AlterOperationClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Components

Parses an alter operation.

ArrayObjClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Components

Parses an array.

$ CaseExpression#aliasProperty in class CaseExpression

The alias of this CASE statement.

$ Expression#aliasProperty in class Expression

The alias of this expression.

AlterOperationsClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Parsers

Parses an alter operation.

Array2dClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Parsers

VALUES keyword parser.

ArrayObjsClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Parsers

Parses an array.

Statement::after() — Method in class Statement

Function called after the token was processed.

AlterStatementClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Statements

ALTER statement.

$ AlterStatement#alteredProperty in class AlterStatement

Column affected by this statement.

AnalyzeStatementClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Statements

ANALYZE statement.

MaintenanceStatement::after() — Method in class MaintenanceStatement

Function called after the token was processed.

UpdateStatement::after() — Method in class UpdateStatement

Function called after the token was processed.

TokensList::add() — Method in class TokensList

Adds a new token.


Component::build() — Method in class Component

Builds the string representation of a component of this type.

AlterOperation::build() — Method in class AlterOperation

Builds the string representation of a component of this type.

ArrayObj::build() — Method in class ArrayObj

Builds the string representation of a component of this type.

CaseExpression::build() — Method in class CaseExpression

Builds the string representation of a component of this type.

Condition::build() — Method in class Condition

Builds the string representation of a component of this type.

CreateDefinition::build() — Method in class CreateDefinition

Builds the string representation of a component of this type.

DataType::build() — Method in class DataType

Builds the string representation of a component of this type.

Expression::build() — Method in class Expression

Builds the string representation of a component of this type.

FunctionCall::build() — Method in class FunctionCall

Builds the string representation of a component of this type.

GroupKeyword::build() — Method in class GroupKeyword

Builds the string representation of a component of this type.

IndexHint::build() — Method in class IndexHint

Builds the string representation of a component of this type.

IntoKeyword::build() — Method in class IntoKeyword

Builds the string representation of a component of this type.

JoinKeyword::build() — Method in class JoinKeyword

Builds the string representation of a component of this type.

Key::build() — Method in class Key

Builds the string representation of a component of this type.

Limit::build() — Method in class Limit

Builds the string representation of a component of this type.

LockExpression::build() — Method in class LockExpression

Builds the string representation of a component of this type.

LockExpression::buildAll() — Method in class LockExpression
OptionsArray::build() — Method in class OptionsArray

Builds the string representation of a component of this type.

OrderKeyword::build() — Method in class OrderKeyword

Builds the string representation of a component of this type.

ParameterDefinition::build() — Method in class ParameterDefinition

Builds the string representation of a component of this type.

PartitionDefinition::build() — Method in class PartitionDefinition

Builds the string representation of a component of this type.

Reference::build() — Method in class Reference

Builds the string representation of a component of this type.

RenameOperation::build() — Method in class RenameOperation

Builds the string representation of a component of this type.

SetOperation::build() — Method in class SetOperation

Builds the string representation of a component of this type.

WithKeyword::build() — Method in class WithKeyword

Builds the string representation of a component of this type.

$ Parser#bracketsProperty in class Parser

The number of opened brackets.

ArrayObjs::buildAll() — Method in class ArrayObjs
Conditions::buildAll() — Method in class Conditions
CreateDefinitions::buildAll() — Method in class CreateDefinitions
ExpressionArray::buildAll() — Method in class ExpressionArray
Expressions::buildAll() — Method in class Expressions
GroupKeywords::buildAll() — Method in class GroupKeywords
IndexHints::buildAll() — Method in class IndexHints
JoinKeywords::buildAll() — Method in class JoinKeywords
OrderKeywords::buildAll() — Method in class OrderKeywords
ParameterDefinitions::buildAll() — Method in class ParameterDefinitions
PartitionDefinitions::buildAll() — Method in class PartitionDefinitions
RenameOperations::buildAll() — Method in class RenameOperations
SetOperations::buildAll() — Method in class SetOperations
UnionKeywords::buildAll() — Method in class UnionKeywords
Statement::build() — Method in class Statement

Builds the string representation of this statement.

Statement::before() — Method in class Statement

Function called before the token is processed.

AlterStatement::build() — Method in class AlterStatement

Builds the string representation of this statement.

BackupStatementClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Statements

BACKUP statement.

CallStatement::build() — Method in class CallStatement

Build statement for CALL.

$ CreateStatement#bodyProperty in class CreateStatement

The body of this function or procedure.

CreateStatement::build() — Method in class CreateStatement

Builds the string representation of this statement.

DeleteStatement::build() — Method in class DeleteStatement

Builds the string representation of this statement.

$ ExplainStatement#bodyParserProperty in class ExplainStatement

The parser of the statement to be explained

ExplainStatement::build() — Method in class ExplainStatement

Builds the string representation of this statement.

InsertStatement::build() — Method in class InsertStatement

Builds the string representation of this statement.

KillStatement::build() — Method in class KillStatement

Builds the string representation of this statement.

LoadStatement::build() — Method in class LoadStatement

Builds the string representation of this statement.

LockStatement::build() — Method in class LockStatement

Builds the string representation of this statement.

NotImplementedStatement::build() — Method in class NotImplementedStatement

Builds the string representation of this statement.

PurgeStatement::build() — Method in class PurgeStatement

Builds the string representation of this statement.

RenameStatement::before() — Method in class RenameStatement

Function called before the token is processed.

RenameStatement::build() — Method in class RenameStatement

Builds the string representation of this statement.

ReplaceStatement::build() — Method in class ReplaceStatement

Builds the string representation of this statement.

SetStatement::build() — Method in class SetStatement

Builds the string representation of this statement.

TransactionStatement::build() — Method in class TransactionStatement

Builds the string representation of this statement.

TruncateStatement::build() — Method in class TruncateStatement

Special build method for truncate statement as Statement::build would return empty string.

WithStatement::build() — Method in class WithStatement

Builds the string representation of this statement.

TokensList::build() — Method in class TokensList

Builds an array of tokens by merging their raw value.

TokensList::buildFromArray() — Method in class TokensList

Builds an array of tokens by merging their raw value.

ContextGenerator::build() — Method in class ContextGenerator

Builds a test.

ContextGenerator::buildAll() — Method in class ContextGenerator

Generates recursively all tests preserving the directory structure.

TestGenerator::build() — Method in class TestGenerator

Builds a test.

TestGenerator::buildAll() — Method in class TestGenerator

Generates recursively all tests preserving the directory structure.

BufferedQueryClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Utils

Buffer query utilities.


ComponentClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser

Defines a component that is later extended to parse specialized components or keywords.

CaseExpressionClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Components

Parses a reference to a CASE expression.

$ CaseExpression#conditionsProperty in class CaseExpression

The conditions in WHEN clauses.

$ CaseExpression#compareValuesProperty in class CaseExpression

The values to be compared against.

ConditionClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Components
CreateDefinitionClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Components

Parses the create definition of a column or a key.

$ Expression#columnProperty in class Expression

The name of the column.

$ IntoKeyword#columnsProperty in class IntoKeyword

The name of the columns.

$ Key#columnsProperty in class Key

The key columns

$ Reference#columnsProperty in class Reference

The referenced columns.

$ SetOperation#columnProperty in class SetOperation

The name of the column that is being updated.

$ WithKeyword#columnsProperty in class WithKeyword
ContextClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser

Defines a context class that is later extended to define other contexts.

ContextMariaDb100000Class in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Contexts

Context for MariaDB 10.0.

ContextMariaDb100100Class in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Contexts

Context for MariaDB 10.1.

ContextMariaDb100200Class in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Contexts

Context for MariaDB 10.2.

ContextMariaDb100300Class in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Contexts

Context for MariaDB 10.3.

ContextMariaDb100400Class in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Contexts

Context for MariaDB 10.4.

ContextMariaDb100500Class in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Contexts

Context for MariaDB 10.5.

ContextMariaDb100600Class in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Contexts

Context for MariaDB 10.6.

ContextMariaDb100700Class in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Contexts

Context for MariaDB 10.7.

ContextMariaDb100800Class in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Contexts

Context for MariaDB 10.8.

ContextMariaDb100900Class in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Contexts

Context for MariaDB 10.9.

ContextMariaDb101000Class in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Contexts

Context for MariaDB 10.10.

ContextMariaDb101100Class in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Contexts

Context for MariaDB 10.11.

ContextMariaDb110000Class in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Contexts

Context for MariaDB 11.0.

ContextMariaDb110100Class in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Contexts

Context for MariaDB 11.1.

ContextMariaDb110200Class in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Contexts

Context for MariaDB 11.2.

ContextMariaDb110300Class in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Contexts

Context for MariaDB 11.3.

ContextMariaDb110400Class in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Contexts

Context for MariaDB 11.4.

ContextMariaDb110500Class in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Contexts

Context for MariaDB 11.5.

ContextMariaDb110600Class in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Contexts

Context for MariaDB 11.6.

ContextMariaDb110700Class in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Contexts

Context for MariaDB 11.7.

ContextMySql50000Class in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Contexts

Context for MySQL 5.0.

ContextMySql50100Class in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Contexts

Context for MySQL 5.1.

ContextMySql50500Class in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Contexts

Context for MySQL 5.5.

ContextMySql50600Class in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Contexts

Context for MySQL 5.6.

ContextMySql50700Class in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Contexts

Context for MySQL 5.7.

ContextMySql80000Class in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Contexts

Context for MySQL 8.0.

ContextMySql80100Class in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Contexts

Context for MySQL 8.1.

ContextMySql80200Class in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Contexts

Context for MySQL 8.2.

ContextMySql80300Class in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Contexts

Context for MySQL 8.3.

ContextMySql80400Class in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Contexts

Context for MySQL 8.4.

ContextMySql90000Class in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Contexts

Context for MySQL 9.0.

ContextMySql90100Class in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Contexts

Context for MySQL 9.1.

$ LexerException#chProperty in class LexerException

The character that produced this error.

CaseExpressionsClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Parsers

Parses a reference to a CASE expression.

ConditionsClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Parsers

WHERE keyword parser.

CreateDefinitionsClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Parsers

Parses the create definition of a column or a key.

$ Statement#clausesProperty in class Statement

The clauses of this statement, in order.

CallStatementClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Statements

CALL statement.

$ CallStatement#callProperty in class CallStatement

The name of the function and its parameters.

CheckStatementClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Statements

CHECK statement.

ChecksumStatementClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Statements

CHECKSUM statement.

CreateStatementClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Statements

CREATE statement.

$ DeleteStatement#clausesProperty in class DeleteStatement

The clauses of this statement, in order.

$ DeleteStatement#columnsProperty in class DeleteStatement

Columns used in this statement.

$ DropStatement#clausesProperty in class DropStatement

The clauses of this statement, in order.

$ ExplainStatement#connectionIdProperty in class ExplainStatement

The connection identifier, if used.

$ LoadStatement#charsetNameProperty in class LoadStatement

Character set used in this statement.

$ LoadStatement#columnNamesOrUserVariablesProperty in class LoadStatement

Column names or user variables.

$ SelectStatement#clausesProperty in class SelectStatement

The clauses of this statement, in order.

$ SetStatement#clausesProperty in class SetStatement

The clauses of this statement, in order.

$ UpdateStatement#clausesProperty in class UpdateStatement

The clauses of this statement, in order.

$ WithStatement#clausesProperty in class WithStatement

The clauses of this statement, in order.

$ WithStatement#cteStatementParserProperty in class WithStatement

holds the CTE parser.

$ TokensList#countProperty in class TokensList

The count of tokens.

ContextGeneratorClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Tools

Used for context generation.

CustomJsonSerializerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Tools

Used for .out files generation

$ UtfString#charactersProperty in class UtfString

The multi-byte characters.

$ BufferedQuery#currentProperty in class BufferedQuery

The last incomplete query that was extracted.

CLIClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Utils

CLI interface.


DataTypeClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Components

Parses a data type.

$ Expression#databaseProperty in class Expression

The name of this database.

$ IntoKeyword#destProperty in class IntoKeyword

The destination, which can be a table or a file.

$ Lexer#defaultDelimiterProperty in class Lexer

The default delimiter. This is used, by default, in all new instances.

$ Lexer#delimiterProperty in class Lexer

Statements delimiter.

$ Lexer#delimiterLenProperty in class Lexer

The length of the delimiter.

DataTypesClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Parsers

Parses a data type.

DeleteStatementClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Statements

DELETE statement.

DropStatementClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Statements

DROP statement.

$ BufferedQuery#delimiterProperty in class BufferedQuery

The last delimiter used.

$ BufferedQuery#delimiterLenProperty in class BufferedQuery

The length of the delimiter.

$ StatementFlags#distinctProperty in class StatementFlags

select ... DISTINCT .

$ StatementFlags#dropDatabaseProperty in class StatementFlags

drop ... DATABASE .


$ CaseExpression#elseResultProperty in class CaseExpression

The result in ELSE section of expr.

$ CaseExpression#exprProperty in class CaseExpression

The sub-expression.

$ Condition#exprProperty in class Condition

The condition.

ExpressionClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Components

Parses a reference to an expression (column, table or database name, function call, mathematical expression, etc.).

$ Expression#exprProperty in class Expression

The sub-expression.

$ GroupKeyword#exprProperty in class GroupKeyword

The expression that is used for grouping.

$ JoinKeyword#exprProperty in class JoinKeyword

Join expression.

$ Key#exprProperty in class Key

The expression if the Key is not using column names

$ OrderKeyword#exprProperty in class OrderKeyword

The expression that is used for ordering.

$ PartitionDefinition#exprProperty in class PartitionDefinition

The expression used to defined this partition.

Context::escape() — Method in class Context

Escapes the symbol by adding surrounding backticks.

Context::escapeAll() — Method in class Context

Escapes the symbol by adding surrounding backticks.

$ Lexer#errorsProperty in class Lexer

List of errors that occurred during lexing.

Lexer::error() — Method in class Lexer

Creates a new error log.

$ Parser#errorsProperty in class Parser

List of errors that occurred during lexing.

Parser::error() — Method in class Parser

Creates a new error log.

ExpressionArrayClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Parsers

Parses a list of expressions delimited by a comma.

ExpressionsClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Parsers

Parses a reference to an expression (column, table or database name, function call, mathematical expression, etc.).

$ CreateStatement#entityOptionsProperty in class CreateStatement

The options of the entity (table, procedure, function, etc.).

ExplainStatementClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Statements

EXPLAIN statement.

$ ExplainStatement#explainedDatabaseProperty in class ExplainStatement

The explained database for the table's name, if used.

$ ExplainStatement#explainedTableProperty in class ExplainStatement

The explained table's name, if used.

$ ExplainStatement#explainedColumnProperty in class ExplainStatement

The explained column's name, if used.

$ PurgeStatement#endOptionProperty in class PurgeStatement

The end option of this query.

$ PurgeStatement#endExprProperty in class PurgeStatement

The end expr of this query.

$ SelectStatement#exprProperty in class SelectStatement

Expressions that are being selected by this statement.

$ SelectStatement#endOptionsProperty in class SelectStatement

The end options of this query.

$ SetStatement#endOptionsProperty in class SetStatement

The end options of this query.

$ TransactionStatement#endProperty in class TransactionStatement

The ending transaction statement which may be a COMMIT or a ROLLBACK.

Token::extract() — Method in class Token

Does a little processing to the token to extract a value.

CustomJsonSerializer::extractObjectData() — Method in class CustomJsonSerializer

Extract the object data

BufferedQuery::extract() — Method in class BufferedQuery

Extracts a statement from the buffer.

ErrorClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Utils

Error related utilities.

Formatter::escapeConsole() — Method in class Formatter


$ AlterOperation#fieldProperty in class AlterOperation

The altered field.

$ Expression#functionProperty in class Expression

The name of the function.

FunctionCallClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Components

Parses a function call.

$ IntoKeyword#fieldsOptionsProperty in class IntoKeyword

Options for FIELDS/COLUMNS keyword.

$ IntoKeyword#fieldsKeywordProperty in class IntoKeyword

Whether to use FIELDS or COLUMNS while building.

FunctionCallsClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Parsers

Parses a function call.

$ Statement#firstProperty in class Statement

The index of the first token used in this statement.

$ CreateStatement#fieldsProperty in class CreateStatement

If CREATE TABLE, a list of columns and keys.

$ DeleteStatement#fromProperty in class DeleteStatement

Table(s) used as sources for this statement.

$ DropStatement#fieldsProperty in class DropStatement

Dropped elements.

$ LoadStatement#fileNameProperty in class LoadStatement

File name being used to load data.

$ LoadStatement#fieldsOptionsProperty in class LoadStatement

Options for FIELDS/COLUMNS keyword.

$ LoadStatement#fieldsKeywordProperty in class LoadStatement

Whether to use FIELDS or COLUMNS while building.

$ SelectStatement#fromProperty in class SelectStatement

Tables used as sources for this statement.

$ Token#flagsProperty in class Token

The flags of this token.

ContextGenerator::formatName() — Method in class ContextGenerator

Formats context name.

Error::format() — Method in class Error

Formats the specified errors.

ForeignKeyClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Utils
FormatterClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Utils

Utilities that are used for formatting queries.

Formatter::formatList() — Method in class Formatter

Formats the given list of tokens.

Formatter::format() — Method in class Formatter

Formats a query.

$ Query#functionsProperty in class Query

Functions that set the flag is_func.


GroupKeywordClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Components

GROUP BY keyword parser.

OptionsArray::get() — Method in class OptionsArray

Checks if it has the specified option and returns its value.

Context::getMode() — Method in class Context

Gets the SQL mode.

GroupKeywordsClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Parsers

GROUP BY keyword parser.

Statement::getClauses() — Method in class Statement

Gets the clauses of this statement.

Statement::getClauseOrder() — Method in class Statement

Gets the clause order of this statement as an array with clause as key and index as value.

CreateStatement::getForeignKeys() — Method in class CreateStatement
$ SelectStatement#groupProperty in class SelectStatement

Conditions used for grouping the result set.

$ SelectStatement#groupOptionsProperty in class SelectStatement

List of options available for the GROUP BY component.

SelectStatement::getClauses() — Method in class SelectStatement

Gets the clauses of this statement.

SelectStatement::getAliases() — Method in class SelectStatement

Gets a list of all aliases and their original names.

Token::getInlineToken() — Method in class Token

Converts the token into an inline token by replacing tabs and new lines.

TokensList::getNext() — Method in class TokensList

Gets the next token. Skips any irrelevant token (whitespaces and comments).

TokensList::getPrevious() — Method in class TokensList

Gets the previous token. Skips any irrelevant token (whitespaces and comments).

TokensList::getPreviousOfType() — Method in class TokensList

Gets the previous token.

TokensList::getNextOfType() — Method in class TokensList

Gets the next token.

TokensList::getNextOfTypeAndValue() — Method in class TokensList

Gets the next token.

TokensList::getNextOfTypeAndFlag() — Method in class TokensList

Gets the next token.

ContextGenerator::generate() — Method in class ContextGenerator

Generates a context's class.

TestGenerator::generate() — Method in class TestGenerator

Generates a test's data.

Translator::gettext() — Method in class Translator

Translates a string.

Translator::getLocale() — Method in class Translator
CLI::getopt() — Method in class CLI
Error::get() — Method in class Error

Gets the errors of a lexer and a parser.

Formatter::getMergedOptions() — Method in class Formatter

The specified formatting options are merged with the default values.

Formatter::getDefaultOptions() — Method in class Formatter

The default formatting options.

Formatter::getDefaultFormats() — Method in class Formatter

The styles used for HTML formatting.

Formatter::getGroupLength() — Method in class Formatter

Computes the length of a group.

Query::getFlags() — Method in class Query

Gets an array with flags this statement has.

Query::getAll() — Method in class Query

Parses a query and gets all information about it.

Query::getTables() — Method in class Query

Gets a list of all tables used in this statement.

Query::getClause() — Method in class Query

Gets a specific clause.

Query::getFirstStatement() — Method in class Query

Gets the first full statement in the query.

Query::getClauseStartOffset() — Method in class Query

Gets a starting offset of a specific clause.

$ StatementFlags#groupProperty in class StatementFlags
Table::getFields() — Method in class Table

Gets fields of the table.


OptionsArray::has() — Method in class OptionsArray
Context::hasMode() — Method in class Context

Function verifies that given SQL Mode constant is currently set

$ SelectStatement#havingProperty in class SelectStatement

Conditions used for filtering the result set.

$ StatementFlags#havingProperty in class StatementFlags


$ Condition#identifiersProperty in class Condition

Identifiers recognized.

$ Condition#isOperatorProperty in class Condition

Whether this component is an operator.

$ CreateDefinition#isConstraintProperty in class CreateDefinition

Whether this field is a constraint or not.

IndexHintClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Components

Parses an Index hint.

IntoKeywordClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Components

INTO keyword parser.

$ JoinKeyword#indexHintsProperty in class JoinKeyword

Index hints

OptionsArray::isEmpty() — Method in class OptionsArray

Checks tf there are no options set.

$ ParameterDefinition#inOutProperty in class ParameterDefinition

Parameter's direction (IN, OUT or INOUT).

$ PartitionDefinition#isSubpartitionProperty in class PartitionDefinition

Whether this entry is a subpartition or a partition.

Context::isKeyword() — Method in class Context

Checks if the given string is a keyword.

Context::isOperator() — Method in class Context

Checks if the given string is an operator and returns the appropriate flag for the operator.

Context::isWhitespace() — Method in class Context

Checks if the given character is a whitespace.

Context::isComment() — Method in class Context

Checks if the given string is the beginning of a whitespace.

Context::isBool() — Method in class Context

Checks if the given string is a boolean value.

Context::isNumber() — Method in class Context

Checks if the given character can be a part of a number.

Context::isSymbol() — Method in class Context

Checks if the given character is the beginning of a symbol. A symbol can be either a variable or a field name.

Context::isString() — Method in class Context

Checks if the given character is the beginning of a string.

Context::isSeparator() — Method in class Context

Checks if the given character can be a separator for two lexeme.

IndexHintsClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Parsers

Parses an Index hint.

IntoKeywordsClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Parsers

INTO keyword parser.

InsertStatementClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Statements

INSERT statement.

$ InsertStatement#intoProperty in class InsertStatement

Tables used as target for this statement.

$ KillStatement#identifierProperty in class KillStatement

Holds the identifier if explicitly set

$ KillStatement#idKeywordUsedProperty in class KillStatement

Whether MariaDB ID keyword is used or not.

$ LoadStatement#ignoreNumberProperty in class LoadStatement

Ignore 'number' LINES/ROWS.

$ LockStatement#isLockProperty in class LockStatement

Whether it's a LOCK statement if false, it's an UNLOCK statement

$ ReplaceStatement#intoProperty in class ReplaceStatement

Tables used as target for this statement.

$ SelectStatement#indexHintsProperty in class SelectStatement

Index hints

$ SelectStatement#intoProperty in class SelectStatement

Destination of this result set.

$ TokensList#idxProperty in class TokensList

The index of the next token to be returned.

$ Formatter#inlineClausesProperty in class Formatter

Clauses that must be inlined.

Formatter::isClause() — Method in class Formatter

Checks if a token is a statement or a clause inside a statement.

$ StatementFlags#isAffectedProperty in class StatementFlags


$ StatementFlags#isAnalyseProperty in class StatementFlags

select ... PROCEDURE ANALYSE( ... ) .

$ StatementFlags#isCountProperty in class StatementFlags

select COUNT( ... ) .

$ StatementFlags#isDeleteProperty in class StatementFlags


$ StatementFlags#isExplainProperty in class StatementFlags


$ StatementFlags#isExportProperty in class StatementFlags

select ... INTO OUTFILE .

$ StatementFlags#isFuncProperty in class StatementFlags

select FUNC( ... ) .

$ StatementFlags#isGroupProperty in class StatementFlags

select ... GROUP BY ... or select ... HAVING .

$ StatementFlags#isInsertProperty in class StatementFlags


$ StatementFlags#isMaintProperty in class StatementFlags

ANALYZE ... or CHECK ... or CHECKSUM ... or OPTIMIZE ... or REPAIR .

$ StatementFlags#isProcedureProperty in class StatementFlags


$ StatementFlags#isReplaceProperty in class StatementFlags


$ StatementFlags#isSelectProperty in class StatementFlags


$ StatementFlags#isShowProperty in class StatementFlags


$ StatementFlags#isSubQueryProperty in class StatementFlags

Contains a subquery.


JoinKeywordClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Components

JOIN keyword parser.

JoinKeywordsClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Parsers

JOIN keyword parser.

$ DeleteStatement#joinProperty in class DeleteStatement
$ SelectStatement#joinProperty in class SelectStatement
$ UpdateStatement#joinProperty in class UpdateStatement
$ StatementFlags#joinProperty in class StatementFlags


$ CreateDefinition#keyProperty in class CreateDefinition

The key.

KeyClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Components

Parses the definition of a key.

$ Context#keywordsProperty in class Context

List of keywords.

KeysClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Parsers

Parses the definition of a key.

KillStatementClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Statements

KILL [HARD|SOFT] { {CONNECTION|QUERY} id | QUERY ID query_id | USER user_name }

$ Token#keywordProperty in class Token

The keyword value this token contains, always uppercase.


$ Condition#leftOperandProperty in class Condition
$ DataType#lowercaseProperty in class DataType
$ IntoKeyword#linesOptionsProperty in class IntoKeyword

Options for OPTIONS keyword.

LimitClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Components

LIMIT keyword parser.

LockExpressionClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Components

Parses a reference to a LOCK expression.

$ Context#loadedContextProperty in class Context

The name of the loaded context.

Context::load() — Method in class Context

Loads the specified context.

Context::loadClosest() — Method in class Context

Loads the context with the closest version to the one specified.

LexerExceptionClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Exceptions

Exception thrown by the lexer.

LexerClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser

Defines the lexer of the library.

$ Lexer#lenProperty in class Lexer

The length of $str.

$ Lexer#lastProperty in class Lexer

The index of the last parsed character.

$ Lexer#listProperty in class Lexer

Tokens extracted from given strings.

Lexer::lex() — Method in class Lexer

Parses the string and extracts lexemes.

$ Parser#listProperty in class Parser

The list of tokens that are parsed.

LimitsClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Parsers

LIMIT keyword parser.

LockExpressionsClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Parsers

Parses a reference to a LOCK expression.

$ Statement#lastProperty in class Statement

The index of the last token used in this statement.

$ CreateStatement#likeProperty in class CreateStatement


$ DeleteStatement#limitProperty in class DeleteStatement

Conditions used for limiting the size of the result set.

LoadStatementClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Statements

LOAD statement.

$ LoadStatement#linesOptionsProperty in class LoadStatement

Options for OPTIONS keyword.

$ LoadStatement#linesRowsProperty in class LoadStatement


LockStatementClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Statements

LOCK statement.

$ LockStatement#lockedProperty in class LockStatement

Tables with their Lock expressions.

$ PurgeStatement#logTypeProperty in class PurgeStatement

The type of logs

$ SelectStatement#limitProperty in class SelectStatement

Conditions used for limiting the size of the result set.

$ UpdateStatement#limitProperty in class UpdateStatement

Conditions used for limiting the size of the result set.

$ ContextGenerator#labelsFlagsProperty in class ContextGenerator

Labels and flags that may be used when defining keywords.

$ ContextGenerator#linksProperty in class ContextGenerator

Documentation links for each context.

Translator::load() — Method in class Translator

Loads translator.

UtfString::length() — Method in class UtfString

Returns the length in characters of the string.

$ StatementFlags#limitProperty in class StatementFlags


OptionsArray::merge() — Method in class OptionsArray

Merges the specified options with these ones. Values with same ID will be replaced.

$ Context#modeProperty in class Context

The mode of the MySQL server that will be used in lexing, parsing and building the statements.

MaintenanceStatementClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Statements

Maintenance statement.

CLI::mergeLongOpts() — Method in class CLI


$ CreateDefinition#nameProperty in class CreateDefinition

The name of the new column.

$ DataType#nameProperty in class DataType

The name of the data type.

$ FunctionCall#nameProperty in class FunctionCall

The name of this function.

$ Key#nameProperty in class Key

The name of this key.

$ ParameterDefinition#nameProperty in class ParameterDefinition

The name of the new column.

$ PartitionDefinition#nameProperty in class PartitionDefinition

The name of this partition.

$ RenameOperation#newProperty in class RenameOperation

The new table name.

$ CreateStatement#nameProperty in class CreateStatement

The name of the entity that is created.

NotImplementedStatementClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Statements

Not implemented (yet) statements.


$ AlterOperation#optionsProperty in class AlterOperation

Options of this operation.

$ Condition#operatorProperty in class Condition
$ CreateDefinition#optionsProperty in class CreateDefinition

The options of this field.

$ DataType#optionsProperty in class DataType

The options of this data type.

$ JoinKeyword#onProperty in class JoinKeyword

Join conditions.

$ Key#optionsProperty in class Key

The options of this key or null if none where found.

$ Limit#offsetProperty in class Limit

The number of rows skipped.

OptionsArrayClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Components
OrderKeywordClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Components

ORDER BY keyword parser.

$ PartitionDefinition#optionsProperty in class PartitionDefinition

The options of this field.

$ Reference#optionsProperty in class Reference

The options of the referencing.

$ RenameOperation#oldProperty in class RenameOperation

The old table name.

OptionsArraysClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Parsers

Parses a list of options.

OrderKeywordsClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Parsers

ORDER BY keyword parser.

$ Statement#optionsProperty in class Statement

The options of this query.

$ DeleteStatement#orderProperty in class DeleteStatement

Specifies the order of the rows in the result set.

$ InsertStatement#onDuplicateSetProperty in class InsertStatement

If ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause is present holds the SetOperation.

OptimizeStatementClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Statements

OPTIMIZE statement.

$ SelectStatement#orderProperty in class SelectStatement

Specifies the order of the rows in the result set.

$ SetStatement#optionsProperty in class SetStatement

Options used in current statement.

$ UpdateStatement#orderProperty in class UpdateStatement

Specifies the order of the rows in the result set.

TokensList::offsetSet() — Method in class TokensList

Sets a Token inside the list of tokens.

TokensList::offsetGet() — Method in class TokensList

Gets a Token from the list of tokens.

TokensList::offsetExists() — Method in class TokensList

Checks if an offset was previously set.

TokensList::offsetUnset() — Method in class TokensList

Unsets the value of an offset, if the offset exists.

UtfString::offsetExists() — Method in class UtfString

Checks if the given offset exists.

UtfString::offsetGet() — Method in class UtfString

Gets the character at given offset.

UtfString::offsetSet() — Method in class UtfString

Sets the value of a character.

UtfString::offsetUnset() — Method in class UtfString

Unsets an index.

$ BufferedQuery#optionsProperty in class BufferedQuery

The options of this parser.

$ Formatter#optionsProperty in class Formatter

The formatting options.

$ StatementFlags#offsetProperty in class StatementFlags
$ StatementFlags#orderProperty in class StatementFlags


$ AlterOperation#partitionsProperty in class AlterOperation

The partitions.

$ DataType#parametersProperty in class DataType

The parameters of this data type.

$ FunctionCall#parametersProperty in class FunctionCall

The list of parameters.

IntoKeyword::parseFileOptions() — Method in class IntoKeyword
ParameterDefinitionClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Components

The definition of a parameter of a function or procedure.

PartitionDefinitionClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Components

Parses the create definition of a partition.

$ PartitionDefinition#partitionOptionsProperty in class PartitionDefinition

All field options.

$ LexerException#posProperty in class LexerException

The index of the character that produced this error.

ParserExceptionClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Exceptions

Exception thrown by the parser.

Lexer::parseKeyword() — Method in class Lexer

Parses a keyword.

Lexer::parseLabel() — Method in class Lexer

Parses a label.

Lexer::parseOperator() — Method in class Lexer

Parses an operator.

Lexer::parseWhitespace() — Method in class Lexer

Parses a whitespace.

Lexer::parseComment() — Method in class Lexer

Parses a comment.

Lexer::parseBool() — Method in class Lexer

Parses a boolean.

Lexer::parseNumber() — Method in class Lexer

Parses a number.

Lexer::parseString() — Method in class Lexer

Parses a string.

Lexer::parseSymbol() — Method in class Lexer

Parses a symbol.

Lexer::parseUnknown() — Method in class Lexer

Parses unknown parts of the query.

Lexer::parseDelimiter() — Method in class Lexer

Parses the delimiter of the query.

ParseableClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser

Defines a class that offers the parse() static method.

Parseable::parse() — Method in class Parseable

Parses the tokens contained in the given list in the context of the given parser.

ParserClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser

Defines the parser of the library.

Parser::parse() — Method in class Parser

Builds the parse trees.

AlterOperations::parse() — Method in class AlterOperations
Array2d::parse() — Method in class Array2d
ArrayObjs::parse() — Method in class ArrayObjs
CaseExpressions::parse() — Method in class CaseExpressions
Conditions::parse() — Method in class Conditions
CreateDefinitions::parse() — Method in class CreateDefinitions
DataTypes::parse() — Method in class DataTypes
ExpressionArray::parse() — Method in class ExpressionArray
Expressions::parse() — Method in class Expressions

Possible options:.

FunctionCalls::parse() — Method in class FunctionCalls
GroupKeywords::parse() — Method in class GroupKeywords
IndexHints::parse() — Method in class IndexHints
IntoKeywords::parse() — Method in class IntoKeywords
JoinKeywords::parse() — Method in class JoinKeywords
Keys::parse() — Method in class Keys
Limits::parse() — Method in class Limits
LockExpressions::parse() — Method in class LockExpressions
OptionsArrays::parse() — Method in class OptionsArrays
OrderKeywords::parse() — Method in class OrderKeywords
ParameterDefinitionsClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Parsers

The definition of a parameter of a function or procedure.

ParameterDefinitions::parse() — Method in class ParameterDefinitions
PartitionDefinitionsClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Parsers

Parses the create definition of a partition.

$ PartitionDefinitions#partitionOptionsProperty in class PartitionDefinitions

All field options.

PartitionDefinitions::parse() — Method in class PartitionDefinitions
References::parse() — Method in class References
RenameOperations::parse() — Method in class RenameOperations
SetOperations::parse() — Method in class SetOperations
UnionKeywords::parse() — Method in class UnionKeywords

Parses the tokens contained in the given list in the context of the given parser.

Statement::parse() — Method in class Statement

Parses the statements defined by the tokens list.

AlterStatement::parse() — Method in class AlterStatement
$ CreateStatement#partitionByProperty in class CreateStatement

Expression used for partitioning.

$ CreateStatement#partitionsNumProperty in class CreateStatement

The number of partitions.

$ CreateStatement#partitionsProperty in class CreateStatement

The partition of the new table.

$ CreateStatement#parametersProperty in class CreateStatement

The parameters of this routine.

CreateStatement::parse() — Method in class CreateStatement
$ DeleteStatement#partitionProperty in class DeleteStatement

Partitions used as source for this statement.

DeleteStatement::parse() — Method in class DeleteStatement
ExplainStatement::parse() — Method in class ExplainStatement
InsertStatement::parse() — Method in class InsertStatement
$ KillStatement#parenthesisUsedProperty in class KillStatement

Whether parenthesis used around the identifier or not

KillStatement::parse() — Method in class KillStatement
$ LoadStatement#partitionProperty in class LoadStatement

Partitions used as source for this statement.

LoadStatement::parse() — Method in class LoadStatement
LoadStatement::parseFileOptions() — Method in class LoadStatement
LoadStatement::parseKeywordsAccordingToState() — Method in class LoadStatement
LockStatement::parse() — Method in class LockStatement
NotImplementedStatement::parse() — Method in class NotImplementedStatement
PurgeStatementClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Statements

PURGE statement.

PurgeStatement::parse() — Method in class PurgeStatement
ReplaceStatement::parse() — Method in class ReplaceStatement
$ SelectStatement#partitionProperty in class SelectStatement

Partitions used as source for this statement.

$ SelectStatement#procedureProperty in class SelectStatement

Procedure that should process the data in the result set.

SelectStatement::parse() — Method in class SelectStatement

Parses the statements defined by the tokens list.

TransactionStatement::parse() — Method in class TransactionStatement
WithStatement::parse() — Method in class WithStatement
$ Token#positionProperty in class Token

The position in the initial string where this token started.

ContextGenerator::printWords() — Method in class ContextGenerator

Prints an array of a words in PHP format.

CLI::parseHighlight() — Method in class CLI
CLI::parseLint() — Method in class CLI
CLI::parseTokenize() — Method in class CLI


$ BufferedQuery#queryProperty in class BufferedQuery

The query that is being processed.

QueryClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Utils

Statement utilities.

$ StatementFlags#queryTypeProperty in class StatementFlags

The type of the statement (which is usually the first keyword).


$ ArrayObj#rawProperty in class ArrayObj

The array that contains the unprocessed value of each token.

$ CaseExpression#resultsProperty in class CaseExpression

The results matching with the WHEN clauses.

$ Condition#rightOperandProperty in class Condition
$ CreateDefinition#referencesProperty in class CreateDefinition

The table that is referenced.

$ Limit#rowCountProperty in class Limit

The number of rows to be returned.

OptionsArray::remove() — Method in class OptionsArray

Removes the option from the array.

ReferenceClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Components

REFERENCES keyword parser.

RenameOperationClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Components

RENAME TABLE keyword parser.

ReferencesClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Parsers

REFERENCES keyword parser.

RenameOperationsClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Parsers

RENAME TABLE keyword parser.

$ CreateStatement#returnProperty in class CreateStatement

The return data type of this routine.

$ LoadStatement#replaceIgnoreProperty in class LoadStatement


RenameStatementClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Statements

RENAME statement.

$ RenameStatement#renamesProperty in class RenameStatement

The old and new names of the tables.

RepairStatementClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Statements

REPAIR statement.

ReplaceStatementClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Statements

REPLACE statement.

RestoreStatementClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Statements

RESTORE statement.

ContextGenerator::readWords() — Method in class ContextGenerator

Reads a list of words and sorts it by type, length and keyword.

CLI::run() — Method in class CLI
CLI::runHighlight() — Method in class CLI
CLI::runLint() — Method in class CLI
CLI::runTokenize() — Method in class CLI
CLI::readStdin() — Method in class CLI
Query::replaceClause() — Method in class Query

Builds a query by rebuilding the statement from the tokens list supplied and replaces a clause.

Query::replaceClauses() — Method in class Query

Builds a query by rebuilding the statement from the tokens list supplied and replaces multiple clauses.

$ StatementFlags#reloadProperty in class StatementFlags

Whether a page reload is required.


$ Expression#subqueryProperty in class Expression

The type of subquery.

$ PartitionDefinition#subpartitionsProperty in class PartitionDefinition

The subpartitions of this partition.

SetOperationClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Components
$ WithKeyword#statementProperty in class WithKeyword
Context::setMode() — Method in class Context

Sets the SQL mode.

$ Lexer#strProperty in class Lexer

The string to be parsed.

Lexer::setDelimiter() — Method in class Lexer

Sets the delimiter.

$ Parser#statementsProperty in class Parser

List of statements parsed.

SetOperationsClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Parsers

SET keyword parser.

StatementClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser

The result of the parser is an array of statements are extensions of the class defined here.

$ Statement#statementOptionsProperty in class Statement

Options for this statement.

$ AlterStatement#statementOptionsProperty in class AlterStatement

Options of this statement.

$ AnalyzeStatement#statementOptionsProperty in class AnalyzeStatement

Options of this statement.

$ BackupStatement#statementOptionsProperty in class BackupStatement

Options of this statement.

$ CheckStatement#statementOptionsProperty in class CheckStatement

Options of this statement.

$ ChecksumStatement#statementOptionsProperty in class ChecksumStatement

Options of this statement.

$ CreateStatement#statementOptionsProperty in class CreateStatement

Options for CREATE statements.

$ CreateStatement#selectProperty in class CreateStatement


$ CreateStatement#subpartitionByProperty in class CreateStatement

Expression used for subpartitioning.

$ CreateStatement#subpartitionsNumProperty in class CreateStatement

The number of subpartitions.

$ DeleteStatement#statementOptionsProperty in class DeleteStatement

Options for DELETE statements.

$ DropStatement#statementOptionsProperty in class DropStatement

Options of this statement.

$ ExplainStatement#statementAliasProperty in class ExplainStatement

The statement alias, could be any of the following:

$ InsertStatement#statementOptionsProperty in class InsertStatement

Options for INSERT statements.

$ InsertStatement#setProperty in class InsertStatement

If SET clause is present holds the SetOperation.

$ InsertStatement#selectProperty in class InsertStatement

If SELECT clause is present holds the SelectStatement.

$ KillStatement#statementOptionsProperty in class KillStatement

Options of this statement.

$ LoadStatement#statementOptionsProperty in class LoadStatement

Options for LOAD statements and their slot ID.

$ LoadStatement#setProperty in class LoadStatement

SET clause's updated values(optional).

$ OptimizeStatement#statementOptionsProperty in class OptimizeStatement

Options of this statement.

$ RepairStatement#statementOptionsProperty in class RepairStatement

Options of this statement.

$ ReplaceStatement#statementOptionsProperty in class ReplaceStatement

Options for REPLACE statements and their slot ID.

$ ReplaceStatement#setProperty in class ReplaceStatement

If SET clause is present holds the SetOperation.

$ ReplaceStatement#selectProperty in class ReplaceStatement

If SELECT clause is present holds the SelectStatement.

$ RestoreStatement#statementOptionsProperty in class RestoreStatement

Options of this statement.

SelectStatementClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Statements

SELECT statement.

$ SelectStatement#statementOptionsProperty in class SelectStatement

Options for SELECT statements and their slot ID.

SetStatementClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Statements

SET statement.

$ SetStatement#statementOptionsProperty in class SetStatement

Possible exceptions in SET statement.

$ SetStatement#setProperty in class SetStatement

The updated values.

ShowStatementClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Statements

SHOW statement.

$ ShowStatement#statementOptionsProperty in class ShowStatement

Options of this statement.

$ TransactionStatement#statementsProperty in class TransactionStatement

The list of statements in this transaction.

$ TransactionStatement#statementOptionsProperty in class TransactionStatement

Options for this query.

$ TruncateStatement#statementOptionsProperty in class TruncateStatement

Options for TRUNCATE statements.

$ UpdateStatement#statementOptionsProperty in class UpdateStatement

Options for UPDATE statements and their slot ID.

$ UpdateStatement#setProperty in class UpdateStatement

The updated values.

$ WithStatement#statementOptionsProperty in class WithStatement

Options for WITH statements and their slot ID.

ContextGenerator::sortWords() — Method in class ContextGenerator

Sorts an array of words.

Translator::setLocale() — Method in class Translator
$ BufferedQuery#statusProperty in class BufferedQuery

The current status of the parser.

BufferedQuery::setDelimiter() — Method in class BufferedQuery

Sets the delimiter.

$ Formatter#shortClausesProperty in class Formatter

Clauses that are usually short.

StatementFlagsClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Utils
$ StatementFlags#selectFromProperty in class StatementFlags


StatementInfoClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Utils


$ CreateDefinition#typeProperty in class CreateDefinition

The data type of thew new column.

$ Expression#tableProperty in class Expression

The name of this table.

$ GroupKeyword#typeProperty in class GroupKeyword
$ IntoKeyword#typeProperty in class IntoKeyword

Type of target (OUTFILE or SYMBOL).

$ JoinKeyword#typeProperty in class JoinKeyword

Type of this join.

$ Key#typeProperty in class Key

The type of this key.

$ LockExpression#tableProperty in class LockExpression

The table to be locked.

$ LockExpression#typeProperty in class LockExpression

The type of lock to be applied.

$ OrderKeyword#typeProperty in class OrderKeyword

The order type.

$ ParameterDefinition#typeProperty in class ParameterDefinition

The data type of thew new column.

$ PartitionDefinition#typeProperty in class PartitionDefinition

The type of this partition (what follows the VALUES keyword).

$ Reference#tableProperty in class Reference

The referenced table.

$ ParserException#tokenProperty in class ParserException

The token that produced this error.

$ AlterStatement#tableProperty in class AlterStatement

Table affected.

$ AnalyzeStatement#tablesProperty in class AnalyzeStatement

Analyzed tables.

$ CreateStatement#tableProperty in class CreateStatement

If CREATE TRIGGER the name of the table.

$ DropStatement#tableProperty in class DropStatement

Table of the dropped index.

$ LoadStatement#tableProperty in class LoadStatement

Table used as destination for this statement.

$ MaintenanceStatement#tablesProperty in class MaintenanceStatement

Tables maintained.

$ OptimizeStatement#tablesProperty in class OptimizeStatement

Optimized tables.

TransactionStatementClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Statements

Transaction statement.

$ TransactionStatement#typeProperty in class TransactionStatement

The type of this query.

TruncateStatementClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Statements

TRUNCATE statement.

$ TruncateStatement#tableProperty in class TruncateStatement

The name of the truncated table.

$ UpdateStatement#tablesProperty in class UpdateStatement

Tables used as sources for this statement.

TokenClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser

Defines a token along with a set of types and flags and utility functions.

$ Token#tokenProperty in class Token

The token it its raw string representation.

$ Token#typeProperty in class Token

The type of this token.

TokensListClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser

Defines an array of tokens and utility functions to iterate through it.

TestGeneratorClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Tools

Used for test generation.

TranslatorClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser

Defines the localization helper infrastructure of the library.

Formatter::toString() — Method in class Formatter

Tries to print the query and returns the result.

TableClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Utils

Table utilities.


$ JoinKeyword#usingProperty in class JoinKeyword

Columns in Using clause.

UnionKeywordsClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Parsers

UNION keyword builder.

$ DeleteStatement#usingProperty in class DeleteStatement

Tables used as sources for this statement.

$ NotImplementedStatement#unknownProperty in class NotImplementedStatement

The part of the statement that can't be parsed.

$ SelectStatement#unionProperty in class SelectStatement
UpdateStatementClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Statements

UPDATE statement.

UtfStringClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser

Implementation for UTF-8 strings.

CLI::usageHighlight() — Method in class CLI
CLI::usageLint() — Method in class CLI
CLI::usageTokenize() — Method in class CLI
$ StatementFlags#unionProperty in class StatementFlags


$ ArrayObj#valuesProperty in class ArrayObj

The array that contains the processed value of each token.

$ CaseExpression#valueProperty in class CaseExpression

The value to be compared.

$ IntoKeyword#valuesProperty in class IntoKeyword

The values to be selected into (SELECT .. INTO @var1).

$ SetOperation#valueProperty in class SetOperation

The new value.

Statement::validateClauseOrder() — Method in class Statement

Validates the order of the clauses in parsed statement Ideally this should be called after successfully completing the parsing of each statement.

$ InsertStatement#valuesProperty in class InsertStatement

Values to be inserted.

$ ReplaceStatement#valuesProperty in class ReplaceStatement

Values to be replaced.

$ Token#valueProperty in class Token

The value this token contains (i.e. token after some evaluation).


WithKeywordClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Components

WITH keyword builder.

$ CreateStatement#withProperty in class CreateStatement


$ DeleteStatement#whereProperty in class DeleteStatement

Conditions used for filtering each row of the result set.

$ InsertStatement#withProperty in class InsertStatement

If WITH CTE is present holds the WithStatement.

$ SelectStatement#whereProperty in class SelectStatement

Conditions used for filtering each row of the result set.

$ UpdateStatement#whereProperty in class UpdateStatement

Conditions used for filtering each row of the result set.

WithStatementClass in namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Statements

WITH statement.

$ WithStatement#withersProperty in class WithStatement


AlterOperation::__construct() — Method in class AlterOperation
AlterOperation::__toString() — Method in class AlterOperation
ArrayObj::__construct() — Method in class ArrayObj
ArrayObj::__toString() — Method in class ArrayObj
CaseExpression::__toString() — Method in class CaseExpression
Condition::__construct() — Method in class Condition
Condition::__toString() — Method in class Condition
CreateDefinition::__construct() — Method in class CreateDefinition
CreateDefinition::__toString() — Method in class CreateDefinition
DataType::__construct() — Method in class DataType
DataType::__toString() — Method in class DataType
Expression::__construct() — Method in class Expression

Syntax: new Expression('expr') new Expression('expr', 'alias') new Expression('database', 'table', 'column') new Expression('database', 'table', 'column', 'alias')

Expression::__toString() — Method in class Expression
FunctionCall::__construct() — Method in class FunctionCall
FunctionCall::__toString() — Method in class FunctionCall
GroupKeyword::__construct() — Method in class GroupKeyword
GroupKeyword::__toString() — Method in class GroupKeyword
IndexHint::__construct() — Method in class IndexHint
IndexHint::__toString() — Method in class IndexHint
IntoKeyword::__construct() — Method in class IntoKeyword
IntoKeyword::__toString() — Method in class IntoKeyword
JoinKeyword::__construct() — Method in class JoinKeyword
JoinKeyword::__toString() — Method in class JoinKeyword
Key::__construct() — Method in class Key
Key::__toString() — Method in class Key
Limit::__construct() — Method in class Limit
Limit::__toString() — Method in class Limit
LockExpression::__toString() — Method in class LockExpression
OptionsArray::__construct() — Method in class OptionsArray
OptionsArray::__toString() — Method in class OptionsArray
OrderKeyword::__construct() — Method in class OrderKeyword
OrderKeyword::__toString() — Method in class OrderKeyword
ParameterDefinition::__construct() — Method in class ParameterDefinition
ParameterDefinition::__toString() — Method in class ParameterDefinition
PartitionDefinition::__toString() — Method in class PartitionDefinition
Reference::__construct() — Method in class Reference
Reference::__toString() — Method in class Reference
RenameOperation::__construct() — Method in class RenameOperation
RenameOperation::__toString() — Method in class RenameOperation
SetOperation::__construct() — Method in class SetOperation
SetOperation::__toString() — Method in class SetOperation
WithKeyword::__construct() — Method in class WithKeyword
WithKeyword::__toString() — Method in class WithKeyword
LexerException::__construct() — Method in class LexerException
ParserException::__construct() — Method in class ParserException
Lexer::__construct() — Method in class Lexer
Parser::__construct() — Method in class Parser
Statement::__construct() — Method in class Statement
Statement::__toString() — Method in class Statement

Builds the string representation of this statement.

Token::__construct() — Method in class Token
TokensList::__construct() — Method in class TokensList
UtfString::__construct() — Method in class UtfString
UtfString::__toString() — Method in class UtfString

Returns the contained string.

BufferedQuery::__construct() — Method in class BufferedQuery
CLI::__construct() — Method in class CLI
ForeignKey::__construct() — Method in class ForeignKey
Formatter::__construct() — Method in class Formatter
StatementInfo::__construct() — Method in class StatementInfo