final class Server (View source)


string $host

MySQL hostname or IP address

string $port

MySQL port - leave blank for default port

string $socket

Path to the socket - leave blank for default socket

bool $ssl

Use SSL for connecting to MySQL server?

string|null $sslKey

Path to the key file when using SSL for connecting to the MySQL server

string|null $sslCert

Path to the cert file when using SSL for connecting to the MySQL server

string|null $sslCa

Path to the CA file when using SSL for connecting to the MySQL server

string|null $sslCaPath

Directory containing trusted SSL CA certificates in PEM format

string|null $sslCiphers

List of allowable ciphers for SSL connections to the MySQL server

bool $sslVerify

MySQL 5.6 or later triggers the mysqlnd driver in PHP to validate the peer_name of the SSL certifcate For most self-signed certificates this is a problem. Setting this to false will disable the check and allow the connection (PHP 5.6.16 or later)

bool $compress

Use compressed protocol for the MySQL connection

string $controlHost

MySQL control host. This permits to use a host different from the main host, for the phpMyAdmin configuration storage. If left empty, $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] is used instead.

string $controlPort

MySQL control port. This permits to use a port different from the main port, for the phpMyAdmin configuration storage. If left empty, $cfg['Servers'][$i]['port'] is used instead.

string $controlUser

MySQL control user settings (this user must have read-only access to the "mysql/user" and "mysql/db" tables). The controluser is also used for all relational features (pmadb)

string $controlPass

MySQL control user settings (this user must have read-only access to the "mysql/user" and "mysql/db" tables). The controluser is also used for all relational features (pmadb)

string|null $controlSocket
bool|null $controlSsl
string|null $controlSslKey
string|null $controlSslCert
string|null $controlSslCa
string|null $controlSslCaPath
string|null $controlSslCiphers
bool|null $controlSslVerify
bool|null $controlCompress
bool|null $controlHideConnectionErrors
string $authType

Authentication method (valid choices: config, http, signon or cookie)

string $authHttpRealm

HTTP Basic Auth Realm name to display (only used with 'HTTP' auth_type)

string $user

MySQL user

string $password

MySQL password (only needed with 'config' auth_type)

string $signonSession

Session to use for 'signon' authentication method

array<string,int|string|bool> $signonCookieParams

Cookie params to match session to use for 'signon' authentication method It should be an associative array matching result of session_get_cookie_params() in other system

string $signonScript

PHP script to use for 'signon' authentication method

string $signonUrl

URL where to redirect user to login for 'signon' authentication method

string $logoutUrl

URL where to redirect user after logout

string|string[] $onlyDb

If set to a db-name, only this db is displayed in navigation panel It may also be an array of db-names

string $hideDb

Database name to be hidden from listings

string $verbose

Verbose name for this host - leave blank to show the hostname (for HTTP authentication, all non-US-ASCII characters will be stripped)

string $pmaDb

Database used for Relation, Bookmark and PDF Features (see resources/sql/create_tables.sql)

  • leave blank for no support SUGGESTED: 'phpmyadmin'
string|false $bookmarkTable

Bookmark table

  • leave blank for no bookmark support SUGGESTED: 'pma__bookmark'
string|false $relation

table to describe the relation between links (see doc)

  • leave blank for no relation-links support SUGGESTED: 'pma__relation'
string|false $tableInfo

table to describe the display fields

  • leave blank for no display fields support SUGGESTED: 'pma__table_info'
string|false $tableCoords

table to describe the tables position for the designer and PDF schema

  • leave blank for no PDF schema support SUGGESTED: 'pma__table_coords'
string|false $pdfPages

table to describe pages of relationpdf

  • leave blank if you don't want to use this SUGGESTED: 'pma__pdf_pages'
string|false $columnInfo

table to store column information

  • leave blank for no column comments/mime types SUGGESTED: 'pma__column_info'
string|false $history

table to store SQL history

  • leave blank for no SQL query history SUGGESTED: 'pma__history'
string|false $recent

table to store recently used tables

  • leave blank for no "persistent" recently used tables SUGGESTED: 'pma__recent'
string|false $favorite

table to store favorite tables

  • leave blank for no favorite tables SUGGESTED: 'pma__favorite'
string|false $tableUiPrefs

table to store UI preferences for tables

  • leave blank for no "persistent" UI preferences SUGGESTED: 'pma__table_uiprefs'
string|false $tracking

table to store SQL tracking

  • leave blank for no SQL tracking SUGGESTED: 'pma__tracking'
string|false $userConfig

table to store user preferences

  • leave blank to disable server storage SUGGESTED: 'pma__userconfig'
string|false $users

table to store users and their assignment to user groups

  • leave blank to disable configurable menus feature SUGGESTED: 'pma__users'
string|false $userGroups

table to store allowed menu items for each user group

  • leave blank to disable configurable menus feature SUGGESTED: 'pma__usergroups'
string|false $navigationHiding

table to store information about item hidden from navigation tree

  • leave blank to disable hide/show navigation items feature SUGGESTED: 'pma__navigationhiding'
string|false $savedSearches

table to store information about saved searches from query-by-example on a db

  • leave blank to disable saved searches feature SUGGESTED: 'pma__savedsearches'
string|false $centralColumns

table to store central list of columns per database

  • leave blank to disable central list of columns feature SUGGESTED: 'pma__central_columns'
string|false $designerSettings

table to store designer settings

  • leave blank to disable the storage of designer settings SUGGESTED: 'pma__designer_settings'
string|false $exportTemplates

table to store export templates

  • leave blank to disable saved searches feature SUGGESTED: 'pma__export_templates'
int $maxTableUiPrefs

Maximum number of records saved in $cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_uiprefs'] table.

string $sessionTimeZone

Sets the time zone used by phpMyAdmin. Possible values are explained at

bool $allowRoot

whether to allow root login

bool $allowNoPassword

whether to allow login of any user without a password

array<string,string|string[]> $allowDeny

Host authentication

bool $disableIS


bool $trackingVersionAutoCreate

Whether the tracking mechanism creates versions for tables and views automatically.

string $trackingDefaultStatements

Defines the list of statements the auto-creation uses for new versions.

bool $trackingAddDropView

Whether a DROP VIEW IF EXISTS statement will be added as first line to the log when creating a view.

bool $trackingAddDropTable

Whether a DROP TABLE IF EXISTS statement will be added as first line to the log when creating a table.

bool $trackingAddDropDatabase

Whether a DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS statement will be added as first line to the log when creating a database.

bool $hideConnectionErrors

Whether to show or hide detailed MySQL/MariaDB connection errors on the login page.


__construct(array $server = [])

No description


No description

withSSL(bool $ssl)

No description


__construct(array $server = [])

No description


array $server

array asArray()

No description

Return Value


Server withSSL(bool $ssl)

No description


bool $ssl

Return Value
