryControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Database
DesignerControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Database
DropFormControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Database\Structure
DropTableControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Database\Structure
DeleteControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Export\Template
DatabaseControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Operations

Handles miscellaneous database operations.

DatabasesControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Server

Handles viewing and creating and deleting databases

DestroyControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Server\Databases
DefaultForeignKeyCheckValueControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Sql
DeleteConfirmControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Table
DeleteRowsControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Table
DropColumnConfirmationControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Table
DropColumnControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Table
DropControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Table\Partition
Core::downloadHeader() — Method in class Core

Sends header indicating file download.

Crypto::decrypt() — Method in class Crypto
$ Current#databaseProperty in class Current
DatabaseInterfaceClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin

Main interface for database interactions

CentralColumns::deleteColumnsFromList() — Method in class CentralColumns

if $isTable is true it removes all columns of given tables as $field_select from central columns list otherwise $field_select is columns list and it removes given columns if present in central list

DesignerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Database

Set of functions related to database designer

Common::deletePage() — Method in class Common

Deletes a given pdf page and its corresponding coordinates

DesignerTableClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Database\Designer

Common functions for Designer

MultiTableQuery::displayResults() — Method in class MultiTableQuery

Displays multi-table query results

$ Routines#directionsProperty in class Routines
DbTableExistsClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin
DbalInterfaceClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Dbal

Main interface for database interactions

DbiExtensionClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Dbal

Contract for every database extension supported by phpMyAdmin

DbiMysqliClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Dbal

Interface to the MySQL Improved extension (MySQLi)

DisplayPartsClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Display
ErrorHandler::dispFatalError() — Method in class ErrorHandler

display fatal error and exit

ErrorHandler::dispUserErrors() — Method in class ErrorHandler

Displays user errors not displayed

AuthenticationFailure::deniedByDatabaseServer() — Method in class AuthenticationFailure

Database server denied user login

AuthenticationFailure::deniedByAllowDenyRules() — Method in class AuthenticationFailure

User denied by allow/deny rules

$ Export#dumpBufferProperty in class Export
$ Export#dumpBufferLengthProperty in class Export
$ Export#dumpBufferObjectsProperty in class Export
TemplateModel::delete() — Method in class TemplateModel
$ FieldMetadata#decimalsProperty in class FieldMetadata

The number of decimals used (for integer fields)

$ File#decompressProperty in class File
File::delete() — Method in class File

deletes the file

File::detectCompression() — Method in class File

Detects what compression the file uses

Header::disableMenuAndConsole() — Method in class Header

Disables the display of the top menu

Header::disableWarnings() — Method in class Header

Disables the display of the top menu

DatabaseAndTableSettingClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Http\Middleware
DatabaseServerVersionCheckingClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Http\Middleware
DatabaseNameClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Identifiers
DecimalSizeClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Import
Import::detectType() — Method in class Import
InsertEdit::determineInsertOrEdit() — Method in class InsertEdit

Function to determine Insert/Edit rows

$ InsertEditColumn#defaultProperty in class InsertEditColumn
IpAllowDeny::deny() — Method in class IpAllowDeny

Runs through IP Deny rules the use of it below for more information

Mime::detect() — Method in class Mime

Tries to detect MIME type of content.

$ Node#displayNameProperty in class Node
Operations::duplicateBookmarks() — Method in class Operations

Duplicate the bookmarks for the db (done once for each db)

Maintenance::drop() — Method in class Maintenance
$ Partition#descriptionProperty in class Partition
$ SubPartition#dataLengthProperty in class SubPartition
ExportJson::doExportForQuery() — Method in class ExportJson

Export to JSON

$ TableProperty#defaultValueProperty in class TableProperty

Default value

ImportPlugin::doImport() — Method in class ImportPlugin

Handles the whole import logic

ImportCsv::doImport() — Method in class ImportCsv

Handles the whole import logic

ImportLdi::doImport() — Method in class ImportLdi

Handles the whole import logic

ImportMediawiki::doImport() — Method in class ImportMediawiki

Handles the whole import logic

ImportOds::doImport() — Method in class ImportOds

Handles the whole import logic

ImportShp::doImport() — Method in class ImportShp

Handles the whole import logic

ImportSql::doImport() — Method in class ImportSql

Handles the whole import logic

ImportXml::doImport() — Method in class ImportXml

Handles the whole import logic

DiaClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Schema\Dia

This Class inherits the XMLwriter class and helps in developing structure of DIA Schema Export

DiaRelationSchemaClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Schema\Dia

Dia Relation Schema Class

$ RelationStatsDia#destConnPointsRightProperty in class RelationStatsDia
$ RelationStatsDia#destConnPointsLeftProperty in class RelationStatsDia
$ TableStatsDia#diagramProperty in class TableStatsDia
$ TableStatsEps#diagramProperty in class TableStatsEps
ExportRelationSchema::dieSchema() — Method in class ExportRelationSchema

Displays an error message

PdfRelationSchema::dataDictionaryDoc() — Method in class PdfRelationSchema

Generates data dictionary pages.

$ TableStatsPdf#diagramProperty in class TableStatsPdf
$ RelationStats#destDirProperty in class RelationStats
$ TableStatsSvg#diagramProperty in class TableStatsSvg
$ TableStats#displayfieldProperty in class TableStats
DateFormatTransformationsPluginClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Transformations\Abs

Provides common methods for all of the date format transformations plugins.

DownloadTransformationsPluginClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Transformations\Abs

Provides common methods for all of the download transformations plugins.

DocPropertyItemClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\Items

Single property item class of type doc

Utilities::debugLogQueryIntoSession() — Method in class Utilities

Stores query data into session data for debugging purposes

Privileges::deleteUser() — Method in class Privileges

Delete user and get message and sql query for delete user in privileges

DataClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Server\Status

This class provides data about the server status

$ Data#dbIsLocalProperty in class Data
$ Data#dataLoadedProperty in class Data
$ ShowGrants#dbNameProperty in class ShowGrants
ColumnsDefinition::displayForm() — Method in class ColumnsDefinition
ColumnsDefinition::decorateColumnMetaDefault() — Method in class ColumnsDefinition

Set default type and default value according to the column metadata

TableMover::duplicateInfo() — Method in class TableMover

Inserts existing entries in a PMA_* table by reading a value from an old entry

Template::disableCache() — Method in class Template
Tracker::disable() — Method in class Tracker
Tracker::deactivateTracking() — Method in class Tracker

Deactivates tracking of a table.

Tracking::deleteTracking() — Method in class Tracking

Removes all tracking data for a table or a version of a table

Tracking::deleteFromTrackingReportLog() — Method in class Tracking

Function to delete from a tracking report log

Tracking::deleteTrackingVersion() — Method in class Tracking

Deletes a tracking version

Url::decryptQuery() — Method in class Url
Util::duplicateFirstNewline() — Method in class Util

If the string starts with a \r\n pair (0x0d0a) add an extra \n

Util::date() — Method in class Util

Wrapper around PHP date function

CBORDecoder::decode() — Method in class CBORDecoder
DataStreamClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\WebAuthn


CacheWarmupCommand::execute() — Method in class CacheWarmupCommand
FixPoTwigCommand::execute() — Method in class FixPoTwigCommand
SetVersionCommand::execute() — Method in class SetVersionCommand
TwigLintCommand::execute() — Method in class TwigLintCommand
WriteGitRevisionCommand::execute() — Method in class WriteGitRevisionCommand
$ Config#errorConfigFileProperty in class Config
ExportTemplatesFeatureClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\ConfigStorage\Features
UserGroups::edit() — Method in class UserGroups

Add/update a user group with allowed menu tabs.

EditFormClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Config\Forms\Page
ExportFormClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Config\Forms\Page
ExportFormClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Config\Forms\Setup
ExportFormClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Config\Forms\User
$ Settings#ExecTimeLimitProperty in class Settings

maximum execution time in seconds (0 for no limit)

$ Settings#enable_drag_drop_importProperty in class Settings

Enable drag and drop import

$ Settings#ExportProperty in class Settings

Export defaults

$ Settings#EnableAutocompleteForTablesAndColumnsProperty in class Settings

Enables autoComplete for table & column names in SQL queries

$ Settings#environmentProperty in class Settings

Sets the working environment

$ Console#EnterExecutesProperty in class Console

Execute queries on Enter and insert new line with Shift + Enter

ExportClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Config\Settings

Export defaults

$ Export#excel_columnsProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['excel_columns'] = true;
$ Export#excel_nullProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['excel_null'] = 'NULL';
$ Export#excel_editionProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['excel_edition'] = 'win';
$ Export#excel_removeCRLFProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['excel_removeCRLF'] = false;
$ Export#excel_structure_or_dataProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['excel_structure_or_data'] = 'data';
$ Schema#eps_show_colorProperty in class Schema
$cfg['Schema']['eps_show_color'] = true;
$ Schema#eps_show_keysProperty in class Schema
$cfg['Schema']['eps_show_keys'] = false;
$ Schema#eps_all_tables_same_widthProperty in class Schema
$cfg['Schema']['eps_all_tables_same_width'] = false;
$ Schema#eps_orientationProperty in class Schema
$cfg['Schema']['eps_orientation'] = 'L';
$ Server#exportTemplatesProperty in class Server

table to store export templates

  • leave blank to disable saved searches feature SUGGESTED: 'pma__export_templates'
$ SqlQueryBox#EditProperty in class SqlQueryBox

Display an "Edit" link on the results page to change a query.

$ SqlQueryBox#ExplainProperty in class SqlQueryBox

Display an "Explain SQL" link on the results page.

$ Transformations#ExternalProperty in class Transformations

LINUX ONLY: Launches an external application and feeds it the column data via standard input.

CentralColumnsController::editSave() — Method in class CentralColumnsController
CentralColumnsController::editPage() — Method in class CentralColumnsController
EventsControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Database
ExportControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Database
EmptyFormControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Database\Structure
EmptyTableControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Database\Structure
ErrorReportControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers

Handle error report submission

ExportControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Export
ExportControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Preferences
EnginesControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Server

Handles viewing storage engine details

ExportControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Server
EnumValuesControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Sql
ExportControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Table
ExportRowsControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Table
Core::emptyRecursive() — Method in class Core

recursively check if variable is empty

Crypto::encrypt() — Method in class Crypto
DatabaseInterface::escapeMysqlWildcards() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

Returns properly escaped string for use in MySQL LIKE clauses.

EventsClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Database

Functions for event management.

DbalInterface::escapeMysqlWildcards() — Method in class DbalInterface

Returns properly escaped string for use in MySQL LIKE clauses.

DbiExtension::escapeString() — Method in class DbiExtension

returns properly escaped string for use in MySQL queries

DbiMysqli::escapeString() — Method in class DbiMysqli

returns properly escaped string for use in MySQL queries

MysqliStatement::execute() — Method in class MysqliStatement

Executes a prepared statement.

Statement::execute() — Method in class Statement

Executes a prepared statement.

EditFieldClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin
EncodingClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin

Encoding conversion helper class

ErrorClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Error

a single error

ErrorHandlerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Error

handling errors

$ ErrorHandler#errorsProperty in class ErrorHandler

holds errors to be displayed or reported later .

$ ErrorHandler#errorReportingProperty in class ErrorHandler

Initial error reporting state

ErrorReportClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Error

Error reporting functions used to generate and submit error reports

AuthenticationFailure::emptyPasswordDeniedByConfiguration() — Method in class AuthenticationFailure

Empty password is denied

ExitExceptionClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Exceptions

Used in tests as a replacement for the 'exit' language construct.

ExportExceptionClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Exceptions

Export exception

ExportClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Export

PhpMyAdmin\Export\Export class

Export::exportServer() — Method in class Export

Export at the server level

Export::exportDatabase() — Method in class Export

Export at the database level

Export::exportRaw() — Method in class Export

Export a raw query

Export::exportTable() — Method in class Export

Export at the table level

$ File#errorMessageProperty in class File
File::errorUnsupported() — Method in class File

Sets error message for unsupported compression.

File::eof() — Method in class File

Checks whether we've reached end of file

ExtentClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Gis\Ds
Extent::empty() — Method in class Extent
GisGeometry::extractPoints1d() — Method in class GisGeometry

Extracts points, scales and returns them as an array.

GisGeometry::extractPoints1dLinear() — Method in class GisGeometry

Extracts points, scales and returns them as an linear array.

GisGeometry::extractPoints2d() — Method in class GisGeometry
GisGeometry::extractPoints3d() — Method in class GisGeometry
EncryptedQueryParamsHandlingClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Http\Middleware
ErrorHandlingClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Http\Middleware
Import::executeQuery() — Method in class Import

Runs query inside import buffer. This is needed to allow displaying of last SELECT, SHOW or HANDLER results and similar nice stuff.

$ ImportSettings#executedQueriesProperty in class ImportSettings
InsertEdit::executeSqlQuery() — Method in class InsertEdit

Executes the sql query and get the result, then move back to the calling page

ListDatabase::exists() — Method in class ListDatabase

Checks if the given strings exists in the current list, if there is missing at least one item it returns false otherwise true

Message::error() — Method in class Message

get Message of type error

$ SubPartition#expressionProperty in class SubPartition
Pdf::Error() — Method in class Pdf

Displays an error message

ExportPluginClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins

Provides a common interface that will have to be implemented by all of the export plugins. Some of the plugins will also implement other public methods, but those are not declared here, because they are not implemented by all export plugins.

ExportPlugin::exportHeader() — Method in class ExportPlugin

Outputs export header

ExportPlugin::exportFooter() — Method in class ExportPlugin

Outputs export footer

ExportPlugin::exportDBHeader() — Method in class ExportPlugin

Outputs database header

ExportPlugin::exportDBFooter() — Method in class ExportPlugin

Outputs database footer

ExportPlugin::exportDBCreate() — Method in class ExportPlugin

Outputs CREATE DATABASE statement

ExportPlugin::exportData() — Method in class ExportPlugin

Outputs the content of a table

ExportPlugin::exportRoutines() — Method in class ExportPlugin

Exports routines (procedures and functions)

ExportPlugin::exportEvents() — Method in class ExportPlugin

Exports events

ExportPlugin::exportRawQuery() — Method in class ExportPlugin

Outputs for raw query

ExportPlugin::exportStructure() — Method in class ExportPlugin

Outputs table's structure

ExportPlugin::exportMetadata() — Method in class ExportPlugin

Exports metadata from Configuration Storage

ExportCodegenClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Export

Handles the export for the CodeGen class

ExportCodegen::exportHeader() — Method in class ExportCodegen

Outputs export header

ExportCodegen::exportFooter() — Method in class ExportCodegen

Outputs export footer

ExportCodegen::exportDBHeader() — Method in class ExportCodegen

Outputs database header

ExportCodegen::exportDBFooter() — Method in class ExportCodegen

Outputs database footer

ExportCodegen::exportDBCreate() — Method in class ExportCodegen

Outputs CREATE DATABASE statement

ExportCodegen::exportData() — Method in class ExportCodegen

Outputs the content of a table in NHibernate format

ExportCsvClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Export

Handles the export for the CSV format

ExportCsv::exportHeader() — Method in class ExportCsv

Outputs export header

ExportCsv::exportFooter() — Method in class ExportCsv

Outputs export footer

ExportCsv::exportDBHeader() — Method in class ExportCsv

Outputs database header

ExportCsv::exportDBFooter() — Method in class ExportCsv

Outputs database footer

ExportCsv::exportDBCreate() — Method in class ExportCsv

Outputs CREATE DATABASE statement

ExportCsv::exportData() — Method in class ExportCsv

Outputs the content of a table in CSV format

ExportCsv::exportRawQuery() — Method in class ExportCsv

Outputs result of raw query in CSV format

ExportExcelClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Export

Handles the export for the CSV-Excel format

ExportHtmlwordClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Export

Handles the export for the HTML-Word format

ExportHtmlword::exportHeader() — Method in class ExportHtmlword

Outputs export header

ExportHtmlword::exportFooter() — Method in class ExportHtmlword

Outputs export footer

ExportHtmlword::exportDBHeader() — Method in class ExportHtmlword

Outputs database header

ExportHtmlword::exportDBFooter() — Method in class ExportHtmlword

Outputs database footer

ExportHtmlword::exportDBCreate() — Method in class ExportHtmlword

Outputs CREATE DATABASE statement

ExportHtmlword::exportData() — Method in class ExportHtmlword

Outputs the content of a table in HTML-Word format

ExportHtmlword::exportStructure() — Method in class ExportHtmlword

Outputs table's structure

ExportJsonClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Export

Handles the export for the JSON format

ExportJson::encode() — Method in class ExportJson

Encodes the data into JSON

ExportJson::exportHeader() — Method in class ExportJson

Outputs export header

ExportJson::exportFooter() — Method in class ExportJson

Outputs export footer

ExportJson::exportDBHeader() — Method in class ExportJson

Outputs database header

ExportJson::exportDBFooter() — Method in class ExportJson

Outputs database footer

ExportJson::exportDBCreate() — Method in class ExportJson

Outputs CREATE DATABASE statement

ExportJson::exportData() — Method in class ExportJson

Outputs the content of a table in JSON format

ExportJson::exportRawQuery() — Method in class ExportJson

Outputs result raw query in JSON format

ExportLatexClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Export

Handles the export for the Latex format

ExportLatex::exportHeader() — Method in class ExportLatex

Outputs export header

ExportLatex::exportFooter() — Method in class ExportLatex

Outputs export footer

ExportLatex::exportDBHeader() — Method in class ExportLatex

Outputs database header

ExportLatex::exportDBFooter() — Method in class ExportLatex

Outputs database footer

ExportLatex::exportDBCreate() — Method in class ExportLatex

Outputs CREATE DATABASE statement

ExportLatex::exportData() — Method in class ExportLatex

Outputs the content of a table in JSON format

ExportLatex::exportRawQuery() — Method in class ExportLatex

Outputs result raw query

ExportLatex::exportStructure() — Method in class ExportLatex

Outputs table's structure

ExportMediawikiClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Export

Handles the export for the MediaWiki class

ExportMediawiki::exportHeader() — Method in class ExportMediawiki

Outputs export header

ExportMediawiki::exportFooter() — Method in class ExportMediawiki

Outputs export footer

ExportMediawiki::exportDBHeader() — Method in class ExportMediawiki

Outputs database header

ExportMediawiki::exportDBFooter() — Method in class ExportMediawiki

Outputs database footer

ExportMediawiki::exportDBCreate() — Method in class ExportMediawiki

Outputs CREATE DATABASE statement

ExportMediawiki::exportStructure() — Method in class ExportMediawiki

Outputs table's structure

ExportMediawiki::exportData() — Method in class ExportMediawiki

Outputs the content of a table in MediaWiki format

ExportMediawiki::exportRawQuery() — Method in class ExportMediawiki

Outputs result raw query in MediaWiki format

ExportOdsClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Export

Handles the export for the ODS class

ExportOds::exportHeader() — Method in class ExportOds

Outputs export header

ExportOds::exportFooter() — Method in class ExportOds

Outputs export footer

ExportOds::exportDBHeader() — Method in class ExportOds

Outputs database header

ExportOds::exportDBFooter() — Method in class ExportOds

Outputs database footer

ExportOds::exportDBCreate() — Method in class ExportOds

Outputs CREATE DATABASE statement

ExportOds::exportData() — Method in class ExportOds

Outputs the content of a table in NHibernate format

ExportOds::exportRawQuery() — Method in class ExportOds

Outputs result raw query in ODS format

ExportOdtClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Export

Handles the export for the ODT class

ExportOdt::exportHeader() — Method in class ExportOdt

Outputs export header

ExportOdt::exportFooter() — Method in class ExportOdt

Outputs export footer

ExportOdt::exportDBHeader() — Method in class ExportOdt

Outputs database header

ExportOdt::exportDBFooter() — Method in class ExportOdt

Outputs database footer

ExportOdt::exportDBCreate() — Method in class ExportOdt

Outputs CREATE DATABASE statement

ExportOdt::exportData() — Method in class ExportOdt

Outputs the content of a table in NHibernate format

ExportOdt::exportRawQuery() — Method in class ExportOdt

Outputs result raw query in ODT format

ExportOdt::exportStructure() — Method in class ExportOdt

Outputs table's structure

ExportPdfClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Export

Produce a PDF report (export) from a query

ExportPdf::exportHeader() — Method in class ExportPdf

Outputs export header

ExportPdf::exportFooter() — Method in class ExportPdf

Outputs export footer

ExportPdf::exportDBHeader() — Method in class ExportPdf

Outputs database header

ExportPdf::exportDBFooter() — Method in class ExportPdf

Outputs database footer

ExportPdf::exportDBCreate() — Method in class ExportPdf

Outputs CREATE DATABASE statement

ExportPdf::exportData() — Method in class ExportPdf

Outputs the content of a table in NHibernate format

ExportPdf::exportRawQuery() — Method in class ExportPdf

Outputs result of raw query in PDF format

ExportPdf::exportStructure() — Method in class ExportPdf

Outputs table structure

ExportPhparrayClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Export

Handles the export for the PHP Array class

ExportPhparray::exportHeader() — Method in class ExportPhparray

Outputs export header

ExportPhparray::exportFooter() — Method in class ExportPhparray

Outputs export footer

ExportPhparray::exportDBHeader() — Method in class ExportPhparray

Outputs database header

ExportPhparray::exportDBFooter() — Method in class ExportPhparray

Outputs database footer

ExportPhparray::exportDBCreate() — Method in class ExportPhparray

Outputs CREATE DATABASE statement

ExportPhparray::exportData() — Method in class ExportPhparray

Outputs the content of a table in PHP array format

ExportPhparray::exportRawQuery() — Method in class ExportPhparray

Outputs result of raw query as PHP array

ExportSqlClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Export

Handles the export for the SQL class

ExportSql::exportRoutineSQL() — Method in class ExportSql

Generates SQL for routines export

ExportSql::exportRoutines() — Method in class ExportSql

Exports routines (procedures and functions)

ExportSql::exportFooter() — Method in class ExportSql

Outputs export footer

ExportSql::exportHeader() — Method in class ExportSql

Outputs export header. It is the first method to be called, so all the required variables are initialized here.

ExportSql::exportDBCreate() — Method in class ExportSql

Outputs CREATE DATABASE statement

ExportSql::exportDBHeader() — Method in class ExportSql

Outputs database header

ExportSql::exportDBFooter() — Method in class ExportSql

Outputs database footer

ExportSql::exportEvents() — Method in class ExportSql

Exports events

ExportSql::exportMetadata() — Method in class ExportSql

Exports metadata from Configuration Storage

ExportSql::exportRawQuery() — Method in class ExportSql

Outputs a raw query

ExportSql::exportStructure() — Method in class ExportSql

Outputs table's structure

ExportSql::exportData() — Method in class ExportSql

Outputs the content of a table in SQL format

ExportTexytextClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Export

Handles the export for the Texy! text class

ExportTexytext::exportHeader() — Method in class ExportTexytext

Outputs export header

ExportTexytext::exportFooter() — Method in class ExportTexytext

Outputs export footer

ExportTexytext::exportDBHeader() — Method in class ExportTexytext

Outputs database header

ExportTexytext::exportDBFooter() — Method in class ExportTexytext

Outputs database footer

ExportTexytext::exportDBCreate() — Method in class ExportTexytext

Outputs CREATE DATABASE statement

ExportTexytext::exportData() — Method in class ExportTexytext

Outputs the content of a table in NHibernate format

ExportTexytext::exportRawQuery() — Method in class ExportTexytext

Outputs result raw query in TexyText format

ExportTexytext::exportStructure() — Method in class ExportTexytext

Outputs table's structure

ExportXmlClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Export

Used to build XML dumps of tables

ExportXml::exportHeader() — Method in class ExportXml

Outputs export header. It is the first method to be called, so all the required variables are initialized here.

ExportXml::exportFooter() — Method in class ExportXml

Outputs export footer

ExportXml::exportDBHeader() — Method in class ExportXml

Outputs database header

ExportXml::exportDBFooter() — Method in class ExportXml

Outputs database footer

ExportXml::exportDBCreate() — Method in class ExportXml

Outputs CREATE DATABASE statement

ExportXml::exportData() — Method in class ExportXml

Outputs the content of a table in XML format

ExportYamlClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Export

Handles the export for the YAML format

ExportYaml::exportHeader() — Method in class ExportYaml

Outputs export header

ExportYaml::exportFooter() — Method in class ExportYaml

Outputs export footer

ExportYaml::exportDBHeader() — Method in class ExportYaml

Outputs database header

ExportYaml::exportDBFooter() — Method in class ExportYaml

Outputs database footer

ExportYaml::exportDBCreate() — Method in class ExportYaml

Outputs CREATE DATABASE statement

ExportYaml::exportData() — Method in class ExportYaml

Outputs the content of a table in JSON format

ExportYaml::exportRawQuery() — Method in class ExportYaml

Outputs result raw query in YAML format

$ TableProperty#extProperty in class TableProperty
$ IOTransformationsPlugin#errorProperty in class IOTransformationsPlugin

To store the error message in case of failed transformations.

ShapeFileImport::eofSHP() — Method in class ShapeFileImport

Checks whether file is at EOF

Dia::endDiaDoc() — Method in class Dia

Ends Dia Document

EpsClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Schema\Eps

This Class is EPS Library and helps in developing structure of EPS Schema Export

Eps::endEpsDoc() — Method in class Eps

Ends EPS Document

EpsRelationSchemaClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Schema\Eps

EPS Relation Schema Class

ExportRelationSchemaClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Schema

This class is inherited by all schema classes It contains those methods which are common in them it works like factory pattern

Svg::endSvgDoc() — Method in class Svg

Ends RelationStatsSvg Document

ExternalTransformationsPluginClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Transformations\Abs

Provides common methods for all of the external transformations plugins.

Profiling::enable() — Method in class Profiling
ExportPluginPropertiesClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Plugins

Defines possible options and getters and setters for them.

Replication::extractDbOrTable() — Method in class Replication

Extracts database or table name from string

Privileges::escapeGrantWildcards() — Method in class Privileges

Add slashes before "_" and "%" characters for using them in MySQL database, table and field names.

Privileges::extractPrivInfo() — Method in class Privileges

Extracts the privilege information of a priv table row

Sql::executeQueryAndSendQueryResponse() — Method in class Sql

Function to execute the query and send the response

Sql::executeQueryAndGetQueryResponse() — Method in class Sql

Function to execute the query and send the response

$ StorageEngine#engineProperty in class StorageEngine
Indexes::executeAddIndexSql() — Method in class Indexes
$ Table#errorsProperty in class Table
Tracker::enable() — Method in class Tracker

Actually enables tracking. This needs to be done after all underlaying code is initialized.

Tracking::exportAsSqlDump() — Method in class Tracking

Function to export as sql dump

Tracking::exportAsSqlExecution() — Method in class Tracking

Function to export as sql execution

Url::encryptQuery() — Method in class Url
Util::extractValueFromFormattedSize() — Method in class Util

Returns the number of bytes when a formatted size is given

Util::extractColumnSpec() — Method in class Util

Extracts the various parts from a column spec

Util::expandUserString() — Method in class Util

Formats user string, expanding @VARIABLES@, accepting strftime format string.

VersionInformation::evaluateVersionCondition() — Method in class VersionInformation

Checks whether PHP or MySQL version meets supplied version condition

ZipExtension::extract() — Method in class ZipExtension

Extracts the content of $entry.


Charsets::findCollationByName() — Method in class Charsets
Charset::fromServer() — Method in class Charset
Collation::fromServer() — Method in class Collation
FixPoTwigCommandClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Command
TwigLintCommand::findFiles() — Method in class TwigLintCommand
FavoriteTablesFeatureClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\ConfigStorage\Features
ForeignDataClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\ConfigStorage
Relation::foreignDropdown() — Method in class Relation

Outputs dropdown with values of foreign fields

Relation::fixPmaTables() — Method in class Relation

Creates PMA tables in the given db, updates if already exists.

RelationParameters::fromArray() — Method in class RelationParameters
FormClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Config

Base class for forms, loads default configuration options, checks allowed values etc.

$ Form#fieldsProperty in class Form

Form fields (paths), filled by readFormPaths(), indexed by field name

FormDisplayClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Config

Form management class, displays and processes forms

FormDisplay::fixErrors() — Method in class FormDisplay

Reverts erroneous fields to their default values

FormDisplayTemplateClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Config

PhpMyAdmin\Config\FormDisplayTemplate class

BaseFormList::fixErrors() — Method in class BaseFormList

Reverts erroneous fields to their default values

FeaturesFormClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Config\Forms\Setup
FeaturesFormClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Config\Forms\User
ServerConfigChecks::functionExists() — Method in class ServerConfigChecks

Wrapper around function_exists to allow mock in test

$ Settings#FirstLevelNavigationItemsProperty in class Settings

maximum number of first level databases displayed in navigation panel

$ Settings#ForeignKeyDropdownOrderProperty in class Settings

Sort order for items in a foreign-key drop-down list.

$ Settings#ForeignKeyMaxLimitProperty in class Settings

A drop-down list will be used if fewer items are present

$ Settings#FilterLanguagesProperty in class Settings

Regular expression to limit listed languages, e.g. '^(cs|en)' for Czech and English only

$ Settings#FirstDayOfCalendarProperty in class Settings

Set default for FirstDayOfCalendar

$ Export#formatProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['format'] = 'sql';
$ Export#file_template_tableProperty in class Export

Default filename template for table exports.

$ Export#file_template_databaseProperty in class Export

Default filename template for database exports.

$ Export#file_template_serverProperty in class Export

Default filename template for server exports.

$ Import#formatProperty in class Import
$cfg['Import']['format'] = 'sql';
$ Schema#formatProperty in class Schema
$cfg['Schema']['format'] = 'pdf';
$ Server#favoriteProperty in class Server

table to store favorite tables

  • leave blank for no favorite tables SUGGESTED: 'pma__favorite'
FavoriteTableControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Database\Structure
FirstStepControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Normalization\FirstNormalForm
FourthStepControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Normalization\FirstNormalForm
FirstStepControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Normalization\SecondNormalForm
FirstStepControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Normalization\ThirdNormalForm
FeaturesControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Preferences
FormControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Setup
FindReplaceControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Table

Handles find and replace tab.

FulltextControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Table\Structure
DatabaseInterface::fetchValue() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

returns a single value from the given result or query, if the query or the result has more than one row or field the first field of the first row is returned

DatabaseInterface::fetchSingleRow() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

Returns only the first row from the result or null if result is empty.

DatabaseInterface::fetchResult() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

returns all rows in the resultset in one array

CentralColumns::findExistingColNames() — Method in class CentralColumns

return the existing columns in central list among the given list of columns

Routines::flushPrivileges() — Method in class Routines

Flush privileges and get message

DbalInterface::fetchValue() — Method in class DbalInterface

returns a single value from the given result or query, if the query or the result has more than one row or field the first field of the first row is returned

DbalInterface::fetchSingleRow() — Method in class DbalInterface

Returns only the first row from the result or null if result is empty.

DbalInterface::fetchResult() — Method in class DbalInterface

returns all rows in the resultset in one array

MysqliResult::fetchAssoc() — Method in class MysqliResult

Returns the next row of the result with associative keys

MysqliResult::fetchRow() — Method in class MysqliResult

Returns the next row of the result with numeric keys

MysqliResult::fetchValue() — Method in class MysqliResult

Returns a single value from the given result; false on error

MysqliResult::fetchAllAssoc() — Method in class MysqliResult

Returns all rows of the result

MysqliResult::fetchAllColumn() — Method in class MysqliResult

Returns values from the selected column of each row

MysqliResult::fetchAllKeyPair() — Method in class MysqliResult

Returns values as single dimensional array where the key is the first column and the value is the second column, e.g.

ResultInterface::fetchAssoc() — Method in class ResultInterface

Returns the next row of the result with associative keys

ResultInterface::fetchRow() — Method in class ResultInterface

Returns the next row of the result with numeric keys

ResultInterface::fetchValue() — Method in class ResultInterface

Returns a single value from the given result; false on error

ResultInterface::fetchAllAssoc() — Method in class ResultInterface

Returns all rows of the result

ResultInterface::fetchAllColumn() — Method in class ResultInterface

Returns values from the selected column of each row

ResultInterface::fetchAllKeyPair() — Method in class ResultInterface

Returns values as single dimensional array where the key is the first column and the value is the second column, e.g. "SELECT id, name FROM users" produces: ['123' => 'John', '124' => 'Jane']

Warning::fromArray() — Method in class Warning
DisplayParts::fromArray() — Method in class DisplayParts
ForeignKeyRelatedTableClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Display
$ Error#fileProperty in class Error

The file in which the error occurred

Error::formatBacktrace() — Method in class Error

return formatted backtrace field

Template::fromArray() — Method in class Template
RecentFavoriteTable::fromArray() — Method in class RecentFavoriteTable
FieldMetadataClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin

Handles fields Metadata

FileClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin

File wrapper class

File::fetchUploadedFromTblChangeRequestMultiple() — Method in class File

strips some dimension from the multi-dimensional array from $_FILES

FileListingClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin

Functions for listing directories

FlashMessengerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin
FontClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin

Class with Font related methods.

FooterClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin

Class used to output the footer

Polygon::fromXYArray() — Method in class Polygon
GisFactory::fromType() — Method in class GisFactory

Returns the singleton instance of geometric class of the given type.

GisFactory::fromWkt() — Method in class GisFactory

Returns the singleton instance of geometric class of the given wkt type.

Generator::formatSql() — Method in class Generator

format sql strings

ServerRequestFactory::fromGlobals() — Method in class ServerRequestFactory
UriFactory::fromGlobals() — Method in class UriFactory

Create new Uri from environment.

DatabaseName::from() — Method in class DatabaseName
Identifier::from() — Method in class Identifier
InvalidDatabaseName::fromEmptyName() — Method in class InvalidDatabaseName
InvalidDatabaseName::fromLongName() — Method in class InvalidDatabaseName
InvalidDatabaseName::fromNameWithTrailingSpace() — Method in class InvalidDatabaseName
InvalidTableName::fromEmptyName() — Method in class InvalidTableName
InvalidTableName::fromLongName() — Method in class InvalidTableName
InvalidTableName::fromNameWithTrailingSpace() — Method in class InvalidTableName
InvalidTriggerName::fromEmptyName() — Method in class InvalidTriggerName
InvalidTriggerName::fromLongName() — Method in class InvalidTriggerName
InvalidTriggerName::fromNameWithTrailingSpace() — Method in class InvalidTriggerName
TableName::from() — Method in class TableName
TriggerName::from() — Method in class TriggerName
ImageWrapper::fromString() — Method in class ImageWrapper
ImageWrapper::filledPolygon() — Method in class ImageWrapper
DecimalSize::fromCell() — Method in class DecimalSize
DecimalSize::fromPrecisionAndScale() — Method in class DecimalSize
$ ImportSettings#failedQueriesProperty in class ImportSettings
$ ImportSettings#finishedProperty in class ImportSettings
Index::findDuplicates() — Method in class Index

Function to check over array of indexes and look for common problems

$ InsertEditColumn#firstTimestampProperty in class InsertEditColumn
Linter::findLineNumberAndColumn() — Method in class Linter

Computes the number of the line and column given an absolute position.

Normalization::findPartialDependencies() — Method in class Normalization

find all the possible partial dependencies based on data in the table.

$ Pdf#footersetProperty in class Pdf
Pdf::Footer() — Method in class Pdf

This function must be named "Footer" to work with the TCPDF library

ExportHtmlword::formatOneColumnDefinition() — Method in class ExportHtmlword

Formats the definition for one column

ExportOdt::formatOneColumnDefinition() — Method in class ExportOdt

Formats the definition for one column

ExportTexytext::formatOneColumnDefinition() — Method in class ExportTexytext

Formats the definition for one column

TableProperty::formatCs() — Method in class TableProperty

Formats a string for C#

TableProperty::formatXml() — Method in class TableProperty

Formats a string for XML

TableProperty::format() — Method in class TableProperty

Formats a string

$ RelationStatsDia#foreignTableIdProperty in class RelationStatsDia
$ Eps#fontProperty in class Eps
$ Eps#fontSizeProperty in class Eps
Pdf::Footer() — Method in class Pdf

This function must be named "Footer" to work with the TCPDF library

$ Svg#fontProperty in class Svg
$ Svg#fontSizeProperty in class Svg
$ TableStats#fieldsProperty in class TableStats
$ TableStats#fontProperty in class TableStats
FormattedTransformationsPluginClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Transformations\Abs

Provides common methods for all of the formatted transformations plugins.

Utilities::formatError() — Method in class Utilities

Formats database error message in a friendly way.

ResponseRenderer::fixRelativeUrlForRedirect() — Method in class ResponseRenderer

Avoid relative path redirect problems in case user entered URL like /phpmyadmin/index.php/ which some web servers happily accept.

Plugin::fromState() — Method in class Plugin
Privileges::fillInTablePrivileges() — Method in class Privileges

Parses privileges into an array, it modifies the array

Message::fromArray() — Method in class Message
$ Theme#filesizeInfoProperty in class Theme

needed because sometimes, the mtime for different themes is identical

Tracking::filter() — Method in class Tracking

Filters tracking entries

Transformations::fixUpMime() — Method in class Transformations

Fixups old MIME or transformation name to new one

FlashMessengerExtensionClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Twig
Util::formatByteDown() — Method in class Util

Formats $value to byte view

Util::formatNumber() — Method in class Util

Formats $value to the given length and appends SI prefixes with a $length of 0 no truncation occurs, number is only formatted to the current locale

ForeignKeyClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Utils
FormatConverterClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Utils

Format converter

WebauthnLibServer::findOneByCredentialId() — Method in class WebauthnLibServer
WebauthnLibServer::findAllForUserEntity() — Method in class WebauthnLibServer
ZipExtension::findFile() — Method in class ZipExtension

Returns the filename of the first file that matches the given $file_regexp.


Advisor::getRunResult() — Method in class Advisor
Rules::getGeneric() — Method in class Rules
Rules::getBeforeMySql80003() — Method in class Rules
Bookmark::getId() — Method in class Bookmark

Returns the ID of the bookmark

Bookmark::getDatabase() — Method in class Bookmark

Returns the database of the bookmark

Bookmark::getUser() — Method in class Bookmark

Returns the user whom the bookmark belongs to

Bookmark::getLabel() — Method in class Bookmark

Returns the label of the bookmark

Bookmark::getQuery() — Method in class Bookmark

Returns the query

Bookmark::getVariableCount() — Method in class Bookmark

Returns the number of variables in a bookmark

BookmarkRepository::getList() — Method in class BookmarkRepository

Gets the list of bookmarks defined for the current database

BookmarkRepository::get() — Method in class BookmarkRepository

Retrieve a specific bookmark

BookmarkRepository::getByLabel() — Method in class BookmarkRepository

Retrieve a specific bookmark by its label

BrowseForeigners::getHtmlForRelationalFieldSelection() — Method in class BrowseForeigners

Function to get html for relational field selection

BrowseForeigners::getForeignLimit() — Method in class BrowseForeigners
Cache::get() — Method in class Cache

Get back a cached value

Charsets::getServerCharset() — Method in class Charsets

Get current server charset

Charsets::getCharsets() — Method in class Charsets

Get all server charsets

Charsets::getCollations() — Method in class Charsets

Get all server collations

Charset::getName() — Method in class Charset
Charset::getDescription() — Method in class Charset
Charset::getDefaultCollation() — Method in class Charset
Charset::getMaxLength() — Method in class Charset
Collation::getName() — Method in class Collation
Collation::getDescription() — Method in class Collation
Collation::getCharset() — Method in class Collation
Collation::getId() — Method in class Collation
Collation::getSortLength() — Method in class Collation
Collation::getPadAttribute() — Method in class Collation
TwigLintCommand::getFilesInfo() — Method in class TwigLintCommand
TwigLintCommand::getTemplateContents() — Method in class TwigLintCommand

Allows easier testing

WriteGitRevisionCommand::gitCli() — Method in class WriteGitRevisionCommand
Config::getInstance() — Method in class Config
Config::getUserValue() — Method in class Config

Reads value stored by setUserValue()

Config::get() — Method in class Config

returns specific config setting

Config::getSource() — Method in class Config

returns source for current config

Config::getRootPath() — Method in class Config

Get phpMyAdmin root path

Config::getCookie() — Method in class Config

get cookie

Config::getCookieName() — Method in class Config

Get the real cookie name

Config::getTempDir() — Method in class Config

Returns temporary dir path

Config::getUploadTempDir() — Method in class Config

Returns temporary directory

Config::getConnectionParams() — Method in class Config

Return connection parameters for the database server

Config::getLoginCookieValidityFromCache() — Method in class Config

Get LoginCookieValidity from preferences cache.

Config::getSettings() — Method in class Config
Config::getChangeLogFilePath() — Method in class Config
Relation::getRelationParameters() — Method in class Relation
Relation::getForeigners() — Method in class Relation

Gets all Relations to foreign tables for a given table or optionally a given column in a table

Relation::getForeignersInternal() — Method in class Relation

Gets all Relations to foreign tables for a given table or optionally a given column in a table

Relation::getForeignKeysData() — Method in class Relation
Relation::getDisplayField() — Method in class Relation

Gets the display field of a table

Relation::getComments() — Method in class Relation

Gets the comments for all columns of a table or the db itself

Relation::getDbComment() — Method in class Relation

Gets the comment for a db

Relation::getHistory() — Method in class Relation

Gets a SQL history entry

Relation::getForeignData() — Method in class Relation

Gets foreign keys in preparation for a drop-down selector

Relation::getChildReferences() — Method in class Relation

Get child table references for a table column.

Relation::getColumnFromForeignKeysData() — Method in class Relation
Relation::getCreateTableSqlQueries() — Method in class Relation

Returns default PMA table names and their create queries.

Relation::getTables() — Method in class Relation

Get tables for foreign key constraint

Relation::getConfigurationStorageDbName() — Method in class Relation
UserGroups::getHtmlForListingUsersofAGroup() — Method in class UserGroups

Return HTML to list the users belonging to a given user group

UserGroups::getHtmlForUserGroupsTable() — Method in class UserGroups

Returns HTML for the 'user groups' table

UserGroups::getAllowedTabNames() — Method in class UserGroups

Returns the list of allowed menu tab names based on a data row from usergroup table.

UserGroups::getHtmlToEditUserGroup() — Method in class UserGroups

Returns HTML for add/edit user group dialog

UserGroups::getTabList() — Method in class UserGroups

Returns HTML for checkbox groups to choose tabs of 'server', 'db' or 'table' levels.

ConfigFile::getPersistKeysMap() — Method in class ConfigFile

Returns flipped array set by setPersistKeys()

ConfigFile::getFlatDefaultConfig() — Method in class ConfigFile

Returns default config in a flattened array

ConfigFile::get() — Method in class ConfigFile

Returns config value or $default if it's not set

ConfigFile::getDefault() — Method in class ConfigFile

Returns default config value or $default it it's not set ie. it doesn't exist in {\PhpMyAdmin\Config\Settings} ($cfg).

ConfigFile::getValue() — Method in class ConfigFile

Returns config value, if it's not set uses the default one; returns $default if the path isn't set and doesn't contain a default value

ConfigFile::getCanonicalPath() — Method in class ConfigFile

Returns canonical path

ConfigFile::getDbEntry() — Method in class ConfigFile

Returns config database entry for $path

ConfigFile::getServerCount() — Method in class ConfigFile

Returns server count

ConfigFile::getServers() — Method in class ConfigFile

Returns server list

ConfigFile::getServerDSN() — Method in class ConfigFile

Returns DSN of given server

ConfigFile::getServerName() — Method in class ConfigFile

Returns server name

ConfigFile::getConfig() — Method in class ConfigFile

Returns configuration array (full, multidimensional format)

ConfigFile::getConfigArray() — Method in class ConfigFile

Returns configuration array (flat format)

ConfigFile::getAllowedValues() — Method in class ConfigFile

Database with allowed values for configuration stored in the $cfg array, used by setup script and user preferences to generate forms.

Descriptions::get() — Method in class Descriptions

Return name or description for a configuration path.

Descriptions::getString() — Method in class Descriptions

Return name or description for a cleaned up configuration path.

Form::getOptionType() — Method in class Form

Returns type of given option

Form::getOptionValueList() — Method in class Form

Returns allowed values for select fields

FormDisplay::getConfigFile() — Method in class FormDisplay

Returns ConfigFile associated with this instance

FormDisplay::getDisplay() — Method in class FormDisplay

Outputs HTML for forms

FormDisplay::getDocLink() — Method in class FormDisplay

Returns link to documentation

$ FormDisplayTemplate#groupProperty in class FormDisplayTemplate
BaseForm::getForms() — Method in class BaseForm

List of available forms, each form is described as an array of fields to display.

BaseForm::getFields() — Method in class BaseForm

Returns list of fields used in the form.

BaseForm::getName() — Method in class BaseForm

Returns name of the form

BaseFormList::getAllFormNames() — Method in class BaseFormList
BaseFormList::get() — Method in class BaseFormList
BaseFormList::getFields() — Method in class BaseFormList

Returns list of fields used in the form.

BrowseForm::getForms() — Method in class BrowseForm
DbStructureForm::getForms() — Method in class DbStructureForm
EditForm::getForms() — Method in class EditForm
TableStructureForm::getForms() — Method in class TableStructureForm
ConfigForm::getForms() — Method in class ConfigForm
FeaturesForm::getForms() — Method in class FeaturesForm
MainForm::getForms() — Method in class MainForm
ServersForm::getForms() — Method in class ServersForm
SqlForm::getForms() — Method in class SqlForm
ExportForm::getForms() — Method in class ExportForm
ExportForm::getName() — Method in class ExportForm

Returns name of the form

FeaturesForm::getForms() — Method in class FeaturesForm
FeaturesForm::getName() — Method in class FeaturesForm

Returns name of the form

ImportForm::getForms() — Method in class ImportForm
ImportForm::getName() — Method in class ImportForm

Returns name of the form

MainForm::getForms() — Method in class MainForm
MainForm::getName() — Method in class MainForm

Returns name of the form

NaviForm::getForms() — Method in class NaviForm
NaviForm::getName() — Method in class NaviForm

Returns name of the form

SqlForm::getForms() — Method in class SqlForm
SqlForm::getName() — Method in class SqlForm

Returns name of the form

PageSettings::getHTML() — Method in class PageSettings

Get HTML output

PageSettings::getErrorHTML() — Method in class PageSettings

Get error HTML output

$ Settings#GridEditingProperty in class Settings

grid editing: which action triggers it, or completely disable the feature

$ Settings#GZipDumpProperty in class Settings

Allow for the use of gzip compression (requires zlib)

$ Settings#GD2AvailableProperty in class Settings

Is GD >= 2 available? Set to yes/no/auto. 'auto' does auto-detection, which is the only safe way to determine GD version.

$ Console#GroupQueriesProperty in class Console
$cfg['Console']['GroupQueries'] = false;
SpecialSchemaLinks::get() — Method in class SpecialSchemaLinks

This array represent the details for generating links inside special schemas like mysql, information_schema etc.

Validator::getValidators() — Method in class Validator

Returns validator list

Console::getBookmarkContent() — Method in class Console

Renders the bookmark content

Console::getScripts() — Method in class Console

Returns the list of JS scripts required by console

Console::getDisplay() — Method in class Console

Renders the console

ContainerBuilder::getContainer() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
GisDataEditorControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers

Editor for Geometry data types.

GitInfoControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers
GetColumnsControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Normalization
GeneralLogControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Server\Status\Monitor
GetVariableControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Server\Variables
GetFieldControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Table

Provides download to a given field defined in parameters.

GisVisualizationControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Table

Handles creation of the GIS visualizations.

RelationController::getDropdownValueForTable() — Method in class RelationController

Send table columns for foreign table dropdown

RelationController::getDropdownValueForDatabase() — Method in class RelationController

Send database selection values for dropdown

Core::getPHPDocLink() — Method in class Core

Returns a link to the PHP documentation

Core::getRealSize() — Method in class Core

Converts numbers like 10M into bytes Used with permission from Moodle (https://moodle.org) by Martin Dougiamas (renamed with PMA prefix to avoid double definition when embedded in Moodle)

Core::getEnv() — Method in class Core

Tries to find the value for the given environment variable name

Core::getNoCacheHeaders() — Method in class Core
Core::getIp() — Method in class Core

Gets the "true" IP address of the current user

CreateAddField::getPartitionsDefinition() — Method in class CreateAddField

Returns the partitioning clause

CreateAddField::getTableCreationQuery() — Method in class CreateAddField

Function to get table creation sql query

CreateAddField::getColumnCreationQuery() — Method in class CreateAddField

Function to get the column creation statement

DatabaseInterface::getInstance() — Method in class DatabaseInterface
DatabaseInterface::getCache() — Method in class DatabaseInterface
DatabaseInterface::getTables() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

returns array with table names for given db

DatabaseInterface::getTablesFull() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

returns array of all tables in given db or dbs this function expects unquoted names: RIGHT: my_database WRONG: my_database WRONG: my_database if $tbl_is_group is true, $table is used as filter for table names

DatabaseInterface::getDatabasesFull() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

returns array with databases containing extended infos about them

DatabaseInterface::getColumnsFull() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

returns detailed array with all columns for given table in database, or all tables/databases

DatabaseInterface::getColumn() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

Returns description of a $column in given table

DatabaseInterface::getColumns() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

Returns descriptions of columns in given table

DatabaseInterface::getColumnNames() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

Returns all column names in given table

DatabaseInterface::getTableIndexes() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

Returns indexes of a table

DatabaseInterface::getVariable() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

returns value of given mysql server variable

DatabaseInterface::getDefaultCharset() — Method in class DatabaseInterface
DatabaseInterface::getDefaultCollation() — Method in class DatabaseInterface
DatabaseInterface::getCompatibilities() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

Get supported SQL compatibility modes

DatabaseInterface::getWarnings() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

returns warnings for last query

DatabaseInterface::getCurrentUser() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

gets the current user with host

DatabaseInterface::getCurrentRoles() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

gets the current role with host. Role maybe multiple separated by comma Support start from MySQL 8.x / MariaDB 10.0.5

DatabaseInterface::getCurrentUserAndHost() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

Get the current user and host

DatabaseInterface::getCurrentRolesAndHost() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

Get the current role and host.

DatabaseInterface::getLowerCaseNames() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

Returns value for lower_case_table_names variable

DatabaseInterface::getHostInfo() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

Returns a string representing the type of connection used

DatabaseInterface::getClientInfo() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

returns a string that represents the client library version

DatabaseInterface::getError() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

Returns last error message or an empty string if no errors occurred.

DatabaseInterface::getFieldsMeta() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

returns metainfo for fields in $result

DatabaseInterface::getKillQuery() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

Gets SQL for killing a process.

DatabaseInterface::getTable() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

Get a table with database name and table name

DatabaseInterface::getDbCollation() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

returns collation of given db

DatabaseInterface::getServerCollation() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

returns default server collation from show variables

DatabaseInterface::getVersion() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

Server version as number

DatabaseInterface::getVersionString() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

Server version

DatabaseInterface::getVersionComment() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

Server version comment

DatabaseInterface::getDatabaseList() — Method in class DatabaseInterface
CentralColumns::getParams() — Method in class CentralColumns

Returns the configuration storage settings for central columns or false if no storage is available

CentralColumns::getColumnsList() — Method in class CentralColumns

get $num columns of given database from central columns list starting at offset $from

CentralColumns::getCount() — Method in class CentralColumns

Get the number of columns present in central list for given db

CentralColumns::getListRaw() — Method in class CentralColumns

get the list of columns in given database excluding the columns present in current table

CentralColumns::getHtmlForEditingPage() — Method in class CentralColumns

Get HTML for editing page central columns

CentralColumns::getColumnsCount() — Method in class CentralColumns

get number of columns of given database from central columns list starting at offset $from

CentralColumns::getColumnsNotInCentralList() — Method in class CentralColumns
CentralColumns::getTemplateVariablesForMain() — Method in class CentralColumns

Adding a new user defined column to central list

Designer::getHtmlForEditOrDeletePages() — Method in class Designer

Function to get html for displaying the page edit/delete form

Designer::getHtmlForPageSaveAs() — Method in class Designer

Function to get html for displaying the page save as form

Designer::getHtmlForSchemaExport() — Method in class Designer

Function to get html for displaying the schema export

Designer::getColumnTypes() — Method in class Designer
Designer::getDesignerConfig() — Method in class Designer
Common::getTablesInfo() — Method in class Common

Retrieves table info and returns it

Common::getColumnsInfo() — Method in class Common

Retrieves table column info

Common::getScriptContr() — Method in class Common

Returns JavaScript code for initializing vars

Common::getAllKeys() — Method in class Common

Returns all indices

Common::getScriptTabs() — Method in class Common

Return j_tab and h_tab arrays

Common::getTablePositions() — Method in class Common

Returns table positions of a given pdf page

Common::getPageName() — Method in class Common

Returns page name of a given pdf page

Common::getDefaultPage() — Method in class Common

Returns the id of the default pdf page of the database.

Common::getPageExists() — Method in class Common

Get the status if the page already exists If no such exists, returns negative index.

Common::getLoadingPage() — Method in class Common

Get the id of the page to load. If a default page exists it will be returned.

DesignerTable::getDatabaseName() — Method in class DesignerTable

Get the database name

DesignerTable::getTableName() — Method in class DesignerTable

Get the table name

DesignerTable::getTableEngine() — Method in class DesignerTable

Get the table engine

DesignerTable::getDisplayField() — Method in class DesignerTable

Get the displayed field

DesignerTable::getDbTableString() — Method in class DesignerTable

Get the db and table separated with a dot

Events::getDataFromRequest() — Method in class Events

This function will generate the values that are required to for the editor

Events::getDataFromName() — Method in class Events

This function will generate the values that are required to complete the "Edit event" form given the name of a event.

Events::getQueryFromRequest() — Method in class Events

Composes the query necessary to create an event from an HTTP request.

Events::getEventSchedulerStatus() — Method in class Events
Events::getDetails() — Method in class Events

Returns details about the EVENTs for a specific database.

Events::getDefinition() — Method in class Events
MultiTableQuery::getFormHtml() — Method in class MultiTableQuery

Get Multi-Table query page HTML

Routines::getDataFromRequest() — Method in class Routines

This function will generate the values that are required to complete the editor form. It is especially necessary to handle the 'Add another parameter', 'Remove last parameter' and 'Change routine type' functionalities when JS is disabled.

Routines::getDataFromName() — Method in class Routines

This function will generate the values that are required to complete the "Edit routine" form given the name of a routine.

Routines::getParameterRow() — Method in class Routines

Creates one row for the parameter table used in the routine editor.

Routines::getQueryFromRequest() — Method in class Routines

Composes the query necessary to create a routine from an HTTP request.

Routines::getExecuteForm() — Method in class Routines

Creates the HTML code that shows the routine execution dialog.

Routines::getRow() — Method in class Routines

Creates the contents for a row in the list of routines

Routines::getDetails() — Method in class Routines

returns details about the PROCEDUREs or FUNCTIONs for a specific database or details about a specific routine

Routines::getFunctionDefinition() — Method in class Routines
Routines::getProcedureDefinition() — Method in class Routines
Routines::getFunctionNames() — Method in class Routines
Routines::getProcedureNames() — Method in class Routines
Search::getSearchResults() — Method in class Search

Displays database search results

Search::getMainHtml() — Method in class Search

Provides the main search form's html

DbalInterface::getTables() — Method in class DbalInterface

returns array with table names for given db

DbalInterface::getTablesFull() — Method in class DbalInterface

returns array of all tables in given db or dbs this function expects unquoted names: RIGHT: my_database WRONG: my_database WRONG: my_database if $tbl_is_group is true, $table is used as filter for table names

DbalInterface::getDatabasesFull() — Method in class DbalInterface

returns array with databases containing extended infos about them

DbalInterface::getColumnsFull() — Method in class DbalInterface

returns detailed array with all columns for given table in database, or all tables/databases

DbalInterface::getColumn() — Method in class DbalInterface

Returns description of a $column in given table

DbalInterface::getColumns() — Method in class DbalInterface

Returns descriptions of columns in given table

DbalInterface::getColumnNames() — Method in class DbalInterface

Returns all column names in given table

DbalInterface::getTableIndexes() — Method in class DbalInterface

Returns indexes of a table

DbalInterface::getVariable() — Method in class DbalInterface

returns value of given mysql server variable

DbalInterface::getCompatibilities() — Method in class DbalInterface

Get supported SQL compatibility modes

DbalInterface::getWarnings() — Method in class DbalInterface

returns warnings for last query

DbalInterface::getCurrentUser() — Method in class DbalInterface

gets the current user with host

DbalInterface::getCurrentUserAndHost() — Method in class DbalInterface

Get the current user and host

DbalInterface::getLowerCaseNames() — Method in class DbalInterface

Returns value for lower_case_table_names variable

DbalInterface::getHostInfo() — Method in class DbalInterface

Returns a string representing the type of connection used

DbalInterface::getClientInfo() — Method in class DbalInterface

returns a string that represents the client library version

DbalInterface::getError() — Method in class DbalInterface

Returns last error message or an empty string if no errors occurred.

DbalInterface::getFieldsMeta() — Method in class DbalInterface

returns metainfo for fields in $result

DbalInterface::getKillQuery() — Method in class DbalInterface

Gets SQL for killing a process.

DbalInterface::getTable() — Method in class DbalInterface

Get a table with database name and table name

DbalInterface::getDbCollation() — Method in class DbalInterface

returns collation of given db

DbalInterface::getServerCollation() — Method in class DbalInterface

returns default server collation from show variables

DbalInterface::getVersion() — Method in class DbalInterface

Server version as number

DbalInterface::getVersionString() — Method in class DbalInterface

Server version

DbalInterface::getVersionComment() — Method in class DbalInterface

Server version comment

DbiExtension::getHostInfo() — Method in class DbiExtension

Returns a string representing the type of connection used

DbiExtension::getClientInfo() — Method in class DbiExtension

returns a string that represents the client library version

DbiExtension::getError() — Method in class DbiExtension

Returns last error message or an empty string if no errors occurred.

DbiExtension::getWarningCount() — Method in class DbiExtension

Returns the number of warnings from the last query.

DbiMysqli::getHostInfo() — Method in class DbiMysqli

Returns a string representing the type of connection used

DbiMysqli::getClientInfo() — Method in class DbiMysqli

returns a string that represents the client library version

DbiMysqli::getError() — Method in class DbiMysqli

Returns last error message or an empty string if no errors occurred.

DbiMysqli::getWarningCount() — Method in class DbiMysqli

Returns the number of warnings from the last query.

MysqliResult::getIterator() — Method in class MysqliResult

Returns a generator that traverses through the whole result set and returns each row as an associative array

MysqliResult::getFieldsMeta() — Method in class MysqliResult

Returns meta info for fields in $result

MysqliResult::getFieldNames() — Method in class MysqliResult

Returns the names of the fields in the result

MysqliStatement::getResult() — Method in class MysqliStatement

Gets a result set from a prepared statement.

ResultInterface::getIterator() — Method in class ResultInterface

Returns a generator that traverses through the whole result set and returns each row as an associative array

ResultInterface::getFieldsMeta() — Method in class ResultInterface

Returns meta info for fields in $result

ResultInterface::getFieldNames() — Method in class ResultInterface

Returns the names of the fields in the result

Statement::getResult() — Method in class Statement

Gets a result set from a prepared statement.

Results::getTable() — Method in class Results

Prepare a table of results returned by a SQL query.

Encoding::getKanjiEncodings() — Method in class Encoding

Setter for Kanji encodings. Use with caution, mostly useful for testing.

Bdb::getVariables() — Method in class Bdb

Returns array with variable names related to this storage engine

Bdb::getVariablesLikePattern() — Method in class Bdb

Returns the pattern to be used in the query for SQL variables related to this storage engine

Bdb::getMysqlHelpPage() — Method in class Bdb

returns string with filename for the MySQL helppage about this storage engine

Binlog::getMysqlHelpPage() — Method in class Binlog

Returns string with filename for the MySQL helppage about this storage engine

Innodb::getVariables() — Method in class Innodb

Returns array with variable names related to InnoDB storage engine

Innodb::getVariablesLikePattern() — Method in class Innodb

Returns the pattern to be used in the query for SQL variables related to InnoDb storage engine

Innodb::getInfoPages() — Method in class Innodb

Get information pages

Innodb::getPageBufferpool() — Method in class Innodb

returns html tables with stats over inno db buffer pool

Innodb::getPageStatus() — Method in class Innodb

returns InnoDB status

Innodb::getMysqlHelpPage() — Method in class Innodb

returns string with filename for the MySQL helppage about this storage engine

Innodb::getInnodbPluginVersion() — Method in class Innodb

Gets the InnoDB plugin version number

Innodb::getInnodbFileFormat() — Method in class Innodb

Gets the InnoDB file format

Memory::getVariables() — Method in class Memory

Returns array with variable names dedicated to MEMORY storage engine

MrgMyisam::getMysqlHelpPage() — Method in class MrgMyisam

returns string with filename for the MySQL helppage about this storage engine

Myisam::getVariables() — Method in class Myisam

Returns array with variable names dedicated to MyISAM storage engine

Ndbcluster::getVariables() — Method in class Ndbcluster

Returns array with variable names related to NDBCLUSTER storage engine

Ndbcluster::getVariablesLikePattern() — Method in class Ndbcluster

Returns the pattern to be used in the query for SQL variables related to NDBCLUSTER storage engine

Ndbcluster::getMysqlHelpPage() — Method in class Ndbcluster

Returns string with filename for the MySQL help page about this storage engine

Pbxt::getVariables() — Method in class Pbxt

Returns array with variable names dedicated to PBXT storage engine

Pbxt::getInfoPages() — Method in class Pbxt

Get information about pages

Pbxt::getPageDocumentation() — Method in class Pbxt

Get content of documentation page

PerformanceSchema::getMysqlHelpPage() — Method in class PerformanceSchema

Returns string with filename for the MySQL helppage about this storage engine

Error::getHash() — Method in class Error

returns unique PhpMyAdmin\Error\Error::$hash, if not exists it will be created

Error::getBacktrace() — Method in class Error

returns PhpMyAdmin\Error\Error::$_backtrace for first $count frames pass $count = -1 to get full backtrace.

Error::getFile() — Method in class Error

returns PhpMyAdmin\Error\Error::$file

Error::getLine() — Method in class Error

returns PhpMyAdmin\Error\Error::$line

Error::getType() — Method in class Error

returns type of error

Error::getLevel() — Method in class Error
Error::getHtmlTitle() — Method in class Error

returns title prepared for HTML Title-Tag

Error::getTitle() — Method in class Error

returns title for error

Error::getBacktraceDisplay() — Method in class Error

Get HTML backtrace

Error::getFunctionCall() — Method in class Error

Formats function call in a backtrace

Error::getArg() — Method in class Error

Get a single function argument

Error::getDisplay() — Method in class Error

Gets the error as string of HTML

Error::getErrorNumber() — Method in class Error
ErrorHandler::getInstance() — Method in class ErrorHandler
ErrorHandler::getErrors() — Method in class ErrorHandler

returns array with all errors

ErrorHandler::getCurrentErrors() — Method in class ErrorHandler

returns the errors occurred in the current run only.

ErrorHandler::getDispErrors() — Method in class ErrorHandler

renders errors not displayed

ErrorReport::getData() — Method in class ErrorReport

Returns the error report data collected from the current configuration or from the request parameters sent by the error reporting js code.

ErrorReport::getForm() — Method in class ErrorReport

Generates the error report form to collect user description and preview the report before being sent

ErrorReport::getEmptyModal() — Method in class ErrorReport
Export::gzencodeNeeded() — Method in class Export

Detect whether gzencode is needed; it might not be needed if the server is already compressing by itself

Export::getHtmlForDisplayedExportFooter() — Method in class Export

Returns HTML containing the footer for a displayed export

Export::getMemoryLimit() — Method in class Export

Computes the memory limit for export

Export::getFinalFilename() — Method in class Export
Export::getMimeType() — Method in class Export
Export::getHtmlForDisplayedExportHeader() — Method in class Export

Returns HTML containing the header for a displayed export

Export::getPageLocationAndSaveMessage() — Method in class Export

Loads correct page after doing export

Export::getMetadataTypes() — Method in class Export

Returns all the metadata types that can be exported with a database or a table

Export::getCheckedClause() — Method in class Export

Returns the checked clause, depending on the presence of key in array

Export::getExportSchemaInfo() — Method in class Export

get all the export options and verify call and include the appropriate Schema Class depending on $export_type

Export::getTableNames() — Method in class Export
Options::getDatabasesForSelectOptions() — Method in class Options

Prints Html For Export Selection Options

Options::getOptions() — Method in class Options
Template::getId() — Method in class Template
Template::getUsername() — Method in class Template
Template::getExportType() — Method in class Template
Template::getName() — Method in class Template
Template::getData() — Method in class Template
TemplateModel::getAll() — Method in class TemplateModel
RecentFavoriteTables::getInstance() — Method in class RecentFavoriteTables

Returns class instance.

RecentFavoriteTables::getTables() — Method in class RecentFavoriteTables

Returns the recent/favorite tables array

RecentFavoriteTables::getHtmlList() — Method in class RecentFavoriteTables

Return HTML ul.

RecentFavoriteTables::getHtmlSyncFavoriteTables() — Method in class RecentFavoriteTables

Generate Html for sync Favorite tables anchor. (from localStorage to pmadb)

FieldMetadata::getMappedType() — Method in class FieldMetadata

Get the mapped type as a string

File::getRawContent() — Method in class File

Gets file content

File::getContent() — Method in class File

Gets file content

File::getName() — Method in class File
File::getError() — Method in class File

Returns possible error message.

File::getHandle() — Method in class File

Returns the file handle

File::getCharset() — Method in class File

Returns the character set of the file

File::getCompression() — Method in class File

Returns compression used by file.

File::getOffset() — Method in class File

Returns the offset

File::getChunkSize() — Method in class File

Returns the chunk size

File::getContentLength() — Method in class File

Returns the length of the content in the file

FileListing::getDirContent() — Method in class FileListing

Returns array of filtered file names

FileListing::getFileSelectOptions() — Method in class FileListing

Returns options of filtered file names

FlashMessenger::getMessages() — Method in class FlashMessenger
FlashMessenger::getCurrentMessages() — Method in class FlashMessenger
Font::getCharLists() — Method in class Font

Get list with characters and the corresponding width modifiers.

Font::getStringWidth() — Method in class Font

Get width of string/text

Footer::getDebugMessage() — Method in class Footer

Renders the debug messages

Footer::getSelfUrl() — Method in class Footer

Returns the url of the current page

Footer::getErrorMessages() — Method in class Footer

Renders the link to open a new page

Footer::getScripts() — Method in class Footer

Returns the Scripts object

Footer::getDisplay() — Method in class Footer
Polygon::getPointOnSurface() — Method in class Polygon

Returns a point that is guaranteed to be on the surface of the ring.

GisFactoryClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Gis

Factory class that handles the creation of geometric objects.

GisGeometryClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Gis

Base class for all GIS data type classes.

GisGeometry::getExtent() — Method in class GisGeometry

Get coordinate extent for this wkt.

GisGeometry::getWktCoord() — Method in class GisGeometry
GisGeometry::generateWkt() — Method in class GisGeometry

Generates the WKT with the set of parameters passed by the GIS editor.

GisGeometry::getCoordinatesExtent() — Method in class GisGeometry

Updates the min, max values with the given point set.

GisGeometry::getCoordinateParams() — Method in class GisGeometry

Generate coordinate parameters for the GIS data editor from the value of the GIS column.

GisGeometry::getType() — Method in class GisGeometry

Return the uppercase GIS type name

GisGeometry::generateParams() — Method in class GisGeometry

Generate parameters for the GIS data editor from the value of the GIS column.

GisGeometry::getRandomId() — Method in class GisGeometry
GisGeometryCollectionClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Gis

Handles actions related to GIS GEOMETRYCOLLECTION objects

GisGeometryCollection::getExtent() — Method in class GisGeometryCollection

Get coordinate extent for this wkt.

GisGeometryCollection::generateWkt() — Method in class GisGeometryCollection

Generates the WKT with the set of parameters passed by the GIS editor.

GisGeometryCollection::getCoordinateParams() — Method in class GisGeometryCollection
GisGeometryCollection::generateParams() — Method in class GisGeometryCollection

Generates parameters for the GIS data editor from the value of the GIS column.

GisGeometryCollection::getType() — Method in class GisGeometryCollection

Return the uppercase GIS type name

GisLineStringClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Gis

Handles actions related to GIS LINESTRING objects

GisLineString::getExtent() — Method in class GisLineString

Get coordinate extent for this wkt.

GisLineString::generateWkt() — Method in class GisLineString

Generate the WKT with the set of parameters passed by the GIS editor.

GisLineString::getCoordinateParams() — Method in class GisLineString

Generate coordinate parameters for the GIS data editor from the value of the GIS column.

GisLineString::getType() — Method in class GisLineString

Return the uppercase GIS type name

GisMultiLineStringClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Gis

Handles actions related to GIS MULTILINESTRING objects

GisMultiLineString::getExtent() — Method in class GisMultiLineString

Get coordinate extent for this wkt.

GisMultiLineString::generateWkt() — Method in class GisMultiLineString

Generate the WKT with the set of parameters passed by the GIS editor.

GisMultiLineString::getShape() — Method in class GisMultiLineString

Generate the WKT for the data from ESRI shape files.

GisMultiLineString::getCoordinateParams() — Method in class GisMultiLineString

Generate coordinate parameters for the GIS data editor from the value of the GIS column.

GisMultiLineString::getType() — Method in class GisMultiLineString

Return the uppercase GIS type name

GisMultiPointClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Gis

Handles actions related to GIS MULTIPOINT objects

GisMultiPoint::getExtent() — Method in class GisMultiPoint

Get coordinate extent for this wkt.

GisMultiPoint::generateWkt() — Method in class GisMultiPoint

Generate the WKT with the set of parameters passed by the GIS editor.

GisMultiPoint::getShape() — Method in class GisMultiPoint

Generate the WKT for the data from ESRI shape files.

GisMultiPoint::getCoordinateParams() — Method in class GisMultiPoint

Generate coordinate parameters for the GIS data editor from the value of the GIS column.

GisMultiPoint::getType() — Method in class GisMultiPoint

Return the uppercase GIS type name

GisMultiPolygonClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Gis

Handles actions related to GIS MULTIPOLYGON objects

GisMultiPolygon::getExtent() — Method in class GisMultiPolygon

Get coordinates extent for this wkt.

GisMultiPolygon::generateWkt() — Method in class GisMultiPolygon

Generate the WKT with the set of parameters passed by the GIS editor.

GisMultiPolygon::getShape() — Method in class GisMultiPolygon

Generate the WKT for the data from ESRI shape files.

GisMultiPolygon::getCoordinateParams() — Method in class GisMultiPolygon

Generate coordinate parameters for the GIS data editor from the value of the GIS column.

GisMultiPolygon::getType() — Method in class GisMultiPolygon

Return the uppercase GIS type name

GisPointClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Gis

Handles actions related to GIS POINT objects

GisPoint::getExtent() — Method in class GisPoint

Get coordinate extent for this wkt.

GisPoint::generateWkt() — Method in class GisPoint

Generate the WKT with the set of parameters passed by the GIS editor.

GisPoint::getShape() — Method in class GisPoint

Generate the WKT for the data from ESRI shape files.

GisPoint::getCoordinateParams() — Method in class GisPoint

Generate coordinate parameters for the GIS data editor from the value of the GIS column.

GisPoint::getType() — Method in class GisPoint

Return the uppercase GIS type name

GisPolygonClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Gis

Handles actions related to GIS POLYGON objects

GisPolygon::getExtent() — Method in class GisPolygon

Get coordinate extent for this wkt.

GisPolygon::generateWkt() — Method in class GisPolygon

Generate the WKT with the set of parameters passed by the GIS editor.

GisPolygon::getCoordinateParams() — Method in class GisPolygon

Generate coordinate parameters for the GIS data editor from the value of the GIS column.

GisPolygon::getType() — Method in class GisPolygon

Return the uppercase GIS type name

GisVisualizationClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Gis

Handles visualization of GIS data

GisVisualization::getWidth() — Method in class GisVisualization
GisVisualization::getHeight() — Method in class GisVisualization
GisVisualization::getPos() — Method in class GisVisualization
GisVisualization::getRows() — Method in class GisVisualization
GisVisualization::getSpatialColumn() — Method in class GisVisualization
GisVisualization::getLabelColumn() — Method in class GisVisualization
GisVisualization::get() — Method in class GisVisualization
GisVisualization::getByData() — Method in class GisVisualization

Get visualization

GisVisualizationSettingsClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Gis
GitClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin

Git class to manipulate Git data

Header::getJsParams() — Method in class Header

Returns, as an array, a list of parameters used on the client side

Header::getJsParamsCode() — Method in class Header

Returns, as a string, a list of parameters used on the client side

Header::getScripts() — Method in class Header

Returns the Scripts object

Header::getMenu() — Method in class Header

Returns the Menu object

Header::getDisplay() — Method in class Header
Header::getMessage() — Method in class Header

Returns the message to be displayed at the top of the page, including the executed SQL query, if any.

Header::getHttpHeaders() — Method in class Header
Header::getPageTitle() — Method in class Header

If the page is missing the title, this function will set it to something reasonable

Header::getConsole() — Method in class Header
GeneratorClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Html

HTML Generator

Generator::getDbLink() — Method in class Generator

returns html code for db link to default db page

Generator::getIcon() — Method in class Generator

Returns an HTML IMG tag for a particular icon from a theme, which may be an actual file or an icon from a sprite.

Generator::getServerSSL() — Method in class Generator

Returns information about SSL status for current connection

Generator::getDefaultFunctionForField() — Method in class Generator

Returns default function for a particular column.

Generator::getFunctionsForField() — Method in class Generator

Creates a dropdown box with MySQL functions for a particular column.

Generator::getNavigationLink() — Method in class Generator

Renders a single link for the top of the navigation panel

Generator::getStartAndNumberOfRowsFieldsetData() — Method in class Generator
Generator::getMessage() — Method in class Generator

Prepare the message and the query usually the message is the result of the query executed

Generator::getImage() — Method in class Generator

Returns an HTML IMG tag for a particular image from a theme

Generator::getListNavigator() — Method in class Generator

Prepare navigation for a list

Generator::getSupportedDatatypes() — Method in class Generator

This function processes the datatypes supported by the DB, as specified in Types->getColumns() and returns an HTML snippet that creates a drop-down list.

MySQLDocumentation::getDocumentationLink() — Method in class MySQLDocumentation

Returns link to documentation.

Response::getProtocolVersion() — Method in class Response
Response::getHeaders() — Method in class Response
Response::getHeader() — Method in class Response
Response::getHeaderLine() — Method in class Response
Response::getBody() — Method in class Response
Response::getStatusCode() — Method in class Response
Response::getReasonPhrase() — Method in class Response
ServerRequest::getProtocolVersion() — Method in class ServerRequest
ServerRequest::getHeaders() — Method in class ServerRequest
ServerRequest::getHeader() — Method in class ServerRequest
ServerRequest::getHeaderLine() — Method in class ServerRequest
ServerRequest::getBody() — Method in class ServerRequest
ServerRequest::getRequestTarget() — Method in class ServerRequest
ServerRequest::getMethod() — Method in class ServerRequest
ServerRequest::getUri() — Method in class ServerRequest
ServerRequest::getServerParams() — Method in class ServerRequest
ServerRequest::getCookieParams() — Method in class ServerRequest
ServerRequest::getQueryParams() — Method in class ServerRequest
ServerRequest::getUploadedFiles() — Method in class ServerRequest
ServerRequest::getParsedBody() — Method in class ServerRequest
ServerRequest::getAttributes() — Method in class ServerRequest
ServerRequest::getAttribute() — Method in class ServerRequest
ServerRequest::getParam() — Method in class ServerRequest
ServerRequest::getParsedBodyParam() — Method in class ServerRequest
ServerRequest::getQueryParam() — Method in class ServerRequest
ServerRequest::getRoute() — Method in class ServerRequest
ServerRequest::getParsedBodyParamAsString() — Method in class ServerRequest
ServerRequest::getParsedBodyParamAsStringOrNull() — Method in class ServerRequest
Language::getNativeName() — Method in class Language

Returns native name for language

Language::getEnglishName() — Method in class Language

Returns English name for language

Language::getName() — Method in class Language

Returns verbose name for language

Language::getCode() — Method in class Language

Returns language code

Language::getMySQLLocale() — Method in class Language

Returns MySQL locale code, can be empty

LanguageManager::getInstance() — Method in class LanguageManager

Returns LanguageManager singleton

LanguageManager::getLanguage() — Method in class LanguageManager

Return Language object for given code

LanguageManager::getCurrentLanguage() — Method in class LanguageManager

Return currently active Language object

DatabaseName::getName() — Method in class DatabaseName
Identifier::getName() — Method in class Identifier
TableName::getName() — Method in class TableName
TriggerName::getName() — Method in class TriggerName
ImageWrapper::getImage() — Method in class ImageWrapper
Import::getNextChunk() — Method in class Import

Returns next part of imported file/buffer

Import::getColumnAlphaName() — Method in class Import

Returns the "Excel" column name (i.e. 1 = "A", 26 = "Z", 27 = "AA", etc.)

Import::getColumnNumberFromName() — Method in class Import

Returns the column number based on the Excel name.

Import::getCompressions() — Method in class Import
Import::getLocalFiles() — Method in class Import
Import::getNextAvailableTableName() — Method in class Import
$ ImportSettings#goSqlProperty in class ImportSettings
SimulateDml::getError() — Method in class SimulateDml
SimulateDml::getMatchedRows() — Method in class SimulateDml

Find the matching rows for UPDATE/DELETE query.

Index::getFromTable() — Method in class Index

returns an array with all indexes from the given table

Index::getFromTableByChoice() — Method in class Index

Returns an array with all indexes from the given table of the requested types

Index::getPrimary() — Method in class Index
Index::getColumnCount() — Method in class Index

Returns the number of columns of the index

Index::getComment() — Method in class Index

Returns the index comment

Index::getRemarks() — Method in class Index

Returns index remarks

Index::getKeyBlockSize() — Method in class Index

Return the key block size

Index::getParser() — Method in class Index

Return the parser

Index::getComments() — Method in class Index

Returns concatenated remarks and comment

Index::getType() — Method in class Index

Returns index type (BTREE, HASH, RTREE)

Index::getChoice() — Method in class Index


Index::getIndexTypes() — Method in class Index

Returns a lit of all index types

Index::getPacked() — Method in class Index

Returns how the index is packed

Index::getNonUnique() — Method in class Index

Returns bool false if the index cannot contain duplicates, true if it can

Index::getName() — Method in class Index

Returns the name of the index

Index::getColumns() — Method in class Index

Returns the columns of the index

Index::getCompareData() — Method in class Index

Gets the properties in an array for comparison purposes

IndexColumn::getExpression() — Method in class IndexColumn

The Index expression if it has one

IndexColumn::getName() — Method in class IndexColumn

Returns the column name

IndexColumn::getCollation() — Method in class IndexColumn

Return the column collation

IndexColumn::getCardinality() — Method in class IndexColumn

Returns the cardinality of the column

IndexColumn::getNull() — Method in class IndexColumn

Returns the text whether the column is nullable

IndexColumn::getSeqInIndex() — Method in class IndexColumn

Returns the sequence number of the column in the index

IndexColumn::getSubPart() — Method in class IndexColumn

Returns the number of indexed characters if the column is only partly indexed

IndexColumn::getCompareData() — Method in class IndexColumn

Gets the properties in an array for comparison purposes

InsertEdit::getFormParametersForInsertForm() — Method in class InsertEdit

Retrieve form parameters for insert/edit form

InsertEdit::getContinueInsertionForm() — Method in class InsertEdit

get html for continue insertion form

InsertEdit::getGotoInclude() — Method in class InsertEdit

set $goto_include variable for different cases and retrieve like, if UrlParams::$goto empty, if $goto_include previously not defined and new_insert, same_insert, edit_next

InsertEdit::getErrorUrl() — Method in class InsertEdit

Defines the url to return in case of failure of the query

InsertEdit::getDisplayValueForForeignTableColumn() — Method in class InsertEdit

Column to display from the foreign table?

InsertEdit::getLinkForRelationalDisplayField() — Method in class InsertEdit

Display option in the cell according to user choices

InsertEdit::getQueryValueForInsert() — Method in class InsertEdit

Get query values array and query fields array for insert and update in multi edit

InsertEdit::getQueryValueForUpdate() — Method in class InsertEdit

Get field-value pairs for update SQL.

InsertEdit::getTableColumns() — Method in class InsertEdit

Function to get the columns of a table

InsertEdit::getCommentsMap() — Method in class InsertEdit

Function to get comments for the table columns

InsertEdit::getHtmlForIgnoreOption() — Method in class InsertEdit

Function to get html for the ignore option in insert mode

InsertEdit::getHtmlForInsertEditFormHeader() — Method in class InsertEdit

Function to get html for the insert edit form header

InsertEdit::getHtmlForInsertEditRow() — Method in class InsertEdit

Function to get html for each insert/edit row

InsertEdit::getColumnDefaultValues() — Method in class InsertEdit
Linter::getLines() — Method in class Linter

Gets the starting position of each line.

ListDatabase::getList() — Method in class ListDatabase
Logging::getLogDestination() — Method in class Logging

Get authentication logging destination

Logging::getLogMessage() — Method in class Logging

Generate log message for authentication logging

Menu::getDisplay() — Method in class Menu

Returns the menu and the breadcrumbs as a string

Message::getMessageForAffectedRows() — Method in class Message

get Message for type of affected rows

Message::getMessageForDeletedRows() — Method in class Message

get Message for type of deleted rows

Message::getMessageForInsertedRows() — Method in class Message

get Message for type of inserted rows

Message::getParams() — Method in class Message

return all parameters

Message::getAddedMessages() — Method in class Message

return all added messages

Message::getHash() — Method in class Message

returns unique Message::$hash, if not exists it will be created

Message::getMessage() — Method in class Message

returns compiled message

Message::getOnlyMessage() — Method in class Message

Returns only message string without image & other HTML.

Message::getString() — Method in class Message

returns Message::$string

Message::getLevel() — Method in class Message
Message::getContext() — Method in class Message
Message::getDisplay() — Method in class Message

returns HTML code for displaying this message

Message::getMessageWithIcon() — Method in class Message

Returns the message with corresponding image icon

Navigation::getDisplay() — Method in class Navigation

Renders the navigation tree, or part of it

Navigation::getItemUnhideDialog() — Method in class Navigation

Returns HTML for the dialog to show hidden navigation items.

NavigationTree::groupTree() — Method in class NavigationTree

Recursively groups tree nodes given a separator

NavigationTree::groupNode() — Method in class NavigationTree

Recursively groups tree nodes given a separator

Node::getInstanceForNewNode() — Method in class Node

Instantiates a Node object that will be used only for "New db/table/etc.." objects

Node::getChild() — Method in class Node

Returns a child node given it's name

Node::getPaths() — Method in class Node

Returns the actual path and the virtual paths for a node both as clean arrays and base64 encoded strings

Node::getData() — Method in class Node

Returns the names of children of type $type present inside this container This method is overridden by the PhpMyAdmin\Navigation\Nodes\NodeDatabase and PhpMyAdmin\Navigation\Nodes\NodeTable classes

Node::getPresence() — Method in class Node

Returns the number of children of type $type present inside this container This method is overridden by the PhpMyAdmin\Navigation\Nodes\NodeDatabase and PhpMyAdmin\Navigation\Nodes\NodeTable classes

Node::getHtmlForControlButtons() — Method in class Node

Returns HTML for control buttons displayed infront of a node

Node::getCssClasses() — Method in class Node

Returns CSS classes for a node

Node::getIcon() — Method in class Node

Returns icon for the node

Node::getNavigationHidingData() — Method in class Node

Gets the count of hidden elements for each database

NodeDatabase::getPresence() — Method in class NodeDatabase

Returns the number of children of type $type present inside this container This method is overridden by the PhpMyAdmin\Navigation\Nodes\NodeDatabase and PhpMyAdmin\Navigation\Nodes\NodeTable classes

NodeDatabase::getData() — Method in class NodeDatabase

Returns the names of children of type $type present inside this container This method is overridden by the PhpMyAdmin\Navigation\Nodes\NodeDatabase and PhpMyAdmin\Navigation\Nodes\NodeTable classes

NodeDatabase::getHiddenItems() — Method in class NodeDatabase

Return list of hidden items of given type

NodeDatabase::getHtmlForControlButtons() — Method in class NodeDatabase

Returns HTML for control buttons displayed infront of a node

NodeDatabase::getHiddenCount() — Method in class NodeDatabase

Returns the number of hidden items in this database

NodeDatabaseChild::getItemType() — Method in class NodeDatabaseChild

Returns the type of the item represented by the node.

NodeDatabaseChild::getHtmlForControlButtons() — Method in class NodeDatabaseChild

Returns HTML for control buttons displayed infront of a node

NodeDatabaseChildContainer::getItemType() — Method in class NodeDatabaseChildContainer

Returns the type of the item represented by the node.

NodeEvent::getItemType() — Method in class NodeEvent

Returns the type of the item represented by the node.

NodeFunction::getItemType() — Method in class NodeFunction

Returns the type of the item represented by the node.

NodeProcedure::getItemType() — Method in class NodeProcedure

Returns the type of the item represented by the node.

NodeTable::getPresence() — Method in class NodeTable

Returns the number of children of type $type present inside this container This method is overridden by the PhpMyAdmin\Navigation\Nodes\NodeDatabase and PhpMyAdmin\Navigation\Nodes\NodeTable classes

NodeTable::getData() — Method in class NodeTable

Returns the names of children of type $type present inside this container This method is overridden by the PhpMyAdmin\Navigation\Nodes\NodeDatabase and PhpMyAdmin\Navigation\Nodes\NodeTable classes

NodeTable::getItemType() — Method in class NodeTable

Returns the type of the item represented by the node.

NodeView::getItemType() — Method in class NodeView

Returns the type of the item represented by the node.

ObjectFetcher::getTables() — Method in class ObjectFetcher

Returns the list of tables inside this database

ObjectFetcher::getViews() — Method in class ObjectFetcher

Returns the list of views inside this database

ObjectFetcher::getProcedures() — Method in class ObjectFetcher

Returns the list of procedures inside this database

ObjectFetcher::getFunctions() — Method in class ObjectFetcher

Returns the list of functions inside this database

ObjectFetcher::getEvents() — Method in class ObjectFetcher

Returns the list of events inside this database

Normalization::getHtmlForColumnsList() — Method in class Normalization

build the html for columns of $colTypeCategory category in form of given $listType in a table

Normalization::getHtmlForCreateNewColumn() — Method in class Normalization

get the html of the form to add the new column to given table

Normalization::getHtmlFor1NFStep1() — Method in class Normalization

build the html for step 1.1 of normalization

Normalization::getHtmlContentsFor1NFStep2() — Method in class Normalization

build the html contents of various html elements in step 1.2

Normalization::getHtmlContentsFor1NFStep4() — Method in class Normalization

build the html contents of various html elements in step 1.4

Normalization::getHtmlContentsFor1NFStep3() — Method in class Normalization

build the html contents of various html elements in step 1.3

Normalization::getHtmlFor2NFstep1() — Method in class Normalization

build html contents for 2NF step 2.1

Normalization::getHtmlForNewTables2NF() — Method in class Normalization

build the html for showing the tables to have in order to put current table in 2NF

Normalization::getHtmlForNewTables3NF() — Method in class Normalization

build the html for showing the new tables to have in order to put given tables in 3NF

Normalization::getHtmlFor3NFstep1() — Method in class Normalization

build html for 3NF step 1 to find the transitive dependencies

Operations::getViewsAndCreateSqlViewStandIn() — Method in class Operations

Get views as an array and create SQL view stand-in

Operations::getPossibleRowFormat() — Method in class Operations

Get array of possible row formats

Operations::getPartitionMaintenanceChoices() — Method in class Operations
Operations::getForeignersForReferentialIntegrityCheck() — Method in class Operations
Operations::getTableAltersArray() — Method in class Operations

Get table alters array

Operations::getWarningMessagesArray() — Method in class Operations

Get warning messages array

Partition::getDescription() — Method in class Partition

Returns the partition description

Partition::getRows() — Method in class Partition

Returns the number of data rows

Partition::getDataLength() — Method in class Partition

Returns the total data length

Partition::getIndexLength() — Method in class Partition

Returns the total index length

Partition::getSubPartitions() — Method in class Partition

Returns the list of sub partitions

Partition::getPartitions() — Method in class Partition

Returns array of partitions for a specific db/table

Partition::getPartitionNames() — Method in class Partition

returns array of partition names for a specific db/table

Partition::getPartitionMethod() — Method in class Partition

returns the partition method used by the table.

SubPartition::getName() — Method in class SubPartition

Return the partition name

SubPartition::getOrdinal() — Method in class SubPartition

Return the ordinal of the partition

SubPartition::getMethod() — Method in class SubPartition

Returns the partition method

SubPartition::getExpression() — Method in class SubPartition

Returns the partition expression

SubPartition::getRows() — Method in class SubPartition

Returns the number of data rows

SubPartition::getDataLength() — Method in class SubPartition

Returns the data length

SubPartition::getIndexLength() — Method in class SubPartition

Returns the index length

SubPartition::getComment() — Method in class SubPartition

Returns the partition comment

TablePartitionDefinition::getDetails() — Method in class TablePartitionDefinition
Plugins::getPlugin() — Method in class Plugins

Instantiates the specified plugin type for a certain format

Plugins::getExport() — Method in class Plugins
Plugins::getImport() — Method in class Plugins
Plugins::getSchema() — Method in class Plugins
Plugins::getString() — Method in class Plugins

Returns locale string for $name or $name if no locale is found

Plugins::getDefault() — Method in class Plugins

Returns default value for option $opt

Plugins::getChoice() — Method in class Plugins
Plugins::getHtmlForProperty() — Method in class Plugins

Get HTML for properties items

Plugins::getOptions() — Method in class Plugins

Returns html div with editable options for plugin

AuthenticationHttp::getLoginFormURL() — Method in class AuthenticationHttp

Returns URL for login form.

AuthenticationSignon::getLoginFormURL() — Method in class AuthenticationSignon

Returns URL for login form.

AuthenticationPlugin::getLoginFormURL() — Method in class AuthenticationPlugin

Returns URL for login form.

AuthenticationPlugin::getErrorMessage() — Method in class AuthenticationPlugin

Returns error message for failed authentication.

ExportPlugin::getTableDefStandIn() — Method in class ExportPlugin

Returns a stand-in CREATE definition to resolve view dependencies

ExportPlugin::getProperties() — Method in class ExportPlugin

Gets the export specific format plugin properties

ExportPlugin::getAlias() — Method in class ExportPlugin

Search for alias of a identifier.

ExportPlugin::getRelationString() — Method in class ExportPlugin

Gives the relation string and also substitutes with alias if required in this format: [Foreign Table] ([Foreign Field])

ExportCodegen::getName() — Method in class ExportCodegen
ExportCsv::getName() — Method in class ExportCsv
ExportExcel::getName() — Method in class ExportExcel
ExportHtmlword::getName() — Method in class ExportHtmlword
ExportHtmlword::getTableDefStandIn() — Method in class ExportHtmlword

Returns a stand-in CREATE definition to resolve view dependencies

ExportHtmlword::getTableDef() — Method in class ExportHtmlword

Returns $table's CREATE definition

ExportHtmlword::getTriggers() — Method in class ExportHtmlword

Outputs triggers

ExportJson::getName() — Method in class ExportJson
ExportLatex::getName() — Method in class ExportLatex
ExportMediawiki::getName() — Method in class ExportMediawiki
ExportOds::getName() — Method in class ExportOds
ExportOdt::getName() — Method in class ExportOdt
ExportOdt::getTableDefStandIn() — Method in class ExportOdt

Returns a stand-in CREATE definition to resolve view dependencies

ExportOdt::getTableDef() — Method in class ExportOdt

Returns $table's CREATE definition

ExportOdt::getTriggers() — Method in class ExportOdt

Outputs triggers

ExportPdf::getName() — Method in class ExportPdf
ExportPhparray::getName() — Method in class ExportPhparray
ExportSql::getName() — Method in class ExportSql
ExportSql::getTableDefStandIn() — Method in class ExportSql

Returns a stand-in CREATE definition to resolve view dependencies

ExportSql::getTableDef() — Method in class ExportSql

Returns $table's CREATE definition

ExportSql::generateComment() — Method in class ExportSql

Generate comment

ExportTexytext::getName() — Method in class ExportTexytext
ExportTexytext::getTableDefStandIn() — Method in class ExportTexytext

Returns a stand-in CREATE definition to resolve view dependencies

ExportTexytext::getTableDef() — Method in class ExportTexytext

Returns $table's CREATE definition

ExportTexytext::getTriggers() — Method in class ExportTexytext

Outputs triggers

ExportXml::getName() — Method in class ExportXml
ExportYaml::getName() — Method in class ExportYaml
Pdf::getTriggers() — Method in class Pdf

Prints triggers

Pdf::getTableDef() — Method in class Pdf

Print $table's CREATE definition

TableProperty::getPureType() — Method in class TableProperty

Gets the pure type

TableProperty::getDotNetPrimitiveType() — Method in class TableProperty

Gets the .NET primitive type

TableProperty::getDotNetObjectType() — Method in class TableProperty

Gets the .NET object type

TableProperty::getIndexName() — Method in class TableProperty

Gets the index name

IOTransformationsPlugin::getInputHtml() — Method in class IOTransformationsPlugin

Returns the html for input field to override default textarea.

IOTransformationsPlugin::getScripts() — Method in class IOTransformationsPlugin

Returns the array of scripts (filename) required for plugin initialization and handling

IOTransformationsPlugin::getError() — Method in class IOTransformationsPlugin

Returns the error message

ImportPlugin::getProperties() — Method in class ImportPlugin

Gets the import specific format plugin properties

AbstractImportCsv::getGeneralOptions() — Method in class AbstractImportCsv
ImportCsv::getName() — Method in class ImportCsv
ImportLdi::getName() — Method in class ImportLdi
ImportMediawiki::getName() — Method in class ImportMediawiki
ImportOds::getName() — Method in class ImportOds
ImportOds::getValue() — Method in class ImportOds

Get value

ImportShp::getName() — Method in class ImportShp
ImportSql::getName() — Method in class ImportSql
ImportXml::getName() — Method in class ImportXml
UploadNoplugin::getIdKey() — Method in class UploadNoplugin

Gets the specific upload ID Key

UploadNoplugin::getUploadStatus() — Method in class UploadNoplugin

Returns upload status.

UploadProgress::getIdKey() — Method in class UploadProgress

Gets the specific upload ID Key

UploadProgress::getUploadStatus() — Method in class UploadProgress

Returns upload status.

UploadSession::getIdKey() — Method in class UploadSession

Gets the specific upload ID Key

UploadSession::getUploadStatus() — Method in class UploadSession

Returns upload status.

Plugin::getName() — Method in class Plugin
Plugin::getProperties() — Method in class Plugin
SchemaPlugin::getProperties() — Method in class SchemaPlugin

Gets the export specific format plugin properties

SchemaPlugin::getExportInfo() — Method in class SchemaPlugin
SchemaPlugin::getPaperSizeArray() — Method in class SchemaPlugin

Returns the array of paper sizes

Dia::getOutputData() — Method in class Dia
DiaRelationSchema::getExportInfo() — Method in class DiaRelationSchema
Eps::getFont() — Method in class Eps

Get the font

Eps::getFontSize() — Method in class Eps

Get the font Size

Eps::getOutputData() — Method in class Eps
EpsRelationSchema::getExportInfo() — Method in class EpsRelationSchema
ExportRelationSchema::getPageNumber() — Method in class ExportRelationSchema

Returns the schema page number

ExportRelationSchema::getOrientation() — Method in class ExportRelationSchema

Returns orientation

ExportRelationSchema::getPaper() — Method in class ExportRelationSchema

Returns the paper size

ExportRelationSchema::getTablesFromRequest() — Method in class ExportRelationSchema

Get the table names from the request

ExportRelationSchema::getFileName() — Method in class ExportRelationSchema
Pdf::getOutputData() — Method in class Pdf
PdfRelationSchema::getTableOrder() — Method in class PdfRelationSchema

Returns the order of the table in data dictionary

PdfRelationSchema::getExportInfo() — Method in class PdfRelationSchema
TableStatsPdf::getTitle() — Method in class TableStatsPdf

Returns title of the current table, title can have the dimensions of the table

SchemaDia::getName() — Method in class SchemaDia
SchemaDia::getExportInfo() — Method in class SchemaDia
SchemaEps::getName() — Method in class SchemaEps
SchemaEps::getExportInfo() — Method in class SchemaEps
SchemaPdf::getName() — Method in class SchemaPdf
SchemaPdf::getExportInfo() — Method in class SchemaPdf
SchemaSvg::getName() — Method in class SchemaSvg
SchemaSvg::getExportInfo() — Method in class SchemaSvg
Svg::getFont() — Method in class Svg

Get document font

Svg::getFontSize() — Method in class Svg

Get document font size

Svg::getOutputData() — Method in class Svg
SvgRelationSchema::getExportInfo() — Method in class SvgRelationSchema
TableStats::getTitle() — Method in class TableStats

Returns title of the current table, title can have the dimensions/co-ordinates of the table

TransformationsInterface::getInfo() — Method in class TransformationsInterface

Gets the transformation description

TransformationsInterface::getMIMEType() — Method in class TransformationsInterface

Gets the specific MIME type

TransformationsInterface::getMIMESubtype() — Method in class TransformationsInterface

Gets the specific MIME subtype

TransformationsInterface::getName() — Method in class TransformationsInterface

Gets the transformation name of the specific plugin

TransformationsPlugin::getOptions() — Method in class TransformationsPlugin

Returns passed options or default values if they were not set

Bool2TextTransformationsPlugin::getInfo() — Method in class Bool2TextTransformationsPlugin

Gets the transformation description of the specific plugin

Bool2TextTransformationsPlugin::getName() — Method in class Bool2TextTransformationsPlugin

Gets the transformation name of the specific plugin

CodeMirrorEditorTransformationPlugin::getInputHtml() — Method in class CodeMirrorEditorTransformationPlugin

Returns the html for input field to override default textarea.

DateFormatTransformationsPlugin::getInfo() — Method in class DateFormatTransformationsPlugin

Gets the transformation description of the specific plugin

DateFormatTransformationsPlugin::getName() — Method in class DateFormatTransformationsPlugin

Gets the transformation name of the specific plugin

DownloadTransformationsPlugin::getInfo() — Method in class DownloadTransformationsPlugin

Gets the transformation description of the specific plugin

DownloadTransformationsPlugin::getName() — Method in class DownloadTransformationsPlugin

Gets the transformation name of the specific plugin

ExternalTransformationsPlugin::getInfo() — Method in class ExternalTransformationsPlugin

Gets the transformation description of the specific plugin

ExternalTransformationsPlugin::getName() — Method in class ExternalTransformationsPlugin

Gets the transformation name of the specific plugin

FormattedTransformationsPlugin::getInfo() — Method in class FormattedTransformationsPlugin

Gets the transformation description of the specific plugin

FormattedTransformationsPlugin::getName() — Method in class FormattedTransformationsPlugin

Gets the transformation name of the specific plugin

HexTransformationsPlugin::getInfo() — Method in class HexTransformationsPlugin

Gets the transformation description of the specific plugin

HexTransformationsPlugin::getName() — Method in class HexTransformationsPlugin

Gets the transformation name of the specific plugin

ImageLinkTransformationsPlugin::getInfo() — Method in class ImageLinkTransformationsPlugin

Gets the transformation description of the specific plugin

ImageLinkTransformationsPlugin::getName() — Method in class ImageLinkTransformationsPlugin

Gets the transformation name of the specific plugin

ImageUploadTransformationsPlugin::getInfo() — Method in class ImageUploadTransformationsPlugin

Gets the transformation description of the specific plugin

ImageUploadTransformationsPlugin::getInputHtml() — Method in class ImageUploadTransformationsPlugin

Returns the html for input field to override default textarea.

ImageUploadTransformationsPlugin::getScripts() — Method in class ImageUploadTransformationsPlugin

Returns the array of scripts (filename) required for plugin initialization and handling

ImageUploadTransformationsPlugin::getName() — Method in class ImageUploadTransformationsPlugin

Gets the transformation name of the specific plugin

InlineTransformationsPlugin::getInfo() — Method in class InlineTransformationsPlugin

Gets the transformation description of the specific plugin

InlineTransformationsPlugin::getName() — Method in class InlineTransformationsPlugin

Gets the transformation name of the specific plugin

LongToIPv4TransformationsPlugin::getInfo() — Method in class LongToIPv4TransformationsPlugin

Gets the transformation description of the specific plugin

LongToIPv4TransformationsPlugin::getName() — Method in class LongToIPv4TransformationsPlugin

Gets the transformation name of the specific plugin

PreApPendTransformationsPlugin::getInfo() — Method in class PreApPendTransformationsPlugin

Gets the transformation description of the specific plugin

PreApPendTransformationsPlugin::getName() — Method in class PreApPendTransformationsPlugin

Gets the transformation name of the specific plugin

RegexValidationTransformationsPlugin::getInfo() — Method in class RegexValidationTransformationsPlugin

Gets the transformation description of the specific plugin

RegexValidationTransformationsPlugin::getName() — Method in class RegexValidationTransformationsPlugin

Gets the transformation name of the specific plugin

SQLTransformationsPlugin::getInfo() — Method in class SQLTransformationsPlugin

Gets the transformation description of the specific plugin

SQLTransformationsPlugin::getName() — Method in class SQLTransformationsPlugin

Gets the transformation name of the specific plugin

SubstringTransformationsPlugin::getInfo() — Method in class SubstringTransformationsPlugin

Gets the transformation description of the specific plugin

SubstringTransformationsPlugin::getName() — Method in class SubstringTransformationsPlugin

Gets the transformation name of the specific plugin

TextFileUploadTransformationsPlugin::getInfo() — Method in class TextFileUploadTransformationsPlugin

Gets the transformation description of the specific plugin

TextFileUploadTransformationsPlugin::getInputHtml() — Method in class TextFileUploadTransformationsPlugin

Returns the html for input field to override default textarea.

TextFileUploadTransformationsPlugin::getName() — Method in class TextFileUploadTransformationsPlugin

Gets the transformation name of the specific plugin

TextImageLinkTransformationsPlugin::getInfo() — Method in class TextImageLinkTransformationsPlugin

Gets the transformation description of the specific plugin

TextImageLinkTransformationsPlugin::getName() — Method in class TextImageLinkTransformationsPlugin

Gets the transformation name of the specific plugin

TextLinkTransformationsPlugin::getInfo() — Method in class TextLinkTransformationsPlugin

Gets the transformation description of the specific plugin

TextLinkTransformationsPlugin::getName() — Method in class TextLinkTransformationsPlugin

Gets the transformation name of the specific plugin

Image_JPEG_Upload::getMIMEType() — Method in class Image_JPEG_Upload

Gets the plugin`s MIME type

Image_JPEG_Upload::getMIMESubtype() — Method in class Image_JPEG_Upload

Gets the plugin`s MIME subtype

Text_Plain_FileUpload::getMIMEType() — Method in class Text_Plain_FileUpload

Gets the plugin`s MIME type

Text_Plain_FileUpload::getMIMESubtype() — Method in class Text_Plain_FileUpload

Gets the plugin`s MIME subtype

Text_Plain_Iptobinary::getInfo() — Method in class Text_Plain_Iptobinary

Gets the transformation description of the plugin

Text_Plain_Iptobinary::getInputHtml() — Method in class Text_Plain_Iptobinary

Returns the html for input field to override default textarea.

Text_Plain_Iptobinary::getName() — Method in class Text_Plain_Iptobinary

Gets the transformation name of the plugin

Text_Plain_Iptobinary::getMIMEType() — Method in class Text_Plain_Iptobinary

Gets the plugin`s MIME type

Text_Plain_Iptobinary::getMIMESubtype() — Method in class Text_Plain_Iptobinary

Gets the plugin`s MIME subtype

Text_Plain_Iptolong::getInfo() — Method in class Text_Plain_Iptolong

Gets the transformation description of the plugin

Text_Plain_Iptolong::getInputHtml() — Method in class Text_Plain_Iptolong

Returns the html for input field to override default textarea.

Text_Plain_Iptolong::getName() — Method in class Text_Plain_Iptolong

Gets the transformation name of the plugin

Text_Plain_Iptolong::getMIMEType() — Method in class Text_Plain_Iptolong

Gets the plugin`s MIME type

Text_Plain_Iptolong::getMIMESubtype() — Method in class Text_Plain_Iptolong

Gets the plugin`s MIME subtype

Text_Plain_JsonEditor::getInfo() — Method in class Text_Plain_JsonEditor

Gets the transformation description of the specific plugin

Text_Plain_JsonEditor::getScripts() — Method in class Text_Plain_JsonEditor

Returns the array of scripts (filename) required for plugin initialization and handling

Text_Plain_JsonEditor::getName() — Method in class Text_Plain_JsonEditor

Gets the transformation name of the specific plugin

Text_Plain_JsonEditor::getMIMEType() — Method in class Text_Plain_JsonEditor

Gets the plugin`s MIME type

Text_Plain_JsonEditor::getMIMESubtype() — Method in class Text_Plain_JsonEditor

Gets the plugin`s MIME subtype

Text_Plain_RegexValidation::getMIMEType() — Method in class Text_Plain_RegexValidation

Gets the plugin`s MIME type

Text_Plain_RegexValidation::getMIMESubtype() — Method in class Text_Plain_RegexValidation

Gets the plugin`s MIME subtype

Text_Plain_SqlEditor::getInfo() — Method in class Text_Plain_SqlEditor

Gets the transformation description of the specific plugin

Text_Plain_SqlEditor::getScripts() — Method in class Text_Plain_SqlEditor

Returns the array of scripts (filename) required for plugin initialization and handling

Text_Plain_SqlEditor::getName() — Method in class Text_Plain_SqlEditor

Gets the transformation name of the specific plugin

Text_Plain_SqlEditor::getMIMEType() — Method in class Text_Plain_SqlEditor

Gets the plugin`s MIME type

Text_Plain_SqlEditor::getMIMESubtype() — Method in class Text_Plain_SqlEditor

Gets the plugin`s MIME subtype

Text_Plain_XmlEditor::getInfo() — Method in class Text_Plain_XmlEditor

Gets the transformation description of the specific plugin

Text_Plain_XmlEditor::getScripts() — Method in class Text_Plain_XmlEditor

Returns the array of scripts (filename) required for plugin initialization and handling

Text_Plain_XmlEditor::getName() — Method in class Text_Plain_XmlEditor

Gets the transformation name of the specific plugin

Text_Plain_XmlEditor::getMIMEType() — Method in class Text_Plain_XmlEditor

Gets the plugin`s MIME type

Text_Plain_XmlEditor::getMIMESubtype() — Method in class Text_Plain_XmlEditor

Gets the plugin`s MIME subtype

Application_Octetstream_Download::getMIMEType() — Method in class Application_Octetstream_Download

Gets the plugin`s MIME type

Application_Octetstream_Download::getMIMESubtype() — Method in class Application_Octetstream_Download

Gets the plugin`s MIME subtype

Application_Octetstream_Hex::getMIMEType() — Method in class Application_Octetstream_Hex

Gets the plugin`s MIME type

Application_Octetstream_Hex::getMIMESubtype() — Method in class Application_Octetstream_Hex

Gets the plugin`s MIME subtype

Image_JPEG_Inline::getMIMEType() — Method in class Image_JPEG_Inline

Gets the plugin`s MIME type

Image_JPEG_Inline::getMIMESubtype() — Method in class Image_JPEG_Inline

Gets the plugin`s MIME subtype

Image_JPEG_Link::getMIMEType() — Method in class Image_JPEG_Link

Gets the plugin`s MIME type

Image_JPEG_Link::getMIMESubtype() — Method in class Image_JPEG_Link

Gets the plugin`s MIME subtype

Image_PNG_Inline::getMIMEType() — Method in class Image_PNG_Inline

Gets the plugin`s MIME type

Image_PNG_Inline::getMIMESubtype() — Method in class Image_PNG_Inline

Gets the plugin`s MIME subtype

Text_Octetstream_Sql::getMIMEType() — Method in class Text_Octetstream_Sql

Gets the plugin`s MIME type

Text_Octetstream_Sql::getMIMESubtype() — Method in class Text_Octetstream_Sql

Gets the plugin`s MIME subtype

Text_Plain_Binarytoip::getInfo() — Method in class Text_Plain_Binarytoip

Gets the transformation description of the plugin

Text_Plain_Binarytoip::getName() — Method in class Text_Plain_Binarytoip

Gets the transformation name of the plugin

Text_Plain_Binarytoip::getMIMEType() — Method in class Text_Plain_Binarytoip

Gets the plugin`s MIME type

Text_Plain_Binarytoip::getMIMESubtype() — Method in class Text_Plain_Binarytoip

Gets the plugin`s MIME subtype

Text_Plain_Bool2Text::getMIMEType() — Method in class Text_Plain_Bool2Text

Gets the plugin`s MIME type

Text_Plain_Bool2Text::getMIMESubtype() — Method in class Text_Plain_Bool2Text

Gets the plugin`s MIME subtype

Text_Plain_Dateformat::getMIMEType() — Method in class Text_Plain_Dateformat

Gets the plugin`s MIME type

Text_Plain_Dateformat::getMIMESubtype() — Method in class Text_Plain_Dateformat

Gets the plugin`s MIME subtype

Text_Plain_External::getMIMEType() — Method in class Text_Plain_External

Gets the plugin`s MIME type

Text_Plain_External::getMIMESubtype() — Method in class Text_Plain_External

Gets the plugin`s MIME subtype

Text_Plain_Formatted::getMIMEType() — Method in class Text_Plain_Formatted

Gets the plugin`s MIME type

Text_Plain_Formatted::getMIMESubtype() — Method in class Text_Plain_Formatted

Gets the plugin`s MIME subtype

Text_Plain_Imagelink::getMIMEType() — Method in class Text_Plain_Imagelink

Gets the plugin`s MIME type

Text_Plain_Imagelink::getMIMESubtype() — Method in class Text_Plain_Imagelink

Gets the plugin`s MIME subtype

Text_Plain_Json::getInfo() — Method in class Text_Plain_Json

Gets the transformation description of the specific plugin

Text_Plain_Json::getMIMEType() — Method in class Text_Plain_Json

Gets the plugin`s MIME type

Text_Plain_Json::getMIMESubtype() — Method in class Text_Plain_Json

Gets the plugin`s MIME subtype

Text_Plain_Json::getName() — Method in class Text_Plain_Json

Gets the transformation name of the specific plugin

Text_Plain_Sql::getMIMEType() — Method in class Text_Plain_Sql

Gets the plugin`s MIME type

Text_Plain_Sql::getMIMESubtype() — Method in class Text_Plain_Sql

Gets the plugin`s MIME subtype

Text_Plain_Xml::getInfo() — Method in class Text_Plain_Xml

Gets the transformation description of the specific plugin

Text_Plain_Xml::getMIMEType() — Method in class Text_Plain_Xml

Gets the plugin`s MIME type

Text_Plain_Xml::getMIMESubtype() — Method in class Text_Plain_Xml

Gets the plugin`s MIME subtype

Text_Plain_Xml::getName() — Method in class Text_Plain_Xml

Gets the transformation name of the specific plugin

Text_Plain_Link::getMIMEType() — Method in class Text_Plain_Link

Gets the plugin`s MIME type

Text_Plain_Link::getMIMESubtype() — Method in class Text_Plain_Link

Gets the plugin`s MIME subtype

Text_Plain_Longtoipv4::getMIMEType() — Method in class Text_Plain_Longtoipv4

Gets the plugin`s MIME type

Text_Plain_Longtoipv4::getMIMESubtype() — Method in class Text_Plain_Longtoipv4

Gets the plugin`s MIME subtype

Text_Plain_PreApPend::getMIMEType() — Method in class Text_Plain_PreApPend

Gets the plugin`s MIME type

Text_Plain_PreApPend::getMIMESubtype() — Method in class Text_Plain_PreApPend

Gets the plugin`s MIME subtype

Text_Plain_Substring::getMIMEType() — Method in class Text_Plain_Substring

Gets the plugin`s MIME type

Text_Plain_Substring::getMIMESubtype() — Method in class Text_Plain_Substring

Gets the plugin`s MIME subtype

TwoFactorPlugin::getError() — Method in class TwoFactorPlugin

Returns authentication error message

TwoFactorPlugin::getName() — Method in class TwoFactorPlugin

Get user visible name

TwoFactorPlugin::getDescription() — Method in class TwoFactorPlugin

Get user visible description

TwoFactorPlugin::getAppId() — Method in class TwoFactorPlugin

Return an application ID

$ Application#google2faProperty in class Application
Application::getGoogle2fa() — Method in class Application
Application::getName() — Method in class Application

Get user visible name

Application::getDescription() — Method in class Application

Get user visible description

Invalid::getName() — Method in class Invalid

Get user visible name

Invalid::getDescription() — Method in class Invalid

Get user visible description

Key::getRegistrations() — Method in class Key

Returns array of U2F registration objects

Key::getName() — Method in class Key

Get user visible name

Key::getDescription() — Method in class Key

Get user visible description

Simple::getName() — Method in class Simple

Get user visible name

Simple::getDescription() — Method in class Simple

Get user visible description

WebAuthn::getName() — Method in class WebAuthn

Get user visible name

WebAuthn::getDescription() — Method in class WebAuthn

Get user visible description

UploadInterface::getIdKey() — Method in class UploadInterface

Gets the specific upload ID Key

UploadInterface::getUploadStatus() — Method in class UploadInterface

Returns upload status.

Profiling::getInformation() — Method in class Profiling
OptionsPropertyMainGroup::getItemType() — Method in class OptionsPropertyMainGroup

Returns the property item type of either an instance of

  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\OptionsPropertyOneItem ( f.e. "bool", "text", "radio", etc ) or
  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\OptionsPropertyGroup ( "root", "main" or "subgroup" )
  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Plugins\PluginPropertyItem ( "export", "import", "transformations" )
OptionsPropertyRootGroup::getItemType() — Method in class OptionsPropertyRootGroup

Returns the property item type of either an instance of

  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\OptionsPropertyOneItem ( f.e. "bool", "text", "radio", etc ) or
  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\OptionsPropertyGroup ( "root", "main" or "subgroup" )
  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Plugins\PluginPropertyItem ( "export", "import", "transformations" )
OptionsPropertySubgroup::getItemType() — Method in class OptionsPropertySubgroup

Returns the property item type of either an instance of

  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\OptionsPropertyOneItem ( f.e. "bool", "text", "radio", etc ) or
  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\OptionsPropertyGroup ( "root", "main" or "subgroup" )
  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Plugins\PluginPropertyItem ( "export", "import", "transformations" )
OptionsPropertySubgroup::getSubgroupHeader() — Method in class OptionsPropertySubgroup
BoolPropertyItem::getItemType() — Method in class BoolPropertyItem

Returns the property item type of either an instance of

  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\OptionsPropertyOneItem ( f.e. "bool", "text", "radio", etc ) or
  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\OptionsPropertyGroup ( "root", "main" or "subgroup" )
  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Plugins\PluginPropertyItem ( "export", "import", "transformations" )
DocPropertyItem::getItemType() — Method in class DocPropertyItem

Returns the property item type of either an instance of

  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\OptionsPropertyOneItem ( f.e. "bool", "text", "radio", etc ) or
  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\OptionsPropertyGroup ( "root", "main" or "subgroup" )
  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Plugins\PluginPropertyItem ( "export", "import", "transformations" )
HiddenPropertyItem::getItemType() — Method in class HiddenPropertyItem

Returns the property item type of either an instance of

  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\OptionsPropertyOneItem ( f.e. "bool", "text", "radio", etc ) or
  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\OptionsPropertyGroup ( "root", "main" or "subgroup" )
  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Plugins\PluginPropertyItem ( "export", "import", "transformations" )
MessageOnlyPropertyItem::getItemType() — Method in class MessageOnlyPropertyItem

Returns the property item type of either an instance of

  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\OptionsPropertyOneItem ( f.e. "bool", "text", "radio", etc ) or
  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\OptionsPropertyGroup ( "root", "main" or "subgroup" )
  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Plugins\PluginPropertyItem ( "export", "import", "transformations" )
NumberPropertyItem::getItemType() — Method in class NumberPropertyItem

Returns the property item type of either an instance of

  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\OptionsPropertyOneItem ( f.e. "bool", "text", "radio", etc ) or
  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\OptionsPropertyGroup ( "root", "main" or "subgroup" )
  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Plugins\PluginPropertyItem ( "export", "import", "transformations" )
RadioPropertyItem::getItemType() — Method in class RadioPropertyItem

Returns the property item type of either an instance of

  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\OptionsPropertyOneItem ( f.e. "bool", "text", "radio", etc ) or
  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\OptionsPropertyGroup ( "root", "main" or "subgroup" )
  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Plugins\PluginPropertyItem ( "export", "import", "transformations" )
SelectPropertyItem::getItemType() — Method in class SelectPropertyItem

Returns the property item type of either an instance of

  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\OptionsPropertyOneItem ( f.e. "bool", "text", "radio", etc ) or
  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\OptionsPropertyGroup ( "root", "main" or "subgroup" )
  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Plugins\PluginPropertyItem ( "export", "import", "transformations" )
TextPropertyItem::getItemType() — Method in class TextPropertyItem

Returns the property item type of either an instance of

  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\OptionsPropertyOneItem ( f.e. "bool", "text", "radio", etc ) or
  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\OptionsPropertyGroup ( "root", "main" or "subgroup" )
  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Plugins\PluginPropertyItem ( "export", "import", "transformations" )
OptionsPropertyGroup::getGroup() — Method in class OptionsPropertyGroup

Gets the instance of the class

OptionsPropertyGroup::getProperties() — Method in class OptionsPropertyGroup

Gets the group of properties

OptionsPropertyGroup::getNrOfProperties() — Method in class OptionsPropertyGroup

Gets the number of properties

OptionsPropertyItem::getName() — Method in class OptionsPropertyItem
OptionsPropertyItem::getText() — Method in class OptionsPropertyItem
OptionsPropertyItem::getForce() — Method in class OptionsPropertyItem
OptionsPropertyItem::getPropertyType() — Method in class OptionsPropertyItem

Returns the property type ( either "options", or "plugin" ).

OptionsPropertyOneItem::getValues() — Method in class OptionsPropertyOneItem

Gets the values

OptionsPropertyOneItem::getDoc() — Method in class OptionsPropertyOneItem

Gets MySQL documentation pointer

OptionsPropertyOneItem::getLen() — Method in class OptionsPropertyOneItem
OptionsPropertyOneItem::getSize() — Method in class OptionsPropertyOneItem
ExportPluginProperties::getItemType() — Method in class ExportPluginProperties

Returns the property item type of either an instance of

  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\OptionsPropertyOneItem ( f.e. "bool", "text", "radio", etc ) or
  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\OptionsPropertyGroup ( "root", "main" or "subgroup" )
  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Plugins\PluginPropertyItem ( "export", "import", "transformations" )
ExportPluginProperties::getForceFile() — Method in class ExportPluginProperties

Gets the force file parameter

ImportPluginProperties::getItemType() — Method in class ImportPluginProperties

Returns the property item type of either an instance of

  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\OptionsPropertyOneItem ( f.e. "bool", "text", "radio", etc ) or
  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\OptionsPropertyGroup ( "root", "main" or "subgroup" )
  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Plugins\PluginPropertyItem ( "export", "import", "transformations" )
ImportPluginProperties::getForceFile() — Method in class ImportPluginProperties

Whether each plugin has to be saved as a file

PluginPropertyItem::getText() — Method in class PluginPropertyItem
PluginPropertyItem::getExtension() — Method in class PluginPropertyItem
PluginPropertyItem::getOptions() — Method in class PluginPropertyItem
PluginPropertyItem::getOptionsText() — Method in class PluginPropertyItem
PluginPropertyItem::getMimeType() — Method in class PluginPropertyItem
PluginPropertyItem::getPropertyType() — Method in class PluginPropertyItem

Returns the property type ( either "options", or "plugin" ).

PluginPropertyItem::getForceFile() — Method in class PluginPropertyItem

Whether each plugin has to be saved as a file

SchemaPluginProperties::getItemType() — Method in class SchemaPluginProperties

Returns the property item type of either an instance of

  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\OptionsPropertyOneItem ( f.e. "bool", "text", "radio", etc ) or
  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\OptionsPropertyGroup ( "root", "main" or "subgroup" )
  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Plugins\PluginPropertyItem ( "export", "import", "transformations" )
SchemaPluginProperties::getForceFile() — Method in class SchemaPluginProperties

Whether each plugin has to be saved as a file

PropertyItem::getPropertyType() — Method in class PropertyItem

Returns the property type ( either "Options", or "Plugin" ).

PropertyItem::getItemType() — Method in class PropertyItem

Returns the property item type of either an instance of

  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\OptionsPropertyOneItem ( f.e. "bool", "text", "radio", etc ) or
  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\OptionsPropertyGroup ( "root", "main" or "subgroup" )
  • PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Plugins\PluginPropertyItem ( "export", "import", "transformations" )
PropertyItem::getGroup() — Method in class PropertyItem

Only overwritten in the PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\OptionsPropertyGroup class: Used to tell whether we can use the current item as a group by calling the addProperty() or removeProperty() methods, which are not available for simple PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\OptionsPropertyOneItem subclasses.

MariaDbMySqlKbsProvider::getVariableType() — Method in class MariaDbMySqlKbsProvider
MariaDbMySqlKbsProvider::getStaticVariables() — Method in class MariaDbMySqlKbsProvider
MariaDbMySqlKbsProvider::getDocLinkByNameMariaDb() — Method in class MariaDbMySqlKbsProvider
MariaDbMySqlKbsProvider::getDocLinkByNameMysql() — Method in class MariaDbMySqlKbsProvider
ServerVariablesProvider::getImplementation() — Method in class ServerVariablesProvider
ServerVariablesProviderInterface::getVariableType() — Method in class ServerVariablesProviderInterface
ServerVariablesProviderInterface::getStaticVariables() — Method in class ServerVariablesProviderInterface
ServerVariablesProviderInterface::getDocLinkByNameMariaDb() — Method in class ServerVariablesProviderInterface
ServerVariablesProviderInterface::getDocLinkByNameMysql() — Method in class ServerVariablesProviderInterface
VoidProvider::getVariableType() — Method in class VoidProvider
VoidProvider::getStaticVariables() — Method in class VoidProvider
VoidProvider::getDocLinkByNameMariaDb() — Method in class VoidProvider
VoidProvider::getDocLinkByNameMysql() — Method in class VoidProvider
Cache::getCachedTableContent() — Method in class Cache

Get a cached value from table cache.

Compatibility::getISCompatForGetTablesFull() — Method in class Compatibility
Compatibility::getISCompatForGetColumnsFull() — Method in class Compatibility
Compatibility::getShowBinLogStatusStmt() — Method in class Compatibility
GeneratorClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Query

Handles generating SQL queries

Generator::getTableNameCondition() — Method in class Generator

returns a segment of the SQL WHERE clause regarding table name

Generator::getTableNameConditionForMultiple() — Method in class Generator

returns a segment of the SQL WHERE clause regarding table name

Generator::getTableTypeCondition() — Method in class Generator

returns a segment of the SQL WHERE clause regarding table type

Generator::getSqlForTablesFull() — Method in class Generator

returns the beginning of the SQL statement to fetch the list of tables

Generator::getTableIndexesSql() — Method in class Generator

Returns SQL for fetching information on table indexes (SHOW INDEXES)

Generator::getColumnsSql() — Method in class Generator

Returns SQL query for fetching columns for a table

Generator::getInformationSchemaRoutinesRequest() — Method in class Generator
Generator::getInformationSchemaEventsRequest() — Method in class Generator
Generator::getInformationSchemaTriggersRequest() — Method in class Generator
Generator::getCreateTrigger() — Method in class Generator
Generator::getInformationSchemaDataForCreateRequest() — Method in class Generator
Generator::getInformationSchemaDataForGranteeRequest() — Method in class Generator
Generator::getInformationSchemaForeignKeyConstraintsRequest() — Method in class Generator
Generator::getInformationSchemaDatabasesFullRequest() — Method in class Generator
Generator::getInformationSchemaColumnsFullRequest() — Method in class Generator
Generator::getInformationSchemaColumns() — Method in class Generator
Generator::getSqlQueryForIndexRename() — Method in class Generator

Function to get sql query for renaming the index using SQL RENAME INDEX Syntax

Generator::getQueryForReorderingTable() — Method in class Generator

Function to get sql query to re-order the table

Generator::getQueryForPartitioningTable() — Method in class Generator

Function to get sql query to partition the table

Generator::getAddIndexSql() — Method in class Generator
Generator::getAddPrimaryKeyStatement() — Method in class Generator
Utilities::getSystemSchemas() — Method in class Utilities

Get the list of system schemas

ReplicationGui::getHtmlForErrorMessage() — Method in class ReplicationGui

returns HTML for error message

ReplicationGui::getHtmlForPrimaryReplication() — Method in class ReplicationGui

returns HTML for primary replication

ReplicationGui::getHtmlForPrimaryConfiguration() — Method in class ReplicationGui

returns HTML for primary replication configuration

ReplicationGui::getHtmlForReplicaConfiguration() — Method in class ReplicationGui

returns HTML for replica replication configuration

ReplicationGui::getHtmlForReplicationDbMultibox() — Method in class ReplicationGui

returns HTML code for selecting databases

ReplicationGui::getHtmlForReplicationChangePrimary() — Method in class ReplicationGui

returns HTML for changing primary

ReplicationGui::getHtmlForReplicationStatusTable() — Method in class ReplicationGui

This function returns html code for table with replication status.

ReplicationGui::getUsernameHostnameLength() — Method in class ReplicationGui

get the correct username and hostname lengths for this MySQL server

ReplicationGui::getHtmlForReplicationPrimaryAddReplicaUser() — Method in class ReplicationGui

returns html code to add a replication replica user to the primary

ReplicationInfo::getPrimaryStatus() — Method in class ReplicationInfo
ReplicationInfo::getReplicaStatus() — Method in class ReplicationInfo
ReplicationInfo::getPrimaryInfo() — Method in class ReplicationInfo
ReplicationInfo::getReplicaInfo() — Method in class ReplicationInfo
ResponseRenderer::getInstance() — Method in class ResponseRenderer

Returns the singleton object

ResponseRenderer::getHeader() — Method in class ResponseRenderer

Returns a PhpMyAdmin\Header object

ResponseRenderer::getSelfUrl() — Method in class ResponseRenderer
ResponseRenderer::getFooterScripts() — Method in class ResponseRenderer
Routing::getDispatcher() — Method in class Routing
Routing::getCleanPathInfo() — Method in class Routing

PATH_INFO could be compromised if set, so remove it from PHP_SELF and provide a clean PHP_SELF here

Sanitize::getJsValue() — Method in class Sanitize

Formats an javascript assignment with proper escaping of a value and support for assigning array of strings.

Scripts::getFiles() — Method in class Scripts

Returns a list with filenames and a flag to indicate whether to register onload events for this file

Scripts::getDisplay() — Method in class Scripts

Renders all the JavaScript file inclusions, code and events

Plugin::getName() — Method in class Plugin
Plugin::getVersion() — Method in class Plugin
Plugin::getStatus() — Method in class Plugin
Plugin::getType() — Method in class Plugin
Plugin::getTypeVersion() — Method in class Plugin
Plugin::getLibrary() — Method in class Plugin
Plugin::getLibraryVersion() — Method in class Plugin
Plugin::getAuthor() — Method in class Plugin
Plugin::getDescription() — Method in class Plugin
Plugin::getLicense() — Method in class Plugin
Plugin::getLoadOption() — Method in class Plugin
Plugin::getMaturity() — Method in class Plugin
Plugin::getAuthVersion() — Method in class Plugin
Plugins::getAll() — Method in class Plugins
Plugins::getAuthentication() — Method in class Plugins
Privileges::getTableGrantsArray() — Method in class Privileges

Returns an array of table grants and their descriptions

Privileges::getGrantsArray() — Method in class Privileges

Get the grants array which contains all the privilege types and relevant grant messages

Privileges::getSqlQueryForDisplayPrivTable() — Method in class Privileges

Get sql query for display privileges table

Privileges::getHtmlToDisplayPrivilegesTable() — Method in class Privileges

Displays the privileges form table

Privileges::getHtmlForRoutineSpecificPrivileges() — Method in class Privileges

Get the HTML snippet for routine specific privileges

Privileges::getHtmlForLoginInformationFields() — Method in class Privileges

Displays the fields used by the "new user" form as well as the "change login information / copy user" form.

Privileges::getUsernameAndHostnameLength() — Method in class Privileges

Get username and hostname length

Privileges::getCurrentAuthenticationPlugin() — Method in class Privileges

Get current authentication plugin in use for a user

Privileges::getDefaultAuthenticationPlugin() — Method in class Privileges

Get the default authentication plugin

Privileges::getGrants() — Method in class Privileges

Returns all the grants for a certain user on a certain host Used in the export privileges for all users section

Privileges::getMessageAndSqlQueryForPrivilegesRevoke() — Method in class Privileges

Revokes privileges and get message and SQL query for privileges revokes

Privileges::getRequireClause() — Method in class Privileges

Get REQUIRE clause

Privileges::getWithClauseForAddUserAndUpdatePrivs() — Method in class Privileges

Get a WITH clause for 'update privileges' and 'add user'

Privileges::getHtmlForAddUser() — Method in class Privileges

Get HTML for addUsersForm, This function call if isset($_GET['adduser'])

Privileges::getAllPrivileges() — Method in class Privileges
Privileges::getUserLink() — Method in class Privileges

Returns edit, revoke or export link for a user.

Privileges::getUserGroupCount() — Method in class Privileges

Returns number of defined user groups

Privileges::getUserGroupForUser() — Method in class Privileges

Returns name of user group that user is part of

Privileges::getExtraDataForAjaxBehavior() — Method in class Privileges

This function return the extra data array for the ajax behavior

Privileges::getUserSpecificRights() — Method in class Privileges

no db name given, so we want all privs for the given user db name was given, so we want all user specific rights for this db So this function returns user rights as an array

Privileges::getHtmlForAllTableSpecificRights() — Method in class Privileges

Get a HTML table for display user's table specific or database specific rights

Privileges::getUsersOverview() — Method in class Privileges

Get HTML for display the users overview (if less than 50 users, display them immediately)

Privileges::getHtmlForInitials() — Method in class Privileges

Displays the initials if there are many privileges

Privileges::getDbRightsForUserOverview() — Method in class Privileges

Get the database rights array for Display user overview

Privileges::getDataForChangeOrCopyUser() — Method in class Privileges

Get List of information: Changes / copies a user

Privileges::getDataForDeleteUsers() — Method in class Privileges

Update Data for information: Deletes users

Privileges::getDataForQueries() — Method in class Privileges

update Data For Queries from queries_for_display

Privileges::getExportUserDefinitionTextarea() — Method in class Privileges

Get title and textarea for export user definition in Privileges

Privileges::getHtmlForUserOverview() — Method in class Privileges

Get HTML snippet for display user overview page

Privileges::getHtmlForUserProperties() — Method in class Privileges

Get HTML snippet for display user properties

Privileges::getTablePrivsQueriesForChangeOrCopyUser() — Method in class Privileges

Get queries for Table privileges to change or copy user

Privileges::getDbSpecificPrivsQueriesForChangeOrCopyUser() — Method in class Privileges

Get queries for database specific privileges for change or copy user

Privileges::getHashedPassword() — Method in class Privileges

Get the hashed string for password

Privileges::getSqlQueriesForDisplayAndAddUser() — Method in class Privileges

Get SQL queries for Display and Add user

Privileges::getRoutineType() — Method in class Privileges

Returns the type ('PROCEDURE' or 'FUNCTION') of the routine

Privileges::getFormForChangePassword() — Method in class Privileges
Privileges::getHostname() — Method in class Privileges
Privileges::getRoutinename() — Method in class Privileges
Privileges::getTablename() — Method in class Privileges
Privileges::getDbname() — Method in class Privileges
Privileges::getHostnameParam() — Method in class Privileges
Privileges::getUsernameParam() — Method in class Privileges
Data::getReplicationInfo() — Method in class Data
Monitor::getJsonForChartingData() — Method in class Monitor

Returns JSON for real-time charting data

Monitor::getJsonForLogDataTypeSlow() — Method in class Monitor

Returns JSON for log data with type: slow

Monitor::getJsonForLogDataTypeGeneral() — Method in class Monitor

Returns JSON for log data with type: general

Monitor::getJsonForLoggingVars() — Method in class Monitor

Returns JSON for logging vars

Monitor::getJsonForQueryAnalyzer() — Method in class Monitor

Returns JSON for query_analyzer

Processes::getList() — Method in class Processes
SysInfo::getOs() — Method in class SysInfo

Returns OS type used for sysinfo class

SysInfo::get() — Method in class SysInfo

Gets SysInfo class matching current OS

ConfigGenerator::getConfigFile() — Method in class ConfigGenerator

Creates config file

ConfigGenerator::getServerPart() — Method in class ConfigGenerator

Generate server part of config file

SetupHelper::getPages() — Method in class SetupHelper
$ ShowGrants#grantsProperty in class ShowGrants
Sql::getHtmlForRelationalColumnDropdown() — Method in class Sql

Get the HTML for relational column dropdown During grid edit, if we have a relational field, returns the html for the dropdown

Sql::getFullValuesForSetColumn() — Method in class Sql

Get value of a column for a specific row (marked by $whereClause)

Sql::getValuesForColumn() — Method in class Sql

Get all the values for a enum column or set column in a table

Sql::getDefaultSqlQueryForBrowse() — Method in class Sql

Function to get the default sql query for browsing page

SqlQueryForm::getHtml() — Method in class SqlQueryForm

return HTML for the sql query boxes

StorageEngine::getStorageEngines() — Method in class StorageEngine

Returns array of storage engines

StorageEngine::getMroongaLengths() — Method in class StorageEngine

Get the lengths of a table of database

StorageEngine::getArray() — Method in class StorageEngine
StorageEngine::getEngine() — Method in class StorageEngine

Loads the corresponding engine plugin, if available.

StorageEngine::getHtmlVariables() — Method in class StorageEngine

Returns as HTML table of the engine's server variables

StorageEngine::getVariablesStatus() — Method in class StorageEngine

Returns array with detailed info about engine specific server variables

StorageEngine::getTitle() — Method in class StorageEngine

Reveals the engine's title

StorageEngine::getComment() — Method in class StorageEngine

Fetches the server's comment about this engine

StorageEngine::getSupportInformationMessage() — Method in class StorageEngine

Information message on whether this storage engine is supported

StorageEngine::getVariables() — Method in class StorageEngine

Generates a list of MySQL variables that provide information about this engine. This function should be overridden when extending this class for a particular engine.

StorageEngine::getMysqlHelpPage() — Method in class StorageEngine

Returns string with filename for the MySQL helppage about this storage engine

StorageEngine::getVariablesLikePattern() — Method in class StorageEngine

Returns the pattern to be used in the query for SQL variables related to the storage engine

StorageEngine::getInfoPages() — Method in class StorageEngine

Returns a list of available information pages with labels

StorageEngine::getPage() — Method in class StorageEngine

Generates the requested information page

SystemDatabase::getExistingTransformationData() — Method in class SystemDatabase

Get existing data on transformations applied for columns in a particular table

SystemDatabase::getNewTransformationDataSql() — Method in class SystemDatabase

Get SQL query for store new transformation details of a VIEW

SystemDatabase::getColumnMapFromSql() — Method in class SystemDatabase
Indexes::getError() — Method in class Indexes
Indexes::getSqlQueryForIndexCreateOrEdit() — Method in class Indexes

Function to get the sql query for index creation or edit

Indexes::getSqlQueryForRename() — Method in class Indexes
Maintenance::getAnalyzeTableRows() — Method in class Maintenance
Maintenance::getCheckTableRows() — Method in class Maintenance
Maintenance::getChecksumTableRows() — Method in class Maintenance
Maintenance::getIndexesProblems() — Method in class Maintenance
Maintenance::getOptimizeTableRows() — Method in class Maintenance
Maintenance::getRepairTableRows() — Method in class Maintenance
Table::get() — Method in class Table

Table getter

Table::getLastError() — Method in class Table

return the last error

Table::getLastMessage() — Method in class Table

return the last message

Table::getName() — Method in class Table

returns table name

Table::getDbName() — Method in class Table

returns database name for this table

Table::getFullName() — Method in class Table

returns full name for table, including database name

Table::getStatusInfo() — Method in class Table

Returns full table status info, or specific if $info provided this info is collected from information_schema

Table::getStorageEngine() — Method in class Table

Returns the Table storage Engine for current table.

Table::getComment() — Method in class Table

Returns the comments for current table.

Table::getCollation() — Method in class Table

Returns the collation for current table.

Table::getNumRows() — Method in class Table

Returns the info about no of rows for current table.

Table::getRowFormat() — Method in class Table

Returns the Row format for current table.

Table::getAutoIncrement() — Method in class Table

Returns the auto increment option for current table.

Table::getCreateOptions() — Method in class Table

Returns the array for CREATE statement for current table.

Table::generateFieldSpec() — Method in class Table

generates column specification for ALTER or CREATE TABLE syntax

Table::generateAlter() — Method in class Table

Generates column specification for ALTER syntax

Table::getUniqueColumns() — Method in class Table

Get all unique columns

Table::getIndexedColumns() — Method in class Table

Get all indexed columns

Table::getColumns() — Method in class Table

Get all columns

Table::getColumnsMeta() — Method in class Table

Get meta info for fields in table

Table::getNonGeneratedColumns() — Method in class Table

Get non-generated columns in table

Table::getUiPrefsFromDb() — Method in class Table

Return UI preferences for this table from phpMyAdmin database.

Table::getUiProp() — Method in class Table

Get a property from UI preferences.

Table::getNameAndTypeOfTheColumns() — Method in class Table

Function to get the name and type of the columns of a table

Table::getIndex() — Method in class Table

Get index with index name

Table::getColumnGenerationExpression() — Method in class Table

Returns the generation expression for virtual columns

Table::getRealRowCountTable() — Method in class Table

Returns the real row count for a table

Table::getColumnsWithIndex() — Method in class Table

Get columns with indexes

Template::getTwigEnvironment() — Method in class Template
Theme::getPath() — Method in class Theme

returns path to theme

Theme::getFsPath() — Method in class Theme

returns file system path to the theme

Theme::getVersion() — Method in class Theme

returns version

Theme::getName() — Method in class Theme

returns name

Theme::getId() — Method in class Theme

returns id

Theme::getImgPath() — Method in class Theme

Returns the path to image for the theme.

Theme::getColorModes() — Method in class Theme
Theme::getColorMode() — Method in class Theme
ThemeManager::getThemeCookieName() — Method in class ThemeManager

Returns name for storing theme

ThemeManager::getThemeCookie() — Method in class ThemeManager

returns name of theme stored in the cookie

ThemeManager::getColorModeCookie() — Method in class ThemeManager

returns name of theme stored in the cookie

ThemeManager::getThemesArray() — Method in class ThemeManager
ThemeManager::getThemesFsDir() — Method in class ThemeManager

Return the themes directory with a trailing slash

ThemeManager::getThemesDir() — Method in class ThemeManager

Return the themes directory with a trailing slash as a relative public path

Tracker::getLogComment() — Method in class Tracker

Returns the comment line for the log.

Tracking::getListOfVersionsOfTable() — Method in class Tracking

Function to get the list versions of the table

Tracking::getHtmlForMainPage() — Method in class Tracking

Function to get html for main page parts that do not use $_REQUEST

Tracking::getTableLastVersionNumber() — Method in class Tracking

Function to get the last version number of a table

Tracking::getHtmlForTrackingReport() — Method in class Tracking

Function to get html for tracking report and tracking report export

Tracking::getHtmlForElementsOfTrackingReport() — Method in class Tracking

Generate HTML element for report form

Tracking::getHtmlForTrackingReportExportForm1() — Method in class Tracking

Generate HTML for export form

Tracking::getHtmlForTrackingReportExportForm2() — Method in class Tracking

Generate HTML for export form

Tracking::getHtmlForDataManipulationStatements() — Method in class Tracking

Function to get html for data manipulation statements

Tracking::getHtmlForDataDefinitionStatements() — Method in class Tracking

Function to get html for data definition statements in schema snapshot

Tracking::getHtmlForSchemaSnapshot() — Method in class Tracking

Function to get html for schema snapshot

Tracking::getTrackedData() — Method in class Tracking

Gets the record of a tracking job.

Tracking::getHtmlForColumns() — Method in class Tracking

Function to get html for displaying columns in the schema snapshot

Tracking::getHtmlForIndexes() — Method in class Tracking

Function to get html for the indexes in schema snapshot

Tracking::getDownloadInfoForExport() — Method in class Tracking
Tracking::getTrackingSet() — Method in class Tracking

Function to get tracking set

Tracking::getEntries() — Method in class Tracking

Function to get the entries

Tracking::getHtmlForDbTrackingTables() — Method in class Tracking

Get HTML for tracked and untracked tables

TrackingChecker::getUntrackedTableNames() — Method in class TrackingChecker

Get a list of untracked tables.

TrackingChecker::getTrackedTables() — Method in class TrackingChecker
Transformations::getOptions() — Method in class Transformations

Returns array of options from string with options separated by comma, removes quotes

Transformations::getAvailableMimeTypes() — Method in class Transformations

Gets all available MIME-types

Transformations::getPluginInstance() — Method in class Transformations
Transformations::getDescription() — Method in class Transformations

Returns the description of the transformation

Transformations::getName() — Method in class Transformations

Returns the name of the transformation

Transformations::getMime() — Method in class Transformations

Gets the mimetypes for all columns of a table

Trigger::getDropSql() — Method in class Trigger
Trigger::getCreateSql() — Method in class Trigger
Triggers::getTriggerByName() — Method in class Triggers
Triggers::getQueryFromRequest() — Method in class Triggers

Composes the query necessary to create a trigger from an HTTP request.

Triggers::getDetails() — Method in class Triggers

Returns details about the TRIGGERs for a specific table or database.

Triggers::getTables() — Method in class Triggers
AssetExtension::getFunctions() — Method in class AssetExtension
AssetExtension::getImagePath() — Method in class AssetExtension
CoreExtension::getFilters() — Method in class CoreExtension

Returns a list of filters to add to the existing list.

FlashMessengerExtension::getFunctions() — Method in class FlashMessengerExtension
I18nExtension::getFunctions() — Method in class I18nExtension
MessageExtension::getFilters() — Method in class MessageExtension

Returns a list of filters to add to the existing list.

MessageExtension::getFunctions() — Method in class MessageExtension
SanitizeExtension::getFilters() — Method in class SanitizeExtension

Returns a list of filters to add to the existing list.

SanitizeExtension::getFunctions() — Method in class SanitizeExtension

Returns a list of functions to add to the existing list.

TransformationsExtension::getFunctions() — Method in class TransformationsExtension

Returns a list of functions to add to the existing list.

UrlExtension::getFunctions() — Method in class UrlExtension

Returns a list of functions to add to the existing list.

UtilExtension::getFunctions() — Method in class UtilExtension

Returns a list of functions to add to the existing list.

UtilExtension::getFilters() — Method in class UtilExtension

Returns a list of filters to add to the existing list.

TwoFactor::getBackend() — Method in class TwoFactor
TwoFactor::getAvailable() — Method in class TwoFactor
TwoFactor::getAvailableBackends() — Method in class TwoFactor

Returns list of available backends

TwoFactor::getMissingDeps() — Method in class TwoFactor

Returns list of missing dependencies

TwoFactor::getBackendClass() — Method in class TwoFactor

Returns class name for given name

TwoFactor::getBackendForCurrentUser() — Method in class TwoFactor

Returns backend for current user

TwoFactor::getAllBackends() — Method in class TwoFactor

Returns array with all available backends

Types::getUnaryOperators() — Method in class Types

Returns list of unary operators.

Types::getNullOperators() — Method in class Types

Returns list of operators checking for NULL.

Types::getEnumOperators() — Method in class Types

ENUM search operators

Types::getTextOperators() — Method in class Types

TEXT search operators

Types::getNumberOperators() — Method in class Types

Number search operators

Types::getUUIDOperators() — Method in class Types

UUID search operators

Types::getTypeOperators() — Method in class Types

Returns operators for given type

Types::getTypeOperatorsHtml() — Method in class Types

Returns operators for given type as html options

Types::getTypeDescription() — Method in class Types

Returns the data type description.

Types::getTypeClass() — Method in class Types

Returns class of a type, used for functions available for type or default values.

Types::getFunctionsClass() — Method in class Types

Returns array of functions available for a class.

Types::getFunctions() — Method in class Types

Returns array of functions available for a type.

Types::getAllFunctions() — Method in class Types

Returns array of all functions available.

Types::getAttributes() — Method in class Types

Returns array of all attributes available.

Types::getColumns() — Method in class Types

Returns array of all column types available.

Types::getIntegerTypes() — Method in class Types

Returns an array of integer types

Types::getFloatTypes() — Method in class Types

Returns an array of float types

Types::getIntegerRange() — Method in class Types

Returns the min and max values of a given integer type

UniqueCondition::getWhereClause() — Method in class UniqueCondition
UniqueCondition::getConditionArray() — Method in class UniqueCondition
Url::getHiddenInputs() — Method in class Url

Generates text with hidden inputs.

Url::getHiddenFields() — Method in class Url

create hidden form fields from array with name => value

Url::getCommon() — Method in class Url

Generates text with URL parameters.

Url::getCommonRaw() — Method in class Url

Generates text with URL parameters.

Url::getArgSeparator() — Method in class Url

Returns url separator character used for separating url parts.

Url::getFromRoute() — Method in class Url
$ UrlParams#gotoProperty in class UrlParams
UserPassword::getFormForChangePassword() — Method in class UserPassword
UserPrivilegesFactory::getPrivileges() — Method in class UserPrivilegesFactory

Get user's global privileges and some db-specific privileges

Util::getFormattedMaximumUploadSize() — Method in class Util

Returns the formatted maximum size for an upload

Util::getMySQLDocuURL() — Method in class Util

Get a URL link to the official MySQL documentation

Util::getDocuURL() — Method in class Util

Get a URL link to the official documentation page of either MySQL or MariaDB depending on the database server of the user.

Util::getCharsetQueryPart() — Method in class Util

Generate the charset query part

Util::getPageFromPosition() — Method in class Util

Calculate page number through position

Util::getTitleForTarget() — Method in class Util

Get the action word corresponding to a script name in order to display it as a title in navigation panel

Util::getScriptNameForOption() — Method in class Util

Get the script name corresponding to a plain English config word in order to append in links on navigation and main panel

Util::getUrlForOption() — Method in class Util

Get the URL corresponding to a plain English config word in order to append in links on navigation and main panel

Util::getSupportedDatatypes() — Method in class Util

This function processes the datatypes supported by the DB, as specified in Types->getColumns() and returns an array (useful for quickly checking if a datatype is supported).

Util::getServerType() — Method in class Util

Returns server type for current connection

Util::getMenuTabList() — Method in class Util

Return the list of tabs for the menu with corresponding names

Util::getCompressionMimeType() — Method in class Util

Reads the file, detects the compression MIME type, closes the file and returns the MIME type

Util::getCollateForIS() — Method in class Util

Provide COLLATE clause, if required, to perform case sensitive comparisons for queries on information_schema.

Util::getDbInfo() — Method in class Util

Gets the list of tables in the current db and information about these tables if possible.

Util::generateRandom() — Method in class Util

Generates random string consisting of ASCII chars

Util::getValueByKey() — Method in class Util

Access to a multidimensional array recursively by the keys specified in $path

Util::getProtoFromForwardedHeader() — Method in class Util

Get the protocol from the RFC 7239 Forwarded header

Util::getTableListPosition() — Method in class Util
GisClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Utils
Gis::getDataTypes() — Method in class Gis

Return GIS data types

Gis::getFunctions() — Method in class Gis

Returns the names and details of the functions that can be applied on geometry data types.

SessionCache::get() — Method in class SessionCache
VersionInformation::getLatestVersions() — Method in class VersionInformation

Returns information with latest version from phpmyadmin.net

VersionInformation::getLatestCompatibleVersion() — Method in class VersionInformation

Returns the version and date of the latest phpMyAdmin version compatible with the available PHP and MySQL versions

VersionInformation::getPHPVersion() — Method in class VersionInformation

Returns the PHP version

VersionInformation::getMySQLVersion() — Method in class VersionInformation

Returns the MySQL version if connected to a database

CustomServer::getCredentialCreationOptions() — Method in class CustomServer
CustomServer::getCredentialRequestOptions() — Method in class CustomServer
DataStream::getPosition() — Method in class DataStream
Server::getCredentialCreationOptions() — Method in class Server
Server::getCredentialRequestOptions() — Method in class Server
WebauthnLibServer::getCredentialCreationOptions() — Method in class WebauthnLibServer
WebauthnLibServer::getCredentialRequestOptions() — Method in class WebauthnLibServer
ZipExtension::getContents() — Method in class ZipExtension

Gets zip file contents

ZipExtension::getNumberOfFiles() — Method in class ZipExtension

Returns the number of files in the zip archive.


Application::handle() — Method in class Application
Cache::has() — Method in class Cache

Does the cache have a value stored for the key

Config::hasSelectedServer() — Method in class Config
RelationParameters::hasAllFeatures() — Method in class RelationParameters
FormDisplay::hasErrors() — Method in class FormDisplay

Tells whether form validation failed

BaseFormList::hasErrors() — Method in class BaseFormList

Tells whether form validation failed

$ Settings#HideStructureActionsProperty in class Settings

allow hide action columns to drop down menu in database structure (true|false)?

$ Console#HeightProperty in class Console

Console height

$ Export#htmlword_structure_or_dataProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['htmlword_structure_or_data'] = 'structure_and_data';
$ Export#htmlword_columnsProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['htmlword_columns'] = false;
$ Export#htmlword_nullProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['htmlword_null'] = 'NULL';
$ Server#hostProperty in class Server

MySQL hostname or IP address

$ Server#hideDbProperty in class Server

Database name to be hidden from listings

$ Server#historyProperty in class Server

table to store SQL history

  • leave blank for no SQL query history SUGGESTED: 'pma__history'
$ Server#hideConnectionErrorsProperty in class Server

Whether to show or hide detailed MySQL/MariaDB connection errors on the login page.

$ Transformations#HexProperty in class Transformations

Displays hexadecimal representation of data.

HomeControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers
HomeControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Setup
AbstractIndexController::handleIndexCreation() — Method in class AbstractIndexController
Core::headerJSON() — Method in class Core

Returns application/json headers. This includes no caching.

Events::handleEditor() — Method in class Events

Handles editor requests for adding or editing an item

Routines::handleRequestCreateOrEdit() — Method in class Routines

Handle request to create or edit a routine

Routines::handleExecuteRoutine() — Method in class Routines
DbTableExists::hasTable() — Method in class DbTableExists

Check if a table exists in the given database.

$ Error#hideLocationProperty in class Error

Hide location of errors

$ ErrorHandler#hideLocationProperty in class ErrorHandler

Hide location of errors

ErrorHandler::handleError() — Method in class ErrorHandler

Error handler - called when errors are triggered/occurred

ErrorHandler::handleException() — Method in class ErrorHandler

Hides exception if it's not in the development environment.

ErrorHandler::hasDisplayErrors() — Method in class ErrorHandler

whether there are errors to display or not

ErrorHandler::hasErrorsForPrompt() — Method in class ErrorHandler

Function to check if there are any errors to be prompted.

$ File#handleProperty in class File
GisVisualization::hasSrid() — Method in class GisVisualization

Check if data has SRID

Git::hasGitInformation() — Method in class Git
HeaderClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin

Class used to output the HTTP and HTML headers

ApplicationHandler::handle() — Method in class ApplicationHandler
QueueRequestHandler::handle() — Method in class QueueRequestHandler
Response::hasHeader() — Method in class Response
ServerRequest::hasHeader() — Method in class ServerRequest
ServerRequest::has() — Method in class ServerRequest
ServerRequest::hasQueryParam() — Method in class ServerRequest
ServerRequest::hasBodyParam() — Method in class ServerRequest
LanguageManager::hasChoice() — Method in class LanguageManager

Checks whether there are some languages available

ImageWrapper::height() — Method in class ImageWrapper
Import::handleRollbackRequest() — Method in class Import
Index::hasColumn() — Method in class Index

Returns true if $column indexed in this index

Index::hasPrimary() — Method in class Index
IndexColumn::hasExpression() — Method in class IndexColumn

If the Index has an expression

$ Message#hashProperty in class Message

Unique id

Navigation::hideNavigationItem() — Method in class Navigation

Add an item of navigation tree to the hidden items list in PMA database.

Node::hasChildren() — Method in class Node

This function checks if the node has children nodes associated with it

Node::hasSiblings() — Method in class Node

Returns true if the node has some siblings (other nodes on the same tree level, in the same branch), false otherwise.

$ NodeDatabase#hiddenCountProperty in class NodeDatabase

The number of hidden items in this database

Operations::handleTheViews() — Method in class Operations

Handle the views, return the boolean value whether table rename/copy or not

Partition::hasSubPartitions() — Method in class Partition

Whether there are sub partitions

Partition::havePartitioning() — Method in class Partition

checks if MySQL server supports partitioning

AuthenticationCookie::handlePasswordChange() — Method in class AuthenticationCookie

Callback when user changes password.

AuthenticationPlugin::handlePasswordChange() — Method in class AuthenticationPlugin

Callback when user changes password.

$ Pdf#headersetProperty in class Pdf
Pdf::Header() — Method in class Pdf

This method is used to render the page header.

$ TableStatsEps#heightProperty in class TableStatsEps
Pdf::Header() — Method in class Pdf

This method is used to render the page header.

$ TableStatsPdf#heightProperty in class TableStatsPdf
$ TableStatsSvg#heightProperty in class TableStatsSvg
$ TableStats#heightCellProperty in class TableStats
HexTransformationsPluginClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Transformations\Abs

Provides common methods for all of the hex transformations plugins.

HiddenPropertyItemClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\Items

Single property item class of type hidden

Compatibility::hasAccountLocking() — Method in class Compatibility
ReplicationGui::handleControlRequest() — Method in class ReplicationGui

handle control requests

ReplicationGui::handleRequestForReplicaChangePrimary() — Method in class ReplicationGui
ReplicationGui::handleRequestForReplicaServerControl() — Method in class ReplicationGui
ReplicationGui::handleRequestForReplicaSkipError() — Method in class ReplicationGui
$ ResponseRenderer#httpStatusMessagesProperty in class ResponseRenderer
Sql::hasNoRightsToDropDatabase() — Method in class Sql

Function to check whether the user has rights to drop the database

StorageEngine::hasMroongaEngine() — Method in class StorageEngine

Returns if Mroonga is available to be used

Indexes::hasPrimaryKey() — Method in class Indexes
Tracker::handleQuery() — Method in class Tracker

Analyzes a given SQL statement and saves tracking data.

Triggers::handleEditor() — Method in class Triggers

Handles editor requests for adding or editing an item

ForeignKey::handleDisableCheckInit() — Method in class ForeignKey

Handle foreign key check request

ForeignKey::handleDisableCheckCleanup() — Method in class ForeignKey

Cleanup changes done for foreign key check

HttpRequestClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Utils

Handles HTTP requests

SessionCache::has() — Method in class SessionCache


Application::init() — Method in class Application
Collation::isDefault() — Method in class Collation
Collation::isCompiled() — Method in class Collation
$ Config#instanceProperty in class Config
Config::isSetup() — Method in class Config
Config::isHttps() — Method in class Config

Checks if protocol is https

Config::issetCookie() — Method in class Config

isset cookie

Relation::initRelationParamsCache() — Method in class Relation

This function checks and initializes the phpMyAdmin configuration storage state before it is used into session cache.

BaseFormList::isValid() — Method in class BaseFormList
ImportFormClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Config\Forms\Page
ImportFormClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Config\Forms\Setup
ImportFormClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Config\Forms\User
PageSettings::init() — Method in class PageSettings
$ Settings#IgnoreMultiSubmitErrorsProperty in class Settings

if set to true, PMA continues computing multiple-statement queries even if one of the queries failed

$ Settings#InsertRowsProperty in class Settings

How many rows can be inserted at one time

$ Settings#ImportProperty in class Settings

Import defaults

$ Settings#IconvExtraParamsProperty in class Settings

Specify some parameters for iconv used in character set conversion. See iconv documentation for details: https://www.gnu.org/savannah-checkouts/gnu/libiconv/documentation/libiconv-1.15/iconv_open.3.html

$ Settings#InitialSlidersStateProperty in class Settings

Initial state for sliders (open | closed | disabled)

ImportClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Config\Settings

Import defaults

$ Transformations#InlineProperty in class Transformations
ImportControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Database
ImportControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Import
InvocableControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers
ImportControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Preferences
ImportControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Server
ImportControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Table
IndexRenameControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Table
IndexesControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Table

Displays index edit/creation form and handles it.

IndexControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Triggers

Triggers management.

Core::isAllowedDomain() — Method in class Core

Checks whether domain of URL is an allowed domain or not.

$ DatabaseInterface#instanceProperty in class DatabaseInterface
DatabaseInterface::isSuperUser() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

Checks if current user is superuser

DatabaseInterface::isGrantUser() — Method in class DatabaseInterface
DatabaseInterface::isCreateUser() — Method in class DatabaseInterface
DatabaseInterface::isConnected() — Method in class DatabaseInterface
DatabaseInterface::insertId() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

returns last inserted auto_increment id for given $link or $GLOBALS['userlink']

DatabaseInterface::isAmazonRds() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

Checks if this database server is running on Amazon RDS.

DatabaseInterface::isMySql() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

Whether connection is MySQL

DatabaseInterface::isMariaDB() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

Whether connection is MariaDB

DatabaseInterface::isPercona() — Method in class DatabaseInterface

Whether connection is PerconaDB

$ Events#intervalProperty in class Events
DbalInterface::isSuperUser() — Method in class DbalInterface

Checks if current user is superuser

DbalInterface::isGrantUser() — Method in class DbalInterface
DbalInterface::isCreateUser() — Method in class DbalInterface
DbalInterface::isConnected() — Method in class DbalInterface
DbalInterface::insertId() — Method in class DbalInterface

returns last inserted auto_increment id for given $link or $GLOBALS['userlink']

DbalInterface::isAmazonRds() — Method in class DbalInterface

Checks if this database server is running on Amazon RDS.

DbalInterface::isMySql() — Method in class DbalInterface

Whether connection is MySQL

DbalInterface::isMariaDB() — Method in class DbalInterface

Whether connection is MariaDB

DbalInterface::isPercona() — Method in class DbalInterface

Whether connection is Percona

Encoding::initEngine() — Method in class Encoding

Initializes encoding engine detecting available backends.

Encoding::isSupported() — Method in class Encoding

Checks whether there is any charset conversion supported

InnobaseClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Engines

The Innobase storage engine

InnodbClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Engines

The InnoDB storage engine

Error::isUserError() — Method in class Error

whether this error is a user error

InvalidImagePathClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Exceptions
Export::isGzHandlerEnabled() — Method in class Export

Detect ob_gzhandler

$ FieldMetadata#isMultipleKeyProperty in class FieldMetadata
$ FieldMetadata#isPrimaryKeyProperty in class FieldMetadata
$ FieldMetadata#isUniqueKeyProperty in class FieldMetadata
$ FieldMetadata#isNotNullProperty in class FieldMetadata
$ FieldMetadata#isUnsignedProperty in class FieldMetadata
$ FieldMetadata#isZerofillProperty in class FieldMetadata
$ FieldMetadata#isNumericProperty in class FieldMetadata
$ FieldMetadata#isBlobProperty in class FieldMetadata
$ FieldMetadata#isBinaryProperty in class FieldMetadata
$ FieldMetadata#isEnumProperty in class FieldMetadata
$ FieldMetadata#isSetProperty in class FieldMetadata
$ FieldMetadata#isMappedTypeBitProperty in class FieldMetadata
$ FieldMetadata#isMappedTypeGeometryProperty in class FieldMetadata
$ FieldMetadata#isMappedTypeTimestampProperty in class FieldMetadata
$ FieldMetadata#internalMediaTypeProperty in class FieldMetadata

A field only used by the Results class

FieldMetadata::isNotNull() — Method in class FieldMetadata
FieldMetadata::isNumeric() — Method in class FieldMetadata
FieldMetadata::isBinary() — Method in class FieldMetadata
FieldMetadata::isBlob() — Method in class FieldMetadata
FieldMetadata::isPrimaryKey() — Method in class FieldMetadata
FieldMetadata::isUniqueKey() — Method in class FieldMetadata
FieldMetadata::isMultipleKey() — Method in class FieldMetadata
FieldMetadata::isUnsigned() — Method in class FieldMetadata
FieldMetadata::isZerofill() — Method in class FieldMetadata
FieldMetadata::isEnum() — Method in class FieldMetadata
FieldMetadata::isSet() — Method in class FieldMetadata
FieldMetadata::isDateTimeType() — Method in class FieldMetadata

Checks that it is type DATE/TIME/DATETIME

FieldMetadata::isTimeType() — Method in class FieldMetadata

Checks that it contains time A "DATE" field returns false for example

FieldMetadata::isType() — Method in class FieldMetadata

Check if it is the mapped type

FieldMetadata::isNotType() — Method in class FieldMetadata

Check if it is NOT the mapped type

$ File#isTempProperty in class File
File::isTemp() — Method in class File

checks or sets the temp flag for this file file objects with temp flags are deleted with object destruction

File::isUploaded() — Method in class File

Whether file is uploaded.

File::isError() — Method in class File

Checks whether there was any error.

File::isReadable() — Method in class File

Checks whether file can be read.

Extent::isEmpty() — Method in class Extent
Point::isInsidePolygon() — Method in class Point

Determines whether a given point is inside a given polygon.

Polygon::isOuterRing() — Method in class Polygon

Determines whether a set of points represents an outer ring.

Git::isGitRevision() — Method in class Git

detects if Git revision

ServerRequest::isPost() — Method in class ServerRequest
ServerRequest::isAjax() — Method in class ServerRequest
Language::isActive() — Method in class Language

Checks whether language is currently active.

Language::isRTL() — Method in class Language

Checks whether language is RTL

$ LanguageManager#instanceProperty in class LanguageManager
IdentifierClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Identifiers
InvalidDatabaseNameClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Identifiers
InvalidIdentifierClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Identifiers
InvalidTableNameClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Identifiers
InvalidTriggerNameClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Identifiers
ImageWrapperClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Image
ImportClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Import

Library that provides common import functions that are used by import plugins

Import::isTableTransactional() — Method in class Import

Checks if a table is 'InnoDB' or not.

ImportSettingsClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Import
$ ImportSettings#importNoticeProperty in class ImportSettings
$ ImportSettings#importFileProperty in class ImportSettings
$ ImportSettings#importTypeProperty in class ImportSettings
$ ImportSettings#importFileNameProperty in class ImportSettings
ImportTableClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Import
IndexClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin

Index manipulation class

Index::isPacked() — Method in class Index

Returns 'No' if the index is not packed, how the index is packed if packed

Index::isUnique() — Method in class Index

Returns whether the index is a 'Unique' index

IndexColumnClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin

Index column wrapper

IndexColumn::isNullable() — Method in class IndexColumn
InsertEditClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin
InsertEdit::isColumn() — Method in class InsertEdit

check whether the column is of a certain type the goal is to ensure that types such as "enum('one','two','binary',..)" or "enum('one','two','varbinary',..)" are not categorized as binary

InsertEdit::isWhereClauseNumeric() — Method in class InsertEdit
InsertEditColumnClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin
InternalRelationsClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin

Internal relations for information schema and mysql databases.

IpAllowDenyClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin

PhpMyAdmin\IpAllowDeny class

IpAllowDeny::ipMaskTest() — Method in class IpAllowDeny

Matches for IPv4 or IPv6 addresses

IpAllowDeny::ipv4MaskTest() — Method in class IpAllowDeny

Based on IP Pattern Matcher Originally by J.Adams jna@retina.net Found on https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.ip2long.php Modified for phpMyAdmin

IpAllowDeny::ipv6MaskTest() — Method in class IpAllowDeny

IPv6 matcher CIDR section taken from https://stackoverflow.com/a/10086404 Modified for phpMyAdmin

$ Message#isDisplayedProperty in class Message

Whether the message was already displayed

Message::isSuccess() — Method in class Message
Message::isNotice() — Method in class Message
Message::isError() — Method in class Message
Message::isDisplayed() — Method in class Message

sets and returns whether the message was displayed or not

$ Node#iconProperty in class Node

For the IMG tag, used when rendering the node.

$ Node#isNewProperty in class Node
$ SubPartition#indexLengthProperty in class SubPartition
$ AuthenticationPlugin#ipAllowDenyProperty in class AuthenticationPlugin
ExportPlugin::init() — Method in class ExportPlugin

Plugin specific initializations.

ExportPlugin::initAlias() — Method in class ExportPlugin

Initialize aliases

ExportPlugin::isAvailable() — Method in class ExportPlugin
ExportLatex::init() — Method in class ExportLatex

Initialize the local variables that are used for export Latex.

ExportOds::init() — Method in class ExportOds

Plugin specific initializations.

ExportOdt::init() — Method in class ExportOdt

Plugin specific initializations.

ExportPdf::init() — Method in class ExportPdf

Initialize the local variables that are used for export PDF.

ExportPdf::isAvailable() — Method in class ExportPdf
ExportXml::isAvailable() — Method in class ExportXml
TableProperty::isNotNull() — Method in class TableProperty

Tells whether the key is null or not

TableProperty::isUnique() — Method in class TableProperty

Tells whether the key is unique or not

TableProperty::isPK() — Method in class TableProperty

Tells whether the key is primary or not

IOTransformationsPluginClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins

Provides a common interface that will have to be implemented by all of the Input/Output transformations plugins.

IOTransformationsPlugin::isSuccess() — Method in class IOTransformationsPlugin

Returns the success status

ImportPluginClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins

Provides a common interface that will have to be implemented by all of the import plugins.

$ ImportPlugin#importProperty in class ImportPlugin
ImportPlugin::init() — Method in class ImportPlugin

Plugin specific initializations.

ImportPlugin::isAvailable() — Method in class ImportPlugin
ImportCsvClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Import

Handles the import for the CSV format

ImportLdiClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Import

CSV import plugin for phpMyAdmin using LOAD DATA

ImportLdi::isAvailable() — Method in class ImportLdi
ImportMediawikiClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Import

Handles the import for the MediaWiki format

ImportOdsClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Import

Handles the import for the ODS format

ImportShpClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Import

Handles the import for ESRI Shape files

ImportShp::init() — Method in class ImportShp

Plugin specific initializations.

ImportSqlClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Import

Handles the import for the SQL format

ImportXmlClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Import

Handles the import for the XML format

Plugin::isAvailable() — Method in class Plugin
SchemaPlugin::init() — Method in class SchemaPlugin

Plugin specific initializations.

SchemaPlugin::isAvailable() — Method in class SchemaPlugin
ExportRelationSchema::isShowColor() — Method in class ExportRelationSchema

Returns whether to show colors

ExportRelationSchema::isTableDimension() — Method in class ExportRelationSchema

Returns whether to show table dimensions

ExportRelationSchema::isAllTableSameWidth() — Method in class ExportRelationSchema

Returns whether to use same width for all tables or not

ExportRelationSchema::isShowKeys() — Method in class ExportRelationSchema

Returns whether to show keys

ExportRelationSchema::isOffline() — Method in class ExportRelationSchema

Returns whether the client side database is used

PdfRelationSchema::isShowGrid() — Method in class PdfRelationSchema

Returns whether to show grid

PdfRelationSchema::isWithDataDictionary() — Method in class PdfRelationSchema

Return whether to show selected database data dictionary or not

SchemaPdf::isAvailable() — Method in class SchemaPdf
ImageLinkTransformationsPluginClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Transformations\Abs

Provides common methods for all of the link transformations plugins.

ImageUploadTransformationsPluginClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Transformations\Abs

Provides common methods for all of the image upload transformations plugins.

InlineTransformationsPluginClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Transformations\Abs

Provides common methods for all of the inline transformations plugins.

Image_JPEG_UploadClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Transformations\Input

Handles the image upload input transformation for JPEG.

Image_JPEG_InlineClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Transformations\Output

Handles the inline transformation for image jpeg

Image_JPEG_LinkClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Transformations\Output

Handles the link transformation for image jpeg

Image_PNG_InlineClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Transformations\Output

Handles the inline transformation for image png

$ TwoFactorPlugin#idProperty in class TwoFactorPlugin
$ Application#idProperty in class Application
InvalidClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\TwoFactor

Invalid two-factor authentication showing that configured choice is not available.

$ Invalid#idProperty in class Invalid
$ Key#idProperty in class Key
$ Simple#idProperty in class Simple
$ WebAuthn#idProperty in class WebAuthn
Profiling::isSupported() — Method in class Profiling
ImportPluginPropertiesClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Plugins

Defines possible options and getters and setters for them.

Compatibility::isMySqlOrPerconaDb() — Method in class Compatibility
Compatibility::isMariaDb() — Method in class Compatibility
Compatibility::isCompatibleRenameIndex() — Method in class Compatibility
Compatibility::isIntegersLengthRestricted() — Method in class Compatibility
Compatibility::isIntegersSupportLength() — Method in class Compatibility
Compatibility::isVirtualColumnsSupported() — Method in class Compatibility

Returns whether the database server supports virtual columns

Compatibility::isUUIDSupported() — Method in class Compatibility

Check whether the database supports UUID data type true if uuid is supported

Utilities::isSystemSchema() — Method in class Utilities

Checks whether given schema is a system schema

$ ResponseRenderer#isAjaxProperty in class ResponseRenderer

Whether we are servicing an ajax request.

$ ResponseRenderer#isSuccessProperty in class ResponseRenderer

Whether there were any errors during the processing of the request Only used for ajax responses

ResponseRenderer::isAjax() — Method in class ResponseRenderer

Returns true or false depending on whether we are servicing an ajax request

Privileges::isDatabaseNameWildcard() — Method in class Privileges
Base::isSupported() — Method in class Base

Checks whether class is supported in this environment

Linux::isSupported() — Method in class Linux

Checks whether class is supported in this environment

SunOs::isSupported() — Method in class SunOs

Checks whether class is supported in this environment

WindowsNt::isSupported() — Method in class WindowsNt

Checks whether class is supported in this environment

IndexClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Setup

PhpMyAdmin\Setup\Index class

Sql::isJustBrowsing() — Method in class Sql

Function to check whether this query is for just browsing

SqlQueryForm::init() — Method in class SqlQueryForm

Get initial values for Sql Query Form Insert

StorageEngine::isValid() — Method in class StorageEngine

Returns true if given engine name is supported/valid, otherwise false

IndexesClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Table
Table::isEngine() — Method in class Table

Checks the storage engine used to create table

Table::isView() — Method in class Table

returns whether the table is actually a view

Table::isUpdatableView() — Method in class Table

Returns whether the table is actually an updatable view

Table::isMerge() — Method in class Table

Checks if this is a merge table

Table::isValidName() — Method in class Table

checks if given name is a valid table name, currently if not empty, trailing spaces, '.', '/' and '\'

$ Theme#idProperty in class Theme
$ Theme#imgPathProperty in class Theme
$ Theme#imgPathFsProperty in class Theme
ThemeManager::initializeTheme() — Method in class ThemeManager
Tracker::isEnabled() — Method in class Tracker
Tracker::isActive() — Method in class Tracker

Gets the on/off value of the Tracker module, starts initialization.

Tracker::isTracked() — Method in class Tracker

Gets the tracking status of a table, is it active or disabled ?

I18nExtensionClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Twig
TwoFactor::isWritable() — Method in class TwoFactor
Types::isUnaryOperator() — Method in class Types

Check whether operator is unary.

UniqueCondition::isClauseUnique() — Method in class UniqueCondition
Util::isUUIDSupported() — Method in class Util

This function is to check whether database support UUID

Util::isInteger() — Method in class Util

Check that input is an int or an int in a string

ForeignKey::isSupported() — Method in class ForeignKey

Verifies if this table's engine supports foreign keys

ForeignKey::isCheckEnabled() — Method in class ForeignKey

Is Foreign key check enabled?

FormatConverter::ipToBinary() — Method in class FormatConverter

Transforms an IP to a binary

FormatConverter::ipToLong() — Method in class FormatConverter

Transforms an IP to a long


$ Export#json_structure_or_dataProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['json_structure_or_data'] = 'data';
$ Export#json_pretty_printProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['json_pretty_print'] = false;
$ Export#json_unicodeProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['json_unicode'] = true;
JavaScriptMessagesControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers

Exporting of translated messages from PHP to JavaScript.

RecentFavoriteTable::jsonSerialize() — Method in class RecentFavoriteTable
ImageWrapper::jpeg() — Method in class ImageWrapper


KillControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Server\Status\Processes
Encoding::kanjiChangeOrder() — Method in class Encoding

Reverses SJIS & EUC-JP position in the encoding codes list

Encoding::kanjiStrConv() — Method in class Encoding

Kanji string encoding convert

Encoding::kanjiFileConv() — Method in class Encoding

Kanji file encoding convert

Encoding::kanjiEncodingForm() — Method in class Encoding

Defines radio form fields to switch between encoding modes

$ TableProperty#keyProperty in class TableProperty

The key

KeyClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\TwoFactor

Hardware key based two-factor authentication


Config::loadAndCheck() — Method in class Config
Config::load() — Method in class Config

loads configuration from $source, usually the config file should be called on object creation

Config::loadUserPreferences() — Method in class Config

Loads user preferences and merges them with current config must be called after control connection has been established

Form::loadForm() — Method in class Form

Reads form settings and prepares class to work with given subset of config file

$ Settings#LoginCookieValidityDisableWarningProperty in class Settings

Disable the default warning that is displayed if session.gc_maxlifetime is less than LoginCookieValidity

$ Settings#LintEnableProperty in class Settings

use the parser to find any errors in the query before executing

$ Settings#LoginCookieRecallProperty in class Settings

recall previous login in cookie authentication mode or not

$ Settings#LoginCookieValidityProperty in class Settings

validity of cookie login (in seconds; 1440 matches php.ini's session.gc_maxlifetime)

$ Settings#LoginCookieStoreProperty in class Settings

how long login cookie should be stored (in seconds)

$ Settings#LoginCookieDeleteAllProperty in class Settings

whether to delete all login cookies on logout

$ Settings#LangProperty in class Settings

Force: always use this language, e.g. 'en'

$ Settings#LongtextDoubleTextareaProperty in class Settings

double size of textarea size for LONGTEXT columns

$ Settings#limitCharsProperty in class Settings

Max field data length in browse mode for all non-numeric fields

$ Settings#LinkLengthLimitProperty in class Settings

Limit for length of URL in links. When length would be above this limit, it is replaced by form with button.

$ Export#lock_tablesProperty in class Export

Whether to LOCK TABLES before exporting

$ Export#latex_structure_or_dataProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['latex_structure_or_data'] = 'structure_and_data';
$ Export#latex_columnsProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['latex_columns'] = true;
$ Export#latex_relationProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['latex_relation'] = true;
$ Export#latex_commentsProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['latex_comments'] = true;
$ Export#latex_mimeProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['latex_mime'] = true;
$ Export#latex_nullProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['latex_null'] = '\textit{NULL}';
$ Export#latex_captionProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['latex_caption'] = true;
$ Export#latex_structure_captionProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['latex_structure_caption'] = 'strLatexStructure';
$ Export#latex_structure_continued_captionProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['latex_structure_continued_caption'] = 'strLatexStructure strLatexContinued';
$ Export#latex_data_captionProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['latex_data_caption'] = 'strLatexContent';
$ Export#latex_data_continued_captionProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['latex_data_continued_caption'] = 'strLatexContent strLatexContinued';
$ Export#latex_data_labelProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['latex_data_label'] = 'tab:@TABLE@-data';
$ Export#latex_structure_labelProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['latex_structure_label'] = 'tab:@TABLE@-structure';
$ Import#ldi_replaceProperty in class Import
$cfg['Import']['ldi_replace'] = false;
$ Import#ldi_ignoreProperty in class Import
$cfg['Import']['ldi_ignore'] = false;
$ Import#ldi_terminatedProperty in class Import
$cfg['Import']['ldi_terminated'] = ';';
$ Import#ldi_enclosedProperty in class Import
$cfg['Import']['ldi_enclosed'] = '"';
$ Import#ldi_escapedProperty in class Import
$cfg['Import']['ldi_escaped'] = '\\';
$ Import#ldi_new_lineProperty in class Import
$cfg['Import']['ldi_new_line'] = 'auto';
$ Import#ldi_columnsProperty in class Import
$cfg['Import']['ldi_columns'] = '';
$ Import#ldi_local_optionProperty in class Import

'auto' for auto-detection, true or false for forcing

$ Server#logoutUrlProperty in class Server

URL where to redirect user after logout

LoadControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Export\Template
LicenseControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers

Simple script to set correct charset for the license

LintControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers

Represents the interface between the linter and the query editor.

LogoutControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers
LogVarsControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Server\Status\Monitor
Core::linkURL() — Method in class Core

Returns link to (possibly) external site using defined redirector.

$ DatabaseInterface#lastQueryExecutionTimeProperty in class DatabaseInterface
$ Warning#levelProperty in class Warning
Encoding::listEncodings() — Method in class Encoding

Lists available encodings.

$ Error#lineProperty in class Error

The line in which the error occurred

AuthenticationFailure::loggedOutDueToInactivity() — Method in class AuthenticationFailure

Automatically logged out due to inactivity

Export::lockTables() — Method in class Export

Locks tables

TemplateModel::load() — Method in class TemplateModel
$ FieldMetadata#lengthProperty in class FieldMetadata

The width of the field, as specified in the table definition.

Generator::linkToVarDocumentation() — Method in class Generator

Get a link to variable documentation

Generator::linkOrButton() — Method in class Generator

Displays a link, or a link with code to trigger POST request.

LanguageAndThemeCookieSavingClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Http\Middleware
LanguageLoadingClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Http\Middleware
LoginCookieValiditySettingClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Http\Middleware
LanguageClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\I18n

Language object

LanguageManagerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\I18n

Language selection manager

LanguageManager::listLocaleDir() — Method in class LanguageManager

Returns list of available locales

ImageWrapper::line() — Method in class ImageWrapper
Import::lookForUse() — Method in class Import

Looks for the presence of USE to possibly change current db

$ ImportSettings#localImportFileProperty in class ImportSettings
$ InsertEditColumn#lengthProperty in class InsertEditColumn
LinterClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin

The linter itself.

Linter::lint() — Method in class Linter

Runs the linting process.

ListDatabaseClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin

Handles database lists

LoggingClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin

Logging functionality for webserver.

Logging::logUser() — Method in class Logging

Logs user information to webserver logs.

$ Node#linksProperty in class Node

An array of A tags, used when rendering the node.

SubPartition::loadCommonData() — Method in class SubPartition

Loads some data that is common to both partitions and sub partitions

AuthenticationCookie::logOut() — Method in class AuthenticationCookie

Perform logout

AuthenticationPlugin::logFailure() — Method in class AuthenticationPlugin
AuthenticationPlugin::logOut() — Method in class AuthenticationPlugin

Perform logout

Eps::line() — Method in class Eps

Draw the line

$ Pdf#leftMarginProperty in class Pdf
Pdf::lineScale() — Method in class Pdf

Draws a scaled line

TableStats::loadCoordinates() — Method in class TableStats

Loads coordinates of a table

TableStats::loadDisplayField() — Method in class TableStats

Loads the table's display field

TableStats::loadPrimaryKey() — Method in class TableStats

Loads the PRIMARY key.

LongToIPv4TransformationsPluginClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Transformations\Abs

Provides common methods for all of the long to IPv4 transformations plugins.

Key::loadScripts() — Method in class Key

Loads needed javascripts into the page

ReplicationInfo::load() — Method in class ReplicationInfo
ResponseRenderer::loginPage() — Method in class ResponseRenderer

Configures response for the login page

AccountLocking::lock() — Method in class AccountLocking
$ Data#linksProperty in class Data
Base::loadavg() — Method in class Base

Gets load information

LinuxClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Server\SysInfo

Linux based SysInfo class

Linux::loadavg() — Method in class Linux

Gets load information

SunOs::loadavg() — Method in class SunOs

Gets load information

WindowsNt::loadavg() — Method in class WindowsNt

Gets load information

Table::loadUiPrefs() — Method in class Table

Loads the UI preferences for this table.

Theme::loadInfo() — Method in class Theme

Loads theme information

Theme::load() — Method in class Theme
ThemeManager::loadThemes() — Method in class ThemeManager
UserPreferences::load() — Method in class UserPreferences

Loads user preferences

Util::localisedDate() — Method in class Util

Writes localised date

Util::listPHPExtensions() — Method in class Util

Returns list of used PHP extensions.

FormatConverter::longToIp() — Method in class FormatConverter

Transforms a long to an IP


$ Charsets#mysqlCharsetMapProperty in class Charsets

MySQL charsets map

MainFormClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Config\Forms\Setup
MainFormClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Config\Forms\User
$ Settings#MaxDbListProperty in class Settings

maximum number of db's displayed in database list

$ Settings#MaxTableListProperty in class Settings

maximum number of tables displayed in table list

$ Settings#MaxCharactersInDisplayedSQLProperty in class Settings

maximum number of characters when a SQL query is displayed

$ Settings#MysqlSslWarningSafeHostsProperty in class Settings

Hosts or IPs to consider safe when checking if SSL is used or not

$ Settings#MemoryLimitProperty in class Settings

maximum allocated bytes ('-1' for no limit, '0' for no change) this is a string because '16M' is a valid value; we must put here a string as the default value so that /setup accepts strings

$ Settings#MaxNavigationItemsProperty in class Settings

maximum number of items displayed in navigation panel

$ Settings#maxRowsProperty in class Settings

Number of rows displayed when browsing a result set. If the result set contains more rows, "Previous" and "Next".

$ Settings#MinSizeForInputFieldProperty in class Settings

The minimum size for character input fields

$ Settings#MaxSizeForInputFieldProperty in class Settings

The maximum size for character input fields

$ Settings#MaxExactCountProperty in class Settings

When approximate count < this, PMA will get exact count for table rows.

$ Settings#MaxExactCountViewsProperty in class Settings

Zero means that no row count is done for views; see the doc

$ Settings#maxRowPlotLimitProperty in class Settings

Max rows retrieved for zoom search

$ Settings#mysqlMinVersionProperty in class Settings

MySQL minimal version required

$ Console#ModeProperty in class Console

Console mode

$ Export#methodProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['method'] = 'quick';
$ Export#mediawiki_structure_or_dataProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['mediawiki_structure_or_data'] = 'data';
$ Export#mediawiki_captionProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['mediawiki_caption'] = true;
$ Export#mediawiki_headersProperty in class Export
$cfg['Export']['mediawiki_headers'] = true;
$ Server#maxTableUiPrefsProperty in class Server

Maximum number of records saved in $cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_uiprefs'] table.

CentralColumnsController::main() — Method in class CentralColumnsController
MultiTableQueryControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Database

Handles database multi-table querying

MakeConsistentControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Database\Structure\CentralColumns
MainControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Normalization

Normalization process (temporarily specific to 1NF).

MoveRepeatingGroupClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Normalization
MainPanelControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Preferences
ManageControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Preferences

User preferences management page.

MonitorControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Server\Status
MainControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Setup
MoveColumnsControllerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Table\Structure
Core::mimeDefaultFunction() — Method in class Core

Replace some html-unfriendly stuff

CentralColumns::makeConsistentWithList() — Method in class CentralColumns

Make the columns of given tables consistent with central list of columns.

MultiTableQueryClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Database

Class to handle database Multi-table querying

MysqliResultClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Dbal

Extension independent database result

MysqliStatementClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Dbal
MemoryClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Engines

The MEMORY (HEAP) storage engine

MergeClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Engines

The MERGE storage engine

MrgMyisamClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Engines

The MERGE storage engine

MyisamClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Engines

The MyISAM storage engine

MismatchedSessionIdClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Exceptions
MissingExtensionExceptionClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Exceptions
MissingThemeClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Exceptions
Export::mergeAliases() — Method in class Export

Merge two alias arrays, if array1 and array2 have conflicting alias then array2 value is used if it is non empty otherwise array1 value.

Extent::merge() — Method in class Extent
Generator::mysqlDie() — Method in class Generator

Displays a MySQL error message in the main panel when $exit is true.

MySQLDocumentationClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Html

Generate HTML for MySQL Documentation

MinimumCommonRedirectionClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Http\Middleware
Language::matchesAcceptLanguage() — Method in class Language

Checks whether language matches HTTP header Accept-Language.

Language::matchesUserAgent() — Method in class Language

Checks whether language matches HTTP header User-Agent

$ ImportSettings#maxSqlLengthProperty in class ImportSettings
$ ImportSettings#maximumTimeProperty in class ImportSettings
$ ImportSettings#messageProperty in class ImportSettings
$ InsertEditColumn#md5Property in class InsertEditColumn
MenuClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin

Generates and renders the top menu

MessageClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin

a single message

$ Message#messageProperty in class Message

The formatted message

MimeClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin

Handles mime type detection

Normalization::moveRepeatingGroup() — Method in class Normalization

move the repeating group of columns to a new table

Operations::moveOrCopyTable() — Method in class Operations

Move or copy a table

MaintenanceClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Partitioning
$ SubPartition#methodProperty in class SubPartition
Pdf::morepagestable() — Method in class Pdf

Generate table

Pdf::mysqlReport() — Method in class Pdf

MySQL report

$ RelationStatsDia#masterTableIdProperty in class RelationStatsDia
Eps::moveTo() — Method in class Eps

Set the current point

$ TwoFactorPlugin#messageProperty in class TwoFactorPlugin
MessageOnlyPropertyItemClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\Items

Single property item class of type messageOnly

MariaDbMySqlKbsProviderClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Providers\ServerVariables
ServerVariablesProvider::mariaDbMySqlKbsExists() — Method in class ServerVariablesProvider
MonitorClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Server\Status

functions for displaying server status sub item: monitor

Base::memory() — Method in class Base

Gets information about memory usage

Linux::memory() — Method in class Linux

Gets information about memory usage

SunOs::memory() — Method in class SunOs

Gets information about memory usage

WindowsNt::memory() — Method in class WindowsNt

Gets information about memory usage

Index::messagesBegin() — Method in class Index

Initializes message list

Index::messagesSet() — Method in class Index

Adds a new message to message list

Index::messagesEnd() — Method in class Index

Cleans up message list

Index::messagesShowHtml() — Method in class Index

Prints message list, must be called after self::messagesEnd()

MaintenanceClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Table
MessageClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Table\Maintenance
$ Table#messagesProperty in class Table
TableMover::moveCopy() — Method in class TableMover
$ Theme#mtimeInfoProperty in class Theme
MessageExtensionClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Twig
Types::mapAliasToMysqlType() — Method in class Types


NavigationItemsHidingFeatureClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\ConfigStorage\Features
$ Form#nameProperty in class Form

Form name

NaviFormClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Config\Forms\Page
NaviFormClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Config\Forms\Setup
NaviFormClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\Config\Forms\User
$ Settings#NavigationTreeEnableGroupingProperty in class Settings

turn the select-based light menu into a tree

$ Settings#NavigationTreeDbSeparatorProperty in class Settings

the separator to sub-tree the select-based light menu tree

$ Settings#NavigationTreeTableSeparatorProperty in class Settings

Which string will be used to generate table prefixes to split/nest tables into multiple categories

$ Settings#NavigationTreeTableLevelProperty in class Settings

How many sublevels should be displayed when splitting up tables by the above Separator

$ Settings#NavigationLinkWithMainPanelProperty in class Settings

link with main panel by highlighting the current db/table

$ Settings#NavigationDisplayLogoProperty in class Settings

display logo at top of navigation panel

$ Settings#NavigationLogoLinkProperty in class Settings

where should logo link point to (can also contain an external URL)

$ Settings#NavigationLogoLinkWindowProperty in class Settings

whether to open the linked page in the main window ('main') or in a new window ('new')

$ Settings#NumRecentTablesProperty in class Settings

number of recently used tables displayed in the navigation panel

$ Settings#NumFavoriteTablesProperty in class Settings

number of favorite tables displayed in the navigation panel

$ Settings#NavigationTreeDisplayItemFilterMinimumProperty in class Settings

display a JavaScript table filter in the navigation panel when more then x tables are present

$ Settings#NavigationDisplayServersProperty in class Settings

display server choice at top of navigation panel

$ Settings#NavigationTreeDisplayDbFilterMinimumProperty in class Settings

display a JavaScript database filter in the navigation panel when more then x databases are present

$ Settings#NavigationTreeDefaultTabTableProperty in class Settings