class Normalization (View source)
Set of functions used for normalization
No description
build the html for columns of $colTypeCategory category in form of given $listType in a table
get the html of the form to add the new column to given table
build the html for step 1.1 of normalization
build the html contents of various html elements in step 1.2
build the html contents of various html elements in step 1.4
build the html contents of various html elements in step 1.3
build html contents for 2NF step 2.1
build the html for showing the tables to have in order to put current table in 2NF
create/alter the tables needed for 2NF
build the html for showing the new tables to have in order to put given tables in 3NF
create new tables or alter existing to get 3NF
move the repeating group of columns to a new table
build html for 3NF step 1 to find the transitive dependencies
find all the possible partial dependencies based on data in the table.
__construct(DatabaseInterface $dbi, Relation $relation, Transformations $transformations, Template $template)
No description
getHtmlForColumnsList(string $db, string $table, string $colTypeCategory = 'all', string $listType = 'dropdown')
build the html for columns of $colTypeCategory category in form of given $listType in a table
getHtmlForCreateNewColumn(UserPrivileges $userPrivileges, int $numFields, string $db, string $table, array $columnMeta = [])
get the html of the form to add the new column to given table
getHtmlFor1NFStep1(string $db, string $table, string $normalizedTo)
build the html for step 1.1 of normalization
getHtmlContentsFor1NFStep2(string $db, string $table)
build the html contents of various html elements in step 1.2
getHtmlContentsFor1NFStep4(string $db, string $table)
build the html contents of various html elements in step 1.4
getHtmlContentsFor1NFStep3(string $db, string $table)
build the html contents of various html elements in step 1.3
getHtmlFor2NFstep1(string $db, string $table)
build html contents for 2NF step 2.1
getHtmlForNewTables2NF(array $partialDependencies, string $table)
build the html for showing the tables to have in order to put current table in 2NF
createNewTablesFor2NF(array $partialDependencies, object $tablesName, string $table, string $db)
create/alter the tables needed for 2NF
getHtmlForNewTables3NF(object $dependencies, array $tables, string $db)
build the html for showing the new tables to have in order to put given tables in 3NF
createNewTablesFor3NF(array $newTables, string $db)
create new tables or alter existing to get 3NF
moveRepeatingGroup(string $repeatingColumns, string $primaryColumns, string $newTable, string $newColumn, string $table, string $db)
move the repeating group of columns to a new table
getHtmlFor3NFstep1(string $db, array $tables)
build html for 3NF step 1 to find the transitive dependencies
findPartialDependencies(string $table, string $db)
find all the possible partial dependencies based on data in the table.